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發布時間: 2024-09-14 15:34:30

① 七年級外研版英語下冊M3U2課文翻譯




② 朋友要去你家,給她介紹一下你家周邊的環境,英語作文,要翻譯,謝謝

I like my living place very much. It is a nice white house with a big yard. The evironment is very good. There are lots of beautiful trees and flowers aound our village. When spring comes,the flowers and grass come out.the trees turn green .Willow Shoots out a new, switchgrass braids flying as girls.Peachflowers bloom of smiling faces to welcome this beautiful spring. It is really beautiful. There is a big parking lot near my home. There are two supermarkets, a post office, a bank and so on. So it is really convenient.

③ 我是過來旅遊的,住在朋友家翻譯英語

I am a tourist here, staying at a friend's home.

④ 翻譯一篇短文翻譯成英語 我的叔叔在朋友家聚會,天色已晚了 ,我的叔叔也喝醉了,便開車回家,朋友問他能

My uncle attended a gathering in his friend's house. The night was late andmy uncle was drunk. He decided to drive back home. His friends asked him:" Are you okay?" He said:"No problem!" On the way home, an accident occurred -- my uncled crushed into a tree. My uncle's arm and leg ware hurt, he was sent to the hospital, my uncle's driving licence was suspended too. Remember: do not drive after drinking.

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