當前位置:首頁 » 作文翻譯 » 導致很多問題翻譯成英語怎麼說


發布時間: 2024-09-14 14:54:32

A. 他們問了我許多問題,把我弄糊塗了(翻譯成英語)

They asked so many questions that they totally confused me.
They asked so many questions that I was totally confused.

B. 許多不好的習慣可能損害人的健康,導致一系列問題。用英語怎樣翻譯

Many bad habits that might damage people's health, leading to a series of problems

C. "很多錯誤使得此次嘗試無功而返"翻譯成英語怎麼說

Many flaws make this attemp end up in vain.

D. 當然,假日旅遊帶給人們娛樂的同時也帶來了很多問題用英語怎麼翻譯

Traveling on holiday brings people not only entertainment but also many probelms .

E. 翻譯成英語:造成這種問題的的原因有很多,但主要是因為夢想的缺失。不一定要摳字眼翻譯,意思到了就可以

this issue caused by many factors, one of which is caused by dream missing

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