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發布時間: 2024-09-13 04:33:09

A. 請把下面一段話翻譯成英文。不要用翻譯工具翻譯。謝謝!!

自從2007年6月29日第一代蘋果手機上市以來,它的影響力逐漸遍及我們的生活的各個層面。它對世界的影響主要表現在以下五個方面。Since June 29, 2007 the first generation of Apple's mobile phone market, its influence spread throughout our life at all levels. It 's impact on the world is mainly manifested in the following five aspects.
1.全新的人機互動體驗——iPhone的屏幕虛擬鍵盤給人們帶來了一種簡單使用感受,激發了一批新的受用群體。2011年10月,憑借語音控制功能——siri,蘋果公司再次震撼了輸入程序。這項語音識別技術使得用戶可以「說」出指令。1 new human-computer interactive experience -- iPhone virtual keyboard to bring a simple use of feelings, arouse a batch of new benefit groups. In 2011 October, with voice control function -- Siri, Apple Corp again shook the input program. The speech recognition technology allows the user to " say " instruction.
2. 崛起的應用程序——iPhone最關鍵的特性是它的手持設備操作系統:iOS,以及2008年開放的應用商店,正是它將iphone變成了一部無所不能的手機。2 the rise of iPhone application -- the key characteristic is its handheld device operating system: iOS, as well as the app store opened in 2008, is the iPhone it will become a part of the mobile phone be equal to anything.
3. 永不間斷的互聯網——iPhone開創了一個全天候網路新時代。它模糊了工作與休閑的界線,培養了一種時時在線的交流方式,也引發了一系列關於如何正確使用智能手機的規則制定。3 nonstop Internet -- iPhone ushered in a new era of all-weather network. It blurs the boundaries of work and leisure, cultivate a kind of always online communication, also caused a series of how to correctly use the intelligent mobile phone rule.
4. 供應鏈激進主義——隨著蘋果公司成為當今世界資產市值第一的公司,它的生產供應鏈也越來越頻繁地暴露在鎂光燈之下。4 supply chain radicalism -- with Apple Corp to become an asset in today's world 's first company, its proction of supply chain is becoming more and more frequent exposure in the spotlight.
5. 一場產業復興——iPhone催生了一種更為強大的手機類型,如今大多主要手機生產商都已經生產了觸屏智能手機。 5 a revival -- iPhone spawned a more powerful mobile phone type, now most main mobile phone manufacturers have the proction of touch screen mobile phone.
Iphone entered the market in five years, the instry of new and high technology to prosperity and innovation. Perhaps soon, the next shock technology the epoch-making procts will appear again.

B. 「人機工程」英語怎麼翻譯


1. ergonomic

C. 人機料法環 英文怎麼翻譯

是對全面質量管理理論中的五個影響產品質量的主要因素的簡稱。人,指製造產品的人員;機,製造產品所用的設備;料,指製造產品所使用的原材料;法,指製造產品所使用的方法;環,指產品製造過程中所處的環境。 應分別翻譯成:Man, Machine, Material, Method and Environment.

D. 英語interactive timeout怎麼翻譯

interactive timeout翻譯成中文的意思是。互動式超時


秒為單位; 超時間隔; 前等待活動的秒數


  • 秒為單位

    關閉的連接)時,就會將它們清除掉。 MySQL本身可以通過調整interactive-timeout(秒為單位)配置參數,更改空閑連接的過期時間,所以在設置timeBetweenEvictionRunsMilli

E. 這些用英語怎麼翻譯,不要用網上網站翻譯


陳述要點 to present the main points (in the thesis/ report)

現狀分析 the analysis of the current situation

運動,需要大量的時間 movement,it needs a lot of time

健康內的生活方式 the healthy living styles

年輕的電腦容一族 the young "PC-Generation "

設計意義 significance of this design

問題概念化 conceptualization of issues

概念具體化 to detail the concept

概念可視化 to visulize the concept

深化概念 to deepen the concept

使用方式 the ways of using (sth.)

便攜 portable

人機分析 analysis by both human and computuer programming

F. 人機對話的英文,人機對話的翻譯,怎麼用英語翻譯人機

人機對話 man-machine conversation
; man-machine dialog
; man-machine interaction


Though much of the information is Web-based and interactive, there are plenty of links to other sites for additional printables and downloads.

柯普和埃米利 豪厄爾之間會有一個音樂性質的人機對話,內容包括特定的函數和語句,然後柯普會給這些特定的音樂語句標上「對」或「錯」。

Cope and Emily Howell engage in a musical conversation involving certain compositions or statements, where Cope will label certain musical statements "yes" or "no."


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