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發布時間: 2024-09-13 02:49:34

㈠ 讀報紙英語怎麼說

問題一:報紙用英語怎麼讀? 你好,很高興為你解答,正確的答案是,

問題二:!報紙的英文怎麼讀? 報紙的讀法

問題三:我想要讀報紙用英語怎麼說兩種方法 英文原文:
I want to read the newspaper
[a?] [w?nt] [t?; before a vowel; t?; stressed; tu?] [ri?d] [e?] [?nju?zpe?p?; ?nju?s-]
[a?] [wnt] [tu?t?] [rid] [e?] [?nuzpep?]

問題四:報紙用英語怎麼讀 newspaper 報紙 [拼音] [bao(第四聲) (第三聲)] 英語名稱:newsprint a newspaper ; a broadsheet 相關片語前端處理 (記者可以在自己的終端機上直接輸入報紙文本而省去傳統的排字過程) front-ending 【新聞】大眾化報紙; 通俗報紙 popular paper = Pan - Asian Newspaper Alliance (香港)泛亞報紙同盟 PANANEWS 官方報紙 an official newspaper 主編(報紙,雜志等);擔任(出版物等)的編輯 edit 在報紙上登廣告 to put an advertisement in a newspaper 專門造謠中傷之報紙或雜志 *** ear-sheet (報紙等)滿版的;全頁的 full-page 【新聞】高級報紙; 嚴肅報紙 quality paper 【英】煙報店(兼售報紙、煙、糖、文具等雜貨的小鋪子);報刊銷售店 paper shop 【美】(報紙、廣播的)頭條新聞 lead story 剪輯(報紙、雜志等) clip 日本經濟新聞社 (提供日本商業金融新聞和信息的組織, 旗下擁有多種報紙、雜志和書籍等媒體) Nikkei 【美】【口】(報紙的)專欄版,特寫稿版( opposite editorial page 的縮略) op-ed (報紙等的)彩色增刊 colour supplement 過期報紙 a back number 編報紙 to edit a newspaper 【英】(報紙的)社論 leader (報紙)人事要聞欄;私人廣告欄 personal column 行業報紙 a trade paper (報紙等的)標題;大標題 headline 白報紙 newsprint ; newspaper 外文報紙 a foreign language newspaper 外國報紙 a foreign newspaper 報紙[newspaper(s)]是以刊載新聞和時事評論為主的定期向公眾發行的印刷出版物。是大眾傳播的重要載體,具有反映和引導社會輿論的功能。

問題五:報紙用英語怎麼說 報紙
1. (以刊載新聞和評論為主的定期出版物) newspaper或 journal:
例句: 「The Capital Gazatte」, first published in the Han Dynasty (206 B. C.-220 A. D.), was the earliest newspaper in the world.
2. (白報紙或新聞紙) newsprint
newspaper ['nju:s,peip?, 'nju:z-]
n. 報紙
1. 報紙包裝機 newspaper packing machine;
2. 報紙處理控制 newspaper handling control;
3. 報紙處理設備 newspaper handling equipments;
4. 報紙傳真機 newspaper page facsimile apparatus;
5. 報紙疊碼機構[堆積機] newspaper stackers;
6. 報紙計數器 newspaper counters;
7. 報紙夾 newspaper holder;
8. 報紙經銷者 roadmen;
9. 報紙捆紮機 newspaper bundling mach飢ne;
10. 報紙鉛版自動鑄版機 autoplate;
11. 報紙凸版輪轉印刷機 newspaper rotary letterpress machine;
12. 報紙印刷 newspaper printing
希望對你有幫助 如有疑問請在線交談 望採納 謝謝

問題六:讀報英文怎麼說 讀報?


㈡ 讀報紙獲取新聞英文翻譯

read newspapers to get some news!親,給個採納吧!

㈢ 康康正在讀英語報紙翻譯

Kangkang is reading English newspapers now.

㈣ 我非常喜歡讀報紙。翻譯為英語是

I very much enjoy reading the newspaper.

㈤ 讀報紙翻譯成英語怎麼寫

Read the newspaper

㈥ 我爺爺喜歡讀報紙,英文

My grandfather likes to read the newspapers.

㈦ 「讀報紙」的英語翻譯到底是哪一個

報紙是不可數名詞 如 一張報紙是 a piece of newspaper 讀報紙當然是 reading newspaper 希望可以幫到你

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