當前位置:首頁 » 作文翻譯 » 我現在高了吧英語怎麼翻譯成英文


發布時間: 2024-09-12 17:06:23

㈠ 和我一樣高翻譯成英語怎麼說

as tall as me

㈡ 「過去我很矮,但現在高了,因為我堅持每天做運動。」請問這句話該如何表達用英語翻譯

I used to be short, but now I am tall because I insist on doing exercise every day.

㈢ 我比以前高了,用英語怎麼說

I am taller than before

㈣ 把以下語段翻譯成英語 我的知心朋友是我初中同學也是我小學同學,現在到高中了,我們不在同一個學...

My intimate friend was also my junior high school friend and my first school friend. Now in senior high, we are studying in different schools. I am missing her very much! She is a nice girl with very good character. We used to exchange words from our hearts. When met with difficult questions, which we would discuss it together and then faced it together.
I wasn't doing very well in school and she had often helped me to study. Her temperament was the same with me but her learning attitude was much more serious than me. During the 3 years in junior high school, we ate, sleeping and attended class.....and were doing everything together. We had never kept any secrets from each other!
I am now missing her a lot, and also longing to have some new friends at the same time. I can help you to solve the anguish in your hearts and really wish you all can be my friends!

㈤ 英語翻譯他比我高兩公分.用英語怎麼說,有

He is two centimeters taller than I am.
He is two centimeters taller than me.

㈥ 我以前很矮現在很高用英語怎麼說

I used to be very short, but I'm very tall now.

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