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發布時間: 2024-09-11 15:39:32

A. 寫一篇know myself的英語作文

People have to know himself.
Self is the common pursuit of mankind. Recognize the self is the psychological development of each person to a certain stage of the inevitable desire to proce, but also the social requirements for each person. The person who can not understand the self, is the person who is not mature. If a person always can not understand himself, then he is a person who always does not grow up. What is self? What is the role of self? How do people know themselves? This a series of problems plagued the philosopher generations of wise. Now people finally realized, a person except made of flesh and blood and a variety of physiological organs constitute the physical self, there is also a composed of various roles played by indivials in the society of social self and a composed of various kinds of psychological factors of psychological self. Since man's self is made up of these three aspects, the cognition of self is usually carried out in three ways. Namely: understanding their physiological status (such as body growth and physiological characteristics of); understanding of his relationship with the outside world (such as environmental impact of its own and its social position, function, power and responsibility, etc.); understanding their psychological status (such as knowledge, ability, thoughts and emotions). On the "self", and a popular classification methods that exist in the objective world of the "I" is the real "I"; exists in the subjective sense of "I", the "I" in his (her) own mind, namely the subjective "I". The so-called self knowledge, is the subject of the subject of knowledge to know that the existence of the external world, the objective of "i". And subjective "I" is the proct of the objective "I". To understand this, it is helpful for people to strengthen the self psychological training. Make people not forget the unity of subjective and objective. A psychological mature man, his mind in the subjective "I" and the external objective "I" should be basically consistent. So, what method is used to identify themselves, so that the subjective "I" and the objective "I"? There are generally three ways. One is to know yourself from your past experience; three is to know yourself in the comparison with others; two is to know yourself from others. Self understanding, must be "three pronged". Without any one way, will cause the deviation of self recognition. Some people used to from the past experience and self. In this way it is possible to: because of the past achievement (for example, have been in a quiz show too ranking) and complacent, or e to previous failures (such as a active contacts frustrated) and afraid to move forward. Some people blindly to compare with others, consciousness is stronger than the others, blindly arrogant, self better and proce inferiority; and some people too much attention others on their own evaluation that others scraps or even just inadvertently a look, a loud sigh will disturb his understanding of the self. Obviously, there are three ways to realize self, but each one is not easy to use. Because people should not pay attention to a little bit of a one-sided, must always remind ourselves: a comprehensive understanding of self! More comprehensive! Can be very accurate to the subjective "I" and the objective "I" at the high level of people is rare, and often cause subjective "I" and the objective "I" certain gap. The ideal model of cognition is: from the three ways of understanding self, the part of the self (physical self, social self, psychological self) to do a comprehensive study. The more attention we pay attention to the self, the more we are close to the ideal model, so the more we can see ourselves. Self understanding, seemingly and college students' career choice no matter, because "the professional the occupation is set, regardless of a person to know his ego, anyway, his work is inseparable from this range." However, this seemingly correct view implies a risk, it is possible because of the relaxation of self cultivation and adapt to the poor. It would be too much to pay a price if it was a lesson to be known as "self". Nowadays, people on the job of some college students have such an evaluation: "see the oneself is very high, but to solve the actual problem ability is not. Therefore, some employers prefer degree low but without respecting the ills of secondary school students rather than accepting college graates. Just to say, "skill is not big" can not blame College students. Schools and teachers in this regard is responsible, but "conceited" and even result in adverse social reactions, but with some of the students in the school pay great attention to self-cultivation is not great relationship. Can not correctly understand self, and can not control themselves, the direct consequences of one of the treatment is not good interpersonal relationship. But the good or bad, will directly affect the indivial in the new step of the actual value of the job and the development prospects of life. Modern social scholars tell us, a person's success or not, and IQ is a certain relationship, but, more important factor is a person's emotional quotient. Correct understanding of self, is an important part of Eq. One has to know himself, the ancients do not deceive me too. People have to know himself.



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