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發布時間: 2024-09-11 14:06:35

❶ 寫一篇英語作文:假如你是李華,你的筆友Jim最近沉溺於玩電腦游戲,為此你很擔心,寫一封信勸勸他,字


Dear Jim,

It is said that you are addicted to computer games recently. I am writing this letter to tell you that it is not good to inlge in computer games.

Computer games can only relax us properly. Inlging in it will only make us depressed. Although you may play well in the game world, you screw up a lot of things in the real world.

For example, you may have messed up the simplest daily life, which is not worth the loss. So I hope you can quit computer games and return to normal life as soon as possible.

If you can't quit computer games, I'll be very worried about you. I wish you to quit computer games as soon as possible.

Truly yours.







❷ 陳明沉迷於電腦游戲 要寫一篇讓他從電腦游戲里走出來的英語作文怎麼寫


❸ 求一篇英語作文(使用電腦)80詞左右,!!!!!!



As known to all ,computers play an important role in our daily life now .But teenagers are always addicted to computer games, which makes them sink to a lower position. It dawns on me that we should use computer correctly. We can search useful information that we need from Internet. In addition, we can read some inspiring stories to enrich our knowledge. Furthermore, we can play games properly to lighten heavy burden of schoolwork.
In general, these correct ways to use computer have a positive effect on our study and life.
眾所周知,現在電腦我們日常生活中起著重要的作用。但是青少年一直沉迷於電腦游戲中,這使我們成績下滑。這使我明白我們應該正確使用電腦。我們能從網上尋找我們所需要的信息。此外,我們能閱讀一些鼓舞人心的故事來豐富我們的知識。再者,我們可以適當得玩游戲來減輕沉重的學習負擔。 總得來說,這些正確使用電腦的方式對我們的學習和生活有著積極的影響。

❹ 英語作文(一些如何不玩電腦的建議)

In the information society is not completely out of the network is also unrealistic, so quit addiction to the Internet to promote the green. Leopard change his spots, in fact, addiction is particularly hard to quit, as long as, perseverance, and slowly work is to change the character, played down the addiction to a happy harvest! Start with small things, from the details of the start. First, restore confidence and re-inspire the passion of life! You can take the following recommendations: 1, do you like to do things, do things they are good at and find the joy of success, get back the lost confidence, find the forward momentum and direction; 2, the heart was tired, people worry to rest break, making my mind to travel, you can go hiking, watching the sea, feel the magnificent scenery, embrace nature, with nature; 3, you can do like some of the movement of vent, recommended running, walking and basketball. Running for exercise, exercise, and improve the human will and enrance; people can walk for relaxation; basketball that people can learn, to augment the concept of team spirit and collective; 4, you can find close friends get-together, a drink , talk to friends, let your heart warm friendship break the boredom, depression and loneliness; 5, multi-family and chat, or call, strengthen communication, enhance feelings, told his family that I love them;6, looking for intimate lovers, so that sublimate your feelings of love, embellishment of your life and illuminate your soul; 7, is not convenient if you have any trouble with family and friends said, you can chat with strangers online, pour about, you can also find new friends;8 , online diary, write down the bits of life9, can Sanwuji shopping, maybe have an unexpected or accidental food bargains waiting for you, where you can reap unexpected surprise; 10, learn find the joy of learning, progress, improve their academic performance, combined with their own interests to look at the books, planning their own path of professional and employment, planning their own path in life;11, can watch their favorite family appropriate drama, family members can also chat, promote feelings; 12, interested can read their own books, to broaden their horizons, increase knowledge, knowledge, learning and work to lay a good foundation; 13, you can practice your calligraphy, painting painting, piano or other musical instruments, strive to increase the temperament; 14, to promote green Internet, look at the news, play games properly, but not obsessed, so to pass the time; 15, appropriate chores at home, both to maintain the health, there can be family members praise the joys of life can be. 這篇文章的中文意思是 在是信息社會,完全脫離網路也是不好是,也是不現實的,所以戒網癮要提倡綠色上網.江山易改本性難移,其實網癮也特別難戒,只要,堅持不懈,慢慢努力是改變性格,淡化網癮了,從而收獲快樂的!從小事情做起,從細節入手。首先恢復信心,重新激發生活的熱情!你可以採取以下建議:1,做自己喜歡做的事情,做自己擅長的事情,找回成功的喜悅,找回失去的信心,找到前進動力和方向;2,心累了,人煩惱了就歇歇,讓心靈去旅行,可以去爬山,看海,感受壯麗風光,擁抱自然,融入自然;3,可以做喜歡的運動發泄一些,推薦跑步,散步和籃球。跑步可以鍛煉身體,鍛煉和提高人的意志和忍耐力;散步可以讓人休閑,放鬆;籃球可以讓人學會配合,增強團隊意識和集體觀念;4,可以找知心朋友小聚,小酌幾杯,向朋友傾訴,讓溫馨的友情驅散你內心的無聊,苦悶和孤獨;5,多和家人聊天,或者打電話,加強溝通,增進感情,告訴家人,我愛他們;6,尋找知心戀人,讓愛情升華你的情感,點綴你的生活,照亮你的靈魂;7,如果有什麼煩惱不方便和朋友,家人說的,可以上網於陌生人聊天,傾吐一下,也可以找到新的朋友;8,在網上寫日記,記下生活的點滴;9,可以和三五知己逛街購物,說不定有意外的便宜貨或者意外的美食在等著你,從中你可以收獲意外的驚喜;10,好好學習,找到學習的樂趣,不斷進步,提高自己的學習成績,結合自己的興趣多看有關書籍,規劃好自己的專業和就業道路,規劃好自己的人生道路;11,可以和家人適當地觀看自己喜愛的電視劇,同時又可以和家人聊聊天,增進感情;12,可以閱讀自己感興趣的書籍,開拓視野,增長見聞,豐富知識,為學習和工作打下良好的基礎;13,可以練練書法,畫畫,鋼琴或者其它樂器,陶冶情操,增加氣質;14,提倡綠色上網,看看新聞,適當玩玩游戲,但是不是沉迷,這樣可以打發時間;15,適當地在家裡做家務,這樣既可以保持衛生,有可以得到家人的贊揚,可以得到生活的樂趣. 您可以選擇適當減少些,希望您能採納

❺ 勸同學戒掉電腦游戲的英語作文150字

Computer games is a hot topic nowadays. Some people hold that it is bad. And others hold that it is good. In my view, whether good or bad is determined by the players.

If one plays computer game properly in his spare time, computer games can be an excellent source of joy. For example, something impossible in your real life can be realized in the computer
games. You can pilot a space craft and travel in the universe. Every coin has two sides. If one plays computer game excessivly, it may affects his eyesight and study.

The computer games itself is only a tool like knife. If we use it properly, it can pare apples. But if we use it to attack others. It immediatly becomes an lethal weapon.

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