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❶ 英語翻譯:旅遊第一站是XX、第二站是XX、第三站是XX 用English怎麼表達~ 求~~~

the first/second/third place
用place就可以啊 千萬不要試圖去逐字翻譯 知道「站」此處的意思 表達出來就行 尤其是口回語 要自然一答點

The first place we will visit is...

❷ 地鐵站的起點終點用英語怎麼說 誰幫忙翻譯一下這四個.起點站,終點站,普通站點,換乘站點

starting point
terminal station
normal station
transfer station

❸ 站在別人的角度考慮英文怎麼翻譯

  1. standing at other people's point of view

  2. consider things from other'spoint of view



英 [stænd] 美 [stænd]

verb【不規則形式】 stood, stood





vt.& vi.站立,(使)直立,站著

1. 站立;立;直立 to be on your feet; to be in a vertical position

[V] She was too weak to stand. 她虛弱得站都站不住。

2. [V] ~ (up) 站起來;起立 to get up onto your feet from another position

Everyone stood when the President came in. 總統進來,大家都站了起來。

3. [VN + adv./prep.] 使直立;豎放;使站立 to put sth/sb in a vertical position somewhere

Stand the ladder up against the wall. 把梯子靠牆立好。

4. [V + adv./prep.] 位於(某處) to be in a particular place

The castle stands on the site of an ancient battlefield. 那座城堡坐落在一片古戰場上。

5. [V-ADJ] 處於(某種狀態或情形) to be in a particular condition or situation

The house stood empty for a long time. 那所房子空了好長一段時間。

6. [V-N](not used in the progressive tenses 不用於進行時)高度為;高達 to be a particular height

The tower stands 30 metres high. 塔高30米。

7. [V] ~ at sth 達特定水平(或數量、高度等) to be at a particular level, amount, height, etc.

Interest rates stand at 3%. 利率為3%。

8. [V + adv./prep.] 停;停靠 to be in a particular place, especially while waiting to go somewhere

The train standing at platform 3 is for London, Victoria. 停在第3站台的火車開往倫敦維多利亞站。

9. [V] 停滯;不流動;放著不動 to remain still, without moving or being moved

Mix the batter and let it stand for twenty minutes. 攪好麵糊以後,放上二十分鍾。

10. [V] 保持有效;維持不變 if an offer, a decision, etc. made earlier stands , it is still valid

My offer still stands. 我的出價仍然算數。

11. [V to inf] 很可能做某事 to be in a situation where you are likely to do sth

You stand to make a lot from this deal. 你很可能會從這筆生意中大賺一筆。

12. [V] ~ (on sth)(對某事)持某種態度,有某一觀點,採取某種立場 to have a particular attitude or opinion about sth or towards sb

Where do you stand on private ecation? 你對民辦教育持什麼觀點?

13. [no passive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用於進行時) (尤用於否定句和疑問句,強調不喜歡)容忍,忍受 used especially in negative sentences and questions to emphasize that you do not like sb/sth

同義詞: bear

[VN] I can't stand his brother. 他弟弟讓我受不了。

I can't stand the sight of blood. 一看見血我就難受。

14. [VN] (尤與can或could連用)經受,承受,經得起 used especially with can/could to say that sb/sth can survive sth or can tolerate sth without being hurt or damaged

His heart won't stand the strain much longer. 他的心臟對這種壓力承受不了多久。

15. [no passive] 花錢請(某人喝飲料或吃飯);買…請客 to buy a drink or meal for sb

[VN] He stood drinks all round. 他請客,讓大家喝了飲料。

16. ~ (for/as sth) 做候選人;參選 to be a candidate in an election

He stood for parliament (= tried to get elected as an MP) . 他競選過議會議員。


stand aside

站到一邊;讓開 / 不參與;不介入;置身事外 / 退居一旁;讓位於他人;靠邊

stand back (from sth)

往後站;退後 /位於離…有一段距離的地方 / 置身事外(來考慮)

stand between sb/sth and sth


stand by

袖手旁觀;無動於衷 / 做好隨時行動的准備;做好准備

stand by sb


stand by sth


stand down

1.~ (as sth) 離職;退職;下台

2.(of a witness 證人) 退出證人席

stand for sth

1.(not used in the progressive tenses 不用於進行時) (指縮寫或符號)是…意思,代表

to be an abbreviation or symbol of sth



stand in (for sb)

代替,頂替(某人) 同義詞: deputize

stand out (as sth)


stand out (from/against sth)


stand over sb


stand up


stand up for sb/sth


stand up (to sth)


stand up to sb


stand up to sth

(of materials, procts, etc. 材料、產品等) 能承受,經受得住,耐(…) 同義詞: withstand


英 [kənˈsɪdə(r)] 美 [kənˈsɪdər ]


vt.& vi. 考慮;把(某人,某事)看作…,認為(某人,某事)如何;考慮,細想

vt. 考慮;認為;以為;看重

vi. 仔細考慮;深思

1.(尤指為作出決定而)仔細考慮,細想 to think about sth carefully, especially in order to make a decision

[VN] She considered her options. 她仔細考慮了自己的各種選擇。

2. ~ sb/sth (as) sth 認為;以為;覺得 to think of sb/sth in a particular way

[VN-N]This award is considered (to be) a great honour. 這項獎被視為極大的榮譽。

3. [VN]體諒;考慮到;顧及 to think about sth, especially the feelings of other people, and be influenced by it when making a decision, etc.

You should consider other people before you act. 你在行動之前應當考慮到別人。

4. [VN] (formal) 端詳;注視 to look carefully at sb/sth

He stood there, considering the painting. 他站在那裡,凝視著那幅畫。


1. all things considered 從各方面看來;考慮到所有情況;總而言之

thinking carefully about all the facts, especially the problems or difficulties, of a situation

She's had a lot of problems since her husband died but she seems quite cheerful, all things considered. 自從丈夫死後,她面臨很多困難,但總的來說她看上去情緒還是挺樂觀的。

2. your considered opinion 成熟的意見;經過深思熟慮的意見

your opinion that is the result of careful thought

❹ 站立用英語怎麼說




I twisted my ankle, and I couldn't stand up.



1、stand作「請客」解時還可以接雙賓語,其間接賓語可轉化成介詞for的賓語; 作「站著」解時可接現在分詞作狀語,表示伴隨狀態; 作「堅持」「取某種態度」解時可接動詞不定式作結果狀語。



❺ 我在車站等車的時候。英語怎麼翻譯

While I was waiting at the bus station.
你好,was 是I am waiting 中am的過去式,構成過去進行時,不能沒有。

❻ 站英語怎麼說


“station”這個詞在英文中有多種含義,但最常用來表示一個固定的地點或位置,特別是與交通或通訊有關的地點,如火車站、公交車站、電視台或廣播電台等。例如,當我們說“I am waiting at the train station.”(我正在火車站等待。)時,就是在描述一個在特定地點的行為。

“post”這個詞也有“站”的含義,特別是在軍事或警察語境中,比如“post office”(郵局)就是用來處理郵件和包裹的地點。這個詞還可以表示一個職位或任務,如“a postal worker”(郵遞員),但在這個上下文中,我們主要關注其作為地點的含義。


❼ 火車站用英語怎麼說 火車站翻譯成英文

1、讀音:train station。
2、英 [ ilwei ei ] 美 [ l e ]。
4、例句:Excuse me, does this road lead to the railway station 問,這條路通向火車站嗎 p>

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