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發布時間: 2024-09-11 07:22:39

㈠ 假定你是李華,要開一家飯館名字叫藍天飯店。英語作文

Hey,everybody!My name is Li Hua and I am going to run a resturant named The Blue Sky(藍天).I'm very interested in cooking so I'm going to be both the manager and the chief.In my resturant,you can enjoy many kinds of delicious course.For example,the Chinese dishes like Saute diced chicken with hot peppers(辣子雞丁),Saute pork in hot sauce(回鍋肉)
.Also , we have several kinds of drinks and deserts such as soda water,lemonade,puff,egg tart and so on.Of course , if you want to try something else,something special,we'd love to make the dish only for you . So people, what are you waiting for?

㈡ 寫一篇假如你有一家服裝店,寫一篇英語80詞左右的作文!!!作業君快來!!!

Welcome to my Clothes Store. My Clothes Store is selling many nice and cheap clothes. A pair of shoes is only forty dollars. There are three different colors including white, blue and yellow. There are also many different kinds of dresses. There are black, green and red dresses. The price of a dress is ten dollars. Red, while and yellow sweaters are sold at fifteen dollars. White and blue shirts are sold at ten dollars. Different hats including black, red and white ones are sold at six dollars. Lastly, we sell bags at fifty dollars and glasses at twenty dollars. Why are you waiting? Come and shop here! (108字)

㈢ 我家附近開了一家親商店這個作文怎麼寫要英語的

Hence Cupid! with your cheating toys, Your real griefs,and painted
joys, Your pleasure which itself destroys. Lovers like men in fevers
burn and rave, And only what will injre them do crave. Men『s weakness
makes love so severe, They give him power by their fear, And make the
shackles which they wear. Who to another does his heart submit, Makes
his own idol,and then worships it. Him whose heart is all his own, Peace
and liberty does crown, He apprehends no killing frown. He feels no
raptures which are joys diseased, And is not much transported,but still
pleased. 作者簡介

高中英語作文100字 材料是「附近新開了一家菜市場,星期天我和媽媽一起去買菜,裡面人很多 有很多蔬菜...

A new vegetable market was opened for business these days next to my home. I went to the vegetable market with my mother on sunday. When we got there, there are a lot of vegetables here, any kind of vegetables you can find in this market. And many people near here come to this market buy vegetables. The vegetables are very fresh and the price here also quite cheap. We bought some eggplant, pea, carrots, tomatoes and potatoes, and some beaf. Mom said she will go there everyday to buy vegetables for our families.

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