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⑴ 如何成為一名好學生英語作文(2)


how to be a wolcomede student?

we all want to be welcomed,but how to achieve that goal?Maybe we can do as follows: The first is study hard.if we can get good results in exams and competions,other students will be friendly to us,they will ask us questions,we can not only help them,but also check us.

The second is be helpful.whenever others come across preblems,we should make our best to provide help to them. The third is be optimistic.we should regard life as a gift from our parents.we should make every day happy,and bring joy and happiness to our friends and partners.


Firstly, to be friendly, generous, honest and helpful. You should try your best to help others when they are in trouble. Don't cheat because most people like honest person. Respect others and try your best to get on well with others. Secondly, try your best to study hard and get good grates because being is student it is our ty to work hard. So remember, work must come first. Thirdly, to be a knowledgeble person. When you are with others, you should have something to talk.




Three attributes can help people in their studies. First, a sense of responsibility is important for building a sound character. If you aren't responsible, you'll postpone your assignments or devote too little time to your schoolwork.

Second, in school life, relationships between people are valuable. Friends can bring you happiness and laughter. In addition, you can discuss problems and pursue knowledge with them.

Last, it is important to have a constructive philosophy of life. If you are defeated, don't be disappointed. Try to face your life and your studies with courage and determination.

If you can work toward these goals, you'll become a well-rounded and versatile student instead of being a bookworm.





⑵ 怎樣才算是一名好學生 英語作文

what makes a good student?
Would you consider yourself to be a good student? What constitutes a good student? I am sure that we have all come across people who have rather annoyed us ring our academic life, people who were disruptive, loud, rude and basically annoying. These people are what I classify as bad students and should have been kicked out the lessons until they learned how to behave. What about a good student; is it all about their ability to learn or do they need to possess other qualities?

These are the types of people that I believe make a good student:

1. Co-operative. A top student will co-operate with the lecturer and will be more than happy to help their fellow students to improve. They will be described as being a pleasure to have in the class.

2. Hard working. A good student will be hard working, they will try to get the most of each lesson that they attend.

3. Positive. A top student will have a positive attitude and will convey this to the other students.

4. Attentive. A good student will listen to what the lecturer and his fellow class mates are saying, rather than talking at the same time, which is the majority of students seem to do these days.

5. Fun. A top student will brighten up the class as they will be fully aware when it is the right time to have a little bit of fun. All work and no play makes Jack a ll boy.

The above are just a few examples of what I believe are the characteristics of a good student

⑶ 英語作文題目《怎樣做一個好學生》怎麼寫

How to be a good student
It's important and necessery fou us to be good students. But how can we become good students?
We should do the following:
Strict self-discipline, study hard,
Respect teachers, helpfulness,
Obey the rules and don't dye,
Don't cut, not YiJiangLingRuo,
Progress, achieve the goal.
This is as good a student's basic conditions, we should strive to do, but that is not easy.

We should start from now to do everything oneself should do.


⑷ 怎樣做一名好學生英語

How to be a good student It's important and necessery fou us to be good students. But how can we bee good students?We should do the following:

Strict self-discipline, study hard,Respect teachers, helpfulness,Obey the rules and don't dye,Don't cut, not YiJiangLingRuo,Progress, achieve the goal.This is as good a student's basic conditions, we should strive to do, but that is not easy.

We should start from now to do everything oneself should do.譯文:我們應該做到以下這幾點:


First , a good student should know how to respect others, including parents, teachers, clas *** ates and friends. We can get on well with them only when we respect them.

Second, a good student should have a kind heart and be happy to help others. If you help others, then you may get help when you need help yourself.

Third, a good student should never give up learning even if he/she meets difficulties. Because only by learning , can we make a progress and improve ourselves.
How to bee a better student Maybe you're an average student.You probably think you will never be a top student.This is not necessarily so.however.Anyone.Can bee a student if he or she wants to.Here is now. ­ When planning your week,you should make a list of things that you have to do.After making the list.you should make a schele of your time.Frist arrange your time for eating,sleeping dressing,ect.Then decide a good,regular time for studying.Don't forget to setaside enough time for enterainment.A weekly schele may not solve all the problems,but it will force you to realize what is happening to your time. ­Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the techer says.Really listening in class means less work later.Taking class notes will help you remember what the teacher says. ­ When you get home from schools,go over your notes.Review the important points that your teacher has mentioned in class.If you know what your teacher is going to discuss the next class.If you do these things regularly,the material will bee more meaningful,and you will remember it longer. ­ There are other methods that might help you with your studying.You will probably discover many others after you have tried these.­
如何做一個好學生 英文版作文
How to be a good student It's important and necessery fou us to be good students. But how can we bee good students?We should do the following:

Strict self-discipline, study hard,Respect teachers, helpfulness,Obey the rules and don't dye,Don't cut, not YiJiangLingRuo,Progress, achieve the goal.This is as good a student's basic conditions, we should strive to do, but that is not easy.

We should start from now to do everything oneself should do.譯文:我們應該做到以下這幾點:



If you want to be a good student, three attributes can help you in your studies.

First, a sense of responsibility is important for building a sound character. If you aren't responsible, you'll postpone your assignments or devote too little time to your schoolwork.

Second, in school life, relationships between people are valuable. Friends can bring you happiness and laughter. In addition, you can discuss problems and pursue knowledge with them.

Last, it is important to have a constructive philosophy of life. If you are defeated, don't be disappointed. Try to face your life and your studies with courage and determination.

If you can work toward these goals, you'll bee a well-rounded and versatile student instead of being a bookworm.
If you want to be a good student, three attributes can help you in your studies.

First, a sense of responsibility is important for building a sound character. If you aren't responsible, you'll postpone your assignments or devote too little time to your schoolwork.

Second, in school life, relationships between people are valuable. Friends can bring you happiness and laughter. In addition, you can discuss problems and pursue knowledge with them.

Last, it is important to have a constructive philosophy of life. If you are defeated, don't be disappointed. Try to face your life and your studies with courage and determination.

If you can work toward these goals, you'll bee a well-rounded and versatile student instead of being a bookworm
how to be a good student?

how to be a good student?

how to be a good student?
When it es to what makes up a good student, many people may have the stereotypes that a good student is one who can always get high marks in examinations. In school, the student who gets high marks or full marks is considered to be the model student. It does not matter whether he has a good health or not, as long as he get the high marks. After school, when the students e back home, their parents would ask them to do more homework to get higher marks.

一走進了山谷,映入眼簾的是一潭清澈見底的深水,一條長長的大瀑布懸掛在潭水的邊緣,自山崖上沖盪下來,落在潭水裡,激起了一陣陣雪白的浪花,彷彿給潭水穿上一件 *** 浪的裙子。水花飛濺,那潔白無瑕的水花就像一個個淘氣的小孩子,急著脫離瀑布的管束,四散逃開,初生牛犢不怕虎般地跳進深不見底的潭水,綠潭也來者不拒,讓所有的水花投入她的懷抱。




⑸ 英語作文題目《怎樣做一個好學生》怎麼寫

How to be a good student It's important and necessery fou us to be
good students. But how can we become good students?We should do the
Strict self-discipline, study hard,Respect teachers,
helpfulness,Obey the rules and don't dye,Don't cut, not
YiJiangLingRuo,Progress, achieve the goal.This is as good a student's
basic conditions, we should strive to do, but that is not easy.
We should start from now to do everything oneself should do.譯文:我們應該做到以下這幾點:

⑹ 英語作文「一個好的學生應該具有優秀品質:誠實、努力學習、IQ高」


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