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① 課程用英語怎麼說 以S開頭

例如:語義學semantics 靜態語言學, 共時語言static linguistics 統計語言學statistical。


Curriculum, mathematics, language, English, sports, information, science, music, art, comprehensive, moral, social, security, work, writing

③ 急求大學的課程介紹的英文翻譯。。求准確,可追加懸賞

Mobile communications: this course is a specialty of communications engineering. This course is to introce the basic concepts, basic composition, basic principles of mobile communication, basic techniques, a typical system and future development of mobile communications. Students through the course of learning, understanding and development trend of mobile communication systems, and master the basic skills and key technologies of mobile communication. Its aim is to enable students to meet the communications needs of the rapid development of modern society and principles of mobile communication, digital mobile communication system, mobile communication technology and engineering, a more profound understanding of personal communications, mobile communications has a strong theoretical basis of high-level talent.
Professional integrated experimental: communications engineering professional integrated experimental is under this professional training target and set of, this experimental courses of topics design main including communications system and information system, direction, all topics are for comprehensive, and design sexual or engineering application type of content, cover has this professional of trunk courses, has must of depth and difficulty, is this professional more door subject of integrated using, training students of actual hands-on operation ability and creative thinking.
Data communications and networking: the program's mission is to teach the principles of computer network communication, is based on layered network model of introcing system, and incorporates the recent development of new technologies. Through the course of learning, for students on computer networks as a whole, to have a clearer understanding of the current main types of computer networks and the common network protocols have a clear concept of, understand the new developments of new technology, understand basic principles of computer networks and network technology for further proct development, maintenance of laying the groundwork.
Digital simulation and analysis of communication systems: this course is theory of college undergraates in research carried out on the basis of practice, aimed at developing students ' practical skills and ability. In particular is to allow students to master the CPLD/FPGA chip based on digital communication and the use of VHDL language unit and system modeling and design capabilities, and SystemView software and communication system model building process. Further deepened the understanding of the principles of communication systems.
An introction to information security: this course is a specialty of communications engineering. Close integration of curriculum theory and practice, practical, purpose of enabling the students to learn about a more comprehensive information security basic theoretical and practical skills, master the basic method for information system security, developing awareness of information security protection, enhanced security capabilities of information systems. Understanding the security threats that exist in modern information systems and preventive measures; study and learn more about the security architecture and models, basic application passwords and password knowledge; identity authentication technology, learning and mastering the basic technology of network firewall, virus and hacker attack defense techniques, common system security enhancement technology learn new technologies and development trends of information security.
Embedded system design: embedded systems design course based on ARM embedded microprocessors are about objects, describes the fundamentals of embedded systems and applications. It around the 32-bit ARM processor and open source Linux operating system, about the concept of embedded systems, hardware and software components, development process and design method of embedded Linux application and driver development. Knowledge for this course will provide the students engaged in the research and development of embedded system in the future and lay a solid foundation
Opto-Electronics: is photon photoelectron technology and electronic technology and the formation of a technical. Main research electronic interaction of light and matter and energy conversion technology, in light of laser, by any means electronic, theoretical models of modern electronics and optics into electronics processing method characteristics, is a new comprehensive cross-discipline, has become a very important part of modern information science. By learning in this course should enable students to basic concepts in Opto-Electronics, basic techniques and basic devices are more comprehensive and systematic understanding, develop students ' ability to analyze and solve engineering problems, for further learning curricula and lay the basis for future work in the field of opto-electronic information.
Operating systems: this course is a theory of communication engineering course, "operating system" is the integral part of a computer system, is responsible for the effective management of the resources in the system and to properly organize various activities, consistent and efficient coordination of the entire computer system, command computer system up and running. Learning through courses, students in the overall concept of a deep understanding of computer systems based on mastering the basic contents and implementation of the operating system, is engaged in the research and development work in the future to provide the necessary software and basic skills.

④ 英文課程表


⑤ 大學課程名稱英文翻譯!!!急需啊!!拜託高手解答!!!

思想道德修養 Moral Ecation.
大學英語 Collage English
體育 gymnasium/physical ecation
高等數學_微積分:Advanced Mathematics (third)calculous
無機及分析化學:Inorgnic & analytic Chemistry
基礎化學實驗 : Basic Chemistry Experiment
植物學 Botany
計算機應用基礎 Basic Computer Applied (Technology)
軍事理論 Minitary Theory
軍事技能 Minitary Skill
政治經濟學原理 :Principles of Political Economy
高等數學(三)概率論 :Advanced Mathematics (third)Probability Theory
普通物理 :General Physics
有機化學 :Orgnic Chemistry
有機化學實驗 :Orgnic Chemistry Experiment
計算機程序設計 :Computer Programing
毛澤東思想概論(二) :Outline of Mao Tsetung Thought
植物生理學 :plant physiology
生物化學 :Biochemistry
土壤與農業化學 Soil & Agricultural Chemistry
美術 :Fine Arts
設計初步 Preliminary Design
基礎必讀書 Fundamental compulsory Readings
鄧小平理論概論 :Outline of Deng Xiao-ping Theory
法律基礎 :Fundamental Law
畫法幾何與建築制圖 :descriptive geometry & architectural drawing
計算機輔助設計(二) CAD(second)
園林植物昆蟲學 Garden plant & Insectology
園林史 History of Gardens
馬克思主義哲學原理(一) :Principle of Marxist philosophy
園林樹木學(實習) :Gardens & dendrology(practice)
園林工程 :garden engineering
園林植物病理學 :Pathology of Garden plants
花卉學 :Flower
園林樹木學 :Gardens & dendrology
園林規劃設計 :Planning and Designing of Landscape plants
園林建築設計 :Garden architectural design
園林工程 :Garden Engineering
城市綠地系統規劃 :urban green space system planning
盆景與插花技藝 Technology of bonsai and ikebana
建築學初步 :Fundamental Architecture
Authorware多媒體設計(公選) Multimedia Design Using Authorware
儒家文化十五講(公選)15 lectures on confucian culture (public)
預防醫學(公選) :preventive medicine(public)
中國美術作品欣賞(公選)Chinese Artworks Appreciation(public)
成績 :score
學分 :credit
績點: point

⑥ 課程表用英語怎麼說


英['ʃedjuːl] 美['skedʒuːl]




v. (動詞)






英 [plæn] 美 [plæn]

n. 計劃;方法;策略;設計圖;平面圖

v. 打算;安排;計劃;設計

例句:As far as I am concerned, I'm not against your plan.



n. (名詞)




⑦ 英語course catalog怎麼翻譯

course catalog 的中文意思是:課程目錄

⑧ 誰能把這張課程表翻譯成英文,要簡稱的


⑨ 做一個初一英語課程表(幫我翻譯一些英語科目的單詞

語文: Chinese
數學: math
英文: English
地理: Geography
歷史: History
政治: Politics
班會: Class meeting
自習: Indivial Study
音樂: Music
美術: Art
體育: PE
微機: Microcomputer
活動: Activity
傳統文化: Traditional Culture
安全: safe
地方課程: local courses
作文: composition
信息技術:information technology
語文或數學: Chinese or Math
班會或自習: Class meeting or indivial study

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