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發布時間: 2024-09-09 04:08:40

❶ 英語,帶祝福給某人怎麼翻譯,順帶看看選擇對不對,謝謝

bless sb 為某人祝福。bring a blessing to sb 給某人帶來祝福。如:
During his visit, the Pope will also bless the new hospital.
Let's ask for all present to bless this couple and their loving commitment to one another.
Wish New Year bring many nice things and endless blessings to you and that I love.
選擇題:1: 改為A ; 6: 改為A ; 8: 改為D, 其餘正確。

❷ 把什麼什麼帶(來)給某人翻譯成英文

bring sth to sb
=bring sb sth

❸ 造句:帶給某人某物 然後用英語翻譯

帶給某人某物I bring the book to Jim.為某人買某物 I buy a bike for Lucy. 給某人某物 I give the rule to Lily.借給某人某物 I lend money to my brother.為某人做某事 She makes a toy for me.

❹ 短語「帶送某人到」用英語咋說

take sombody to...


❺ 寄東西給某人英語怎麼講

send sth to sb.比如:I will send a pair of shoes to you.

❻ 把某物帶給某人用英語翻譯

本人意見: Something to bring someone with English translation

❼ "把某物借給某人"英語翻譯兩個,除了lend sth to sb還有什麼

lend sb sth 這一類的句型都是這樣的,比如show sb sth=show sth to sb 等。。

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