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『壹』 弧形的英語翻譯 弧形用英語怎麼說

arc 英[ɑ:k] 美[ɑ:rk]
n. 綜合症狀; 弧(度); 天穹; 電弧,弧光。;
vi. 形成拱狀物; 循弧線行進;
abbr. American Red Cross. 美國紅十內字會;
[例句]The Aleutian chain is a long arc of islands in the North Pacific.

『貳』 哪位知道機械製造方面的詞彙及專業術語,要英語的,最好是有英漢對照的,很急!謝謝了!

Bending: 撓曲

witness test訂貨人在場的試驗

Welding: 焊接

Threading: 車縲紋


color identification 彩色識別


check against 檢查, 核對




audit 審計

material certificate.材料合格證

vertical panel豎直面板

power distribution panel 配電盤

gauge board儀錶板

beveling 磨斜棱,磨斜邊

local panel 現場配電盤

grouting 灌漿

fabrication 加工,製造

instrument rack 計測器支架

tank gauge 液面計

flushing 沖洗,填縫




cable fitting電纜配件


main pipe 主管道


solvent 溶劑

postweld heat treatment 焊後熱處理


arc gouging 電弧刨削


machining 機械加工



tack welding 點焊

butt welding 對接焊

grinder. 磨床


gusset plate角撐板, 加固板

process pipe 工藝管道

land 紋間表面

tee 三通管 丁字鋼 T形梁

opening 開口

reinforcing pad.補強墊,增強襯板

flux 焊劑

wet developer 濕顯像劑


inclusion 雜質

imperfection 缺陷

limitation 限度

valve 閥,閘門

structural attachment 結構附件

tapered allowance 削尖餘量

tack welding 平頭焊接

sputter 噴濺

scale 廢料

lateral translation側向平移

weld joint 焊縫, 焊接接頭


fusion 熔融

base material基底材料

lead foil 鉛箔

intensifying screen 增光屏, 光增強屏

pressure test.壓力試驗

film density.影片密度

line number行數

leak test漏泄試驗

plate thickness 篩板厚度


field fabricated 工地製造的,現場裝配的

junction box.接線盒

flow sheet 流程圖

vent 放氣孔, 通風孔

drain 排水管

instrument air儀表氣源


pipe arrangement 管配置

civil engineer.土木工程師

bus ct 母線槽


flow instrument 流量計

power distribution panel 配電盤

level instrument 位面計, 水平儀

pressure instrument 壓力儀表/壓力計

level switch (信號)電平開關,

gage glass 液位玻璃管

pilot tube指示燈

line check 小檢修


blinding plate盲板

expansion joint 伸縮接頭

hydrostatic pressure test靜水壓試驗

pneumatic pressure 氣壓


check valve止回閥

liquid penetrant examination液體滲透探傷

test pump試驗泵

witnessed inspections 現場檢測


control valve控制閥,

fabrication drawing 製造圖紙,製作圖

schele number表示管壁厚度系列的號碼

hydrostatic test .流體靜力學試驗,水壓試驗

design pressure 設計壓力

disposition notice 處罰通知書

pipe stanchion 管支柱

bellow type 波紋管式

expansion joint 伸縮接頭

vibration stopper: 減震器

subcontractor 轉包商

WPS Works Process Specification 典型工藝規程



sleeve 套筒

ferritic .鐵素體的

identification mark 識別標志


stamping .沖壓

silicone paint硅樹脂油漆

weld bead 焊縫

automatic temperature recorder 溫度自動記錄器

penetrameter 透度計

film viewer底片觀察用光源

civil works土建工程,建築工程

lump sum price 混合價格 ,統包價格

scrap material廢料

caulking metal填隙合金[金屬](材料)

application drawing操作圖, 應用圖

cable routing電纜路由選擇

channel bases溝渠基底

vertical panel豎直面板

local panel 現場配電盤

power distribution panel 配電盤

gauge board樣板, 模板 規准尺

anchor bolt 錨定螺栓

expansion bolt 伸縮栓, 擴開螺栓

field instrument.攜帶式儀表

instrument rack 計測器支架,計測器框架

tank gauge 油箱液位計

guide wire 尺度[定距]索,准繩

name plate名牌, 商標

lead pipe鉛管

take-off valve輸出閥


air header 集氣管

pneumatic signal氣動信號

steam trace 加熱蒸汽管道

electric heat tracing.電伴隨加熱

cable trunk 電纜管道

stop end封端

fire barriers防火間隔

bonding wire 接合線, 焊線

conit box [電]導管分線匣

rigid conits 剛性導管

flexible conit軟管

conit entry 導管引入裝置

road crossing ct bank平交道口管道組

Capping ends頂蓋末端

cable armor電纜鎧裝

Cable sheath電纜包皮層

sealing compound電纜膏

coaxial cable同軸電纜

loop test環路測試

sequence test.聯鎖順序試驗

lintel beam 水平橫楣梁

flash plate閃熔鍍層

anchor bolt 地腳螺栓

expansion bolt伸縮栓, 擴開螺栓

shim plate 墊板

push button station按鈕式控制站

logic diagram邏輯圖

calculation sheet計算書

flow instrument流量計

level instrument 位面計, 水平儀

layout drawing 布置圖

tie band捆紮用帶材

Heating boxes加熱室

cutting opening切孔

control valve actuator 閥控傳動機構

air set空氣中凝固, 常溫自硬 自然硬化

solenoid valve.螺線管閥,電磁閥





『叄』 英文翻譯

Technology of Submerged Arc Welding
The welding variables for submerged arc welding are similar to the other arc welding processes, with several exceptions. The electrode size is related to the weld joint size and the current recommended for the particular joint. This must also be considered in determining the number of passes or beads for a particular joint. Welds for the same joint dimension can be made with many or few passes; this depends on the weld metal metallurgy desired. Multiple passes are more expensive but usually deposit higher-quality weld metal. The polarity is established initially and is based on whether maximum penetration or maximum deposition rate is required.
The major variables that affect the weld involve heat input and include the welding current, arc voltage, and travel speed. Welding current is the most important. For single-pass welds, the current should be sufficient for the desired penetration without burn-through. The higher the current, the deeper the penetration is. In multi-pass work, the current should be suitable to proce the size of the weld expected in each pass.影響焊接的主要變數包括熱輸入量、焊接電流、弧焊電壓以及焊接速度。其中焊接電流是最主要的變數。對於單焊道焊接來說,電流必須足以使焊接達到所需深度,但不能燒穿。電流越高,焊接越深。對於多焊道作業來說,電流必須適當,從而使每條焊道都獲得所需的焊接尺寸。
The arc voltage is varied within narrow limits. It has an influence on the bead width and shape. Higher voltages will cause the bead to be wider and flatter. Extremely high arc voltage can cause cracking. This is because an abnormal amount of flux is melted and excess deoxidizers may be transferred to the weld deposit, lowering its ctility. Higher arc voltage also increases the amount of flux consumed. The low arc voltage proces a stiffer arc that improves penetration, particularly in the bottom of deep grooves. If the voltage is too low, a very marrow bead will result. It will have a high crown, and the slag will be difficult to remove.弧焊電壓的變化范圍很小。它對焊珠的寬度和形狀有所影響。電壓越高,焊珠越寬且越平。弧焊電壓太高,則會導致開裂。這是因為融化的焊劑量太多,導致過量的去氧劑轉移到堆焊上,從而降低了金屬的延展性。更高弧焊電壓所需要的焊劑也越多。低弧焊電壓會產生剛性弧,從而使焊接更深,尤其是在深槽的底部。然而,如果電壓過低,形成的焊珠會很窄,並高高隆起。這樣會導致焊渣很難清除。
Travel speed has an influence on both bead width and on penetration. Faster speeds proce narrower beads that have less penetration. This can be an advantage for sheet metal welding, where small beads and minimum penetration are required. If speeds are too fast, however ,there is a tendency for undercut and porosity ,since the weld friezes quicker .If the travel speed is too slow, the electrode stays in the weld pool too long, which will create poor bead shape and may cause excessive spatter and flash through the layer of flux.焊接速度對焊珠寬度和焊透深度有影響。速度更快,焊珠更窄,且焊透深度更淺。焊接薄金屬板時,速度更快更有利。因為此時需要小焊珠和淺焊透深度。然而如果速度太快,焊料起毛更快,則有可能形成咬邊和氣孔。如果焊接速度太低,電極在焊接熔池停留時間太長,則會形成不良焊珠、過量飛濺物和焊劑層穿孔。
The secondary variables include the angle of the electrode to the work, the angle of the work itself, the thickness of the flux layer, and, most important , the distance between the current pickup tip and the arc also called electrode stickout. 次要變數包括電極相對於工作台的角度、工作台角度、焊劑層的厚度以及導電嘴和電弧的間距(也稱為電極干伸長)。其中電極干伸長是最重要的變數。
The depth of the flux layer must be controlled. If it is too thin, there will be too much arcing through the flux or arc flash. This also may cause porosity. If the flux depth is too heavy, the weld may be narrow and humped. On the subject of flux, too many fines( small particles of flux ) in the flux can cause surface pitting since the gases generated in the weld may not escape. These are sometimes called pock marks on the bead surface.

『肆』 電弧的英語翻譯 電弧用英語怎麼說


『伍』 請人用英語翻譯下金屬材料專業課:

材料力學 Material Mechanics
材料科學基礎Foundation of Material Science
材料熱力學與物理化學Material Thermodynamics and Physical Chemistry
工程材料Engineering Material
材料力學與物理性能Material Mechanics and Physical Properties
材料加工原理Material Processing Principle
焊接冶金學Welding Metallurgy
焊接結構與生產Welding Structure and Proction
材料的腐蝕與防護Corrosion and Protection of Material
壓力焊及特種焊Pressure Welding and Special Welding
電弧焊方法與設備Arc Welding Method and Equipment

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