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① 有關介紹潮州的英語作文,如風俗,小吃,景點等,急!!!!

My hometown is chaozhou. Chaozhou though is a small city, but there are many delicious snacks. Said to eat, I'm a "gourmet", today introced first of my favorite chaozhou snacks!!!!
When I was young, I'll own baby talk in from the market, "my mother bought some snacks, and teach me: this is salty fruit, our most famous snacks in chaozhou; This is the bamboo shoots fruit, chaozhou the person is also very like to eat; This is ChunBing, and is a delicious snacks; This is.........
I'm very fond of chaozhou snacks, often bothering my mother bought for me to eat.
I am about to enter in primary school, and mom started teaching me: salty fruit, you don't see it, like small is ordinary. Salt water embellish skin and thick, the inside of the salted turnip to salty and broken son
我的家鄉是潮州。雖然是一個小城市潮州,但有許多美味的小吃。說到吃,我是一個「美食」,今天向大家介紹我最喜愛的零食潮州第一! ! ! ! ! ! !

② 以過多吃零食的現象為題的英語作文60詞

Every day, when we are facing the sun into full of literary flavor of the gate, in the teaching building of the personality, design novel" sunshine reading hall", outside the refreshing and pleasant" the bookstore", into the school 's classic etiquette promenade, there are always greets you poetry with painting, reading words, bath in this book a, how happy we are! But, in the campus, but sometimes this picture: garbage strewn around, food packaging bags, packaging paper wind, flying around. The seat of the drawer, stuffed with food. The teaching building on the ground, chewing gum stain firmly glued to the top. Even some students in the classroom to eat snacks ... ... This curtain and our beautiful campus, the rigorous style of study is very not harmonious! Students, you know? In these brightly coloured small food hidden behind, how much harm our health growth potential!

From the WHO estimates that global annual incidence of foodborne illness, the number has reached 1000000000 people! Eat snacks, careful! " Country guy" in the use of instrial dyes," lover plum" covered with flies;" pepperoni" is to use sulfureous fume, ham is a dangerous bubble enemy ... ... Especially those without factory name, address, proct name, proction date and shelf-life"3 without" food, called" fairy ck" fried ck, coliform content seriously exceed the standard. 5cents a bag" spicy chicken neck" preservative exceed the standard of six times! See these figures, you will not feel with one's hair standing on end?

Some students will say, I don't eat those3 without the proct, I eat the snack proct is qualified, the body will not harmful. This kind of statement is also wrong, we had had such experience, snacks to eat more, to eat dinner shique. If things go on like this, will cause the overturn, prevent digestive function, the digestive disorders, loss of appetite, essential nutrients can not be guaranteed, can lead to mental decline, attention, not only affect our body, but also hinder our learning. But also can increase the economic burden of parents, snack paper also influence our beautiful campus environment.

The students, in order to let us grow up healthy, happy learning, in order to make our campus more beautiful, let us start from now on snacks, said firmly: no! Reject snacks, take care of yourself! Health and civilized, love our campus! Begin from me.




③ 《我的心愛之物》為題的英語作文(60個詞)

My favorite thing
I have a lot of the milk teeth fall off, it is well for my mother collection. 媽媽告訴我,她收藏這些乳牙是因為這下乳牙小小的,當打開盒蓋觀看它們的時候會想起我童年時活潑、快樂的樣子. Mother told me that she keep such under the decious tooth because it was small and when you open the lid when viewing them would think of my childhood when the lively, happy look. 因為我小時候特別愛品嘗那甜滋滋的糖果,所以有幾顆乳牙的身上出現了小斑點,成了蛀牙,但是我對它們的喜愛之情依然不變,因為他曾經幫助我咀嚼食物,對我的消化具有重要意義,沒有了它們,我還怎麼咀嚼食物呢? Because when I was particularly fond of that sweet taste of candy Zizi, so there are decious How many pieces found a small spot appeared and became tooth decay, but my favorite of their feelings remain unchanged, because he has helped me to chew food, my digestion of great significance, without them, I also how to chew food?
這些乳牙指頭指甲那麼小,它們有的是正方形的,有的是長方形的,還有的是三角形的……形狀各不相同,有趣極了. These decious finger nails so small, they are either square, some rectangular, as well as the triangular shape of ... ... different, very interesting. 它們的顏色有的是黃色的,有的是雪白雪白的,還有幾顆牙齒是黃里帶黑的. They are either the color yellow, some white white, there are several teeth yellow Lidai black. 用小手輕輕撫摸乳牙,硬邦邦的,光滑的. Decious with a small hand gently stroked, stiff, and smooth. 這些收藏起來的乳牙有的是它自己掉落下來的,有的是爸爸將乳牙拔下,還有的是請求壓抑拔了的. Some are decious these collections up its own falling down, some decious unplug dad, there is a request to suppress shorn of. 記得爸爸第一次給我拔牙的時候我忐忑不安,不知道爸爸拔牙有多痛,正後悔當初為什麼要告訴爸爸,可是一言既出,駟馬難追. I remember the first time my father gave me tooth when I upset my father did not know how tooth pain, is why would anyone want to tell my father regretted, but Yiyanjichu, Si Ma difficult to recover. 爸爸先是把我搖晃乳牙用細線套上,我嚇得閉上眼睛,隨著」啪嗒」一聲,牙齒掉落在了地上,原來爸爸那住細線猛地一拔,將我的乳牙拔下,我立刻把小手上的棉花塞在拔下乳牙的位置上。 Dad first took me shake with thin decious put on, I am scared eyes closed, as the "Pata" soon as their teeth fall to the ground, the original father then lived suddenly a thin line pull to bring in my Decious Unplug, I immediately put a small cotton plug in unplug the hands of decious position.
每當我看到這十一顆已掉落的乳牙,會使我懷念另一顆普普通通的乳牙,因為那顆乳牙是請教醫生拔下的,我也不意醫生拔下那顆乳牙後把它放置在哪裡,只顧自己嘴裡的疼痛,當媽媽詢問醫生在什麼地方的時候,已經今晚了,醫生早已把它扔進了垃圾桶,裡面有數不勝數的牙齒,根本辨認不清楚我的那顆乳牙在哪裡. Whenever I saw the 11 milk teeth have been falling, will I miss another one ordinary milk teeth, consult a doctor because it is decious sinking unplug, and I do not unplug the Italian doctor, after the sinking, decious It is placed where their own interests in mouth pain, when his mother asked what the time doctors have been tonight, and doctors had it thrown in the trash, which has numerous teeth, not to identify clear that my where the stars of decious teeth. 媽媽無可奈何,那時的我感到莫名其妙,如今我才知道我的每一顆牙齒對我是那樣珍貴。 Mother helpless, I am baffled by that time, and now that I know that my teeth every one is so precious to me.
我脫落的蛀牙還割了我啟示:早晚刷牙要認真,也不嫩享受太多的零食. I have tooth decay has also cut off my inspiration: morning and evening brushing is necessary to seriously do not enjoy too many snacks tender. 這樣才能保護好第二組牙齒—恆牙,不讓它們像第一組牙齒一樣傷痕累累。 So as to protect the second group of teeth - permanent teeth, allowing them the same as the first group of teeth, scars.
我的乳牙,你們是我成長的記錄,我非常喜愛你們。 My tooth, you are the record I was growing up, I am very fond of you

④ 寫英語作文:你喜歡吃零食嗎,你對零食的看法,有益還是有害,大概兩頁紙左右。

Eating snacks is not good for your health. Eating snacks too much does harm to your health. We should eat vegetables and fruits a lot.
It's important for us to have three good meals a day . We should have a fine breakfast , a big lunch and a less dinner .We can have milk,noodles , bread , milk and so on for breakfast . And we can have rice,steamed bread and all kinds of vegetables for lunch . We can have some porridge ,cereal ,noodles and so on for dinner .I hope each of us has a balanced diet .I hope all of us are in good health

⑤ 以''snacks'' 為題的英語作文80字 指出零食的害處 提出有利健康的習慣

Eating snacks is a had habit, I think. Many children like eating snacks. So they have only a little food and vegetables. It's bad for thoir health. The ingredients in these snacks are not good for us. We should have little snacks.

⑥ 零食其分享英語作文

My favorite food
Today,my mother burned to eat my favorite braised fish.I witnessed the mother fish fish washing process.
Mother first ready material:carp,onions,ginger,garlic,sugar,soy sauce,coriander,rice wine,salt,cooking oil and green pepper.
These materials are ready,my mother began to wash the fish.She saw a knife to scale,and then remove the fish gills,and fish bubble remain in the belly,to puncture the bubble of fish,the fish maw with black all the debris removed,cleaned the fish,fish evenly in a few designated marks I can spare.
Mother heated the pot,when smoking pot when the oil poured into a little,let the pot coated with a layer of oil,then add a small amount of cooking oil,fry after a good wash pot Add the fish and then release into some rice wine,so you can remove the fish smell,adding a teaspoon of sugar,a small amount of soy sauce.fish can be a color,then start adding cold water,let the fish submerged in water,adding green onions,ginger,garlic,pepper and salt,and then after the fire to boil,to low heat,boil 40 minutes,adding parsley,Finally,a pot of tasty braised fish cooking in her mother under the care of.
Smell this fragrance,I salivate.I quickly pick up the chopsticks,a small dip at juice,ah,how good you and incense and soft and slippery,so together with color,flavor and taste a whole food ah!

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