㈠ 求英語廣播通知作文!
attention,please.as is known that the team of American have being visiting our school. on the schele we will hold the party to welcome this evening.the programs are including dancing ,singing a song ,exchanging presents which sign yourself and bless with each other and so on.the place is the top of our main teaching building,flower garden. we are looking forward to your visit and active enjoining.
with the best wishes
student union
7:30 p.m. saturday
㈡ 用英語寫一篇廣播通知
Ladies and gentlemen: In order to improve the students' spoken English, an English speaking contest will be held by the school Students' Union in the school Big Metting Room at 5: 00 P.m.on December 5th,2009. Anyone who is willing to take part please go to your monitor and sign up your name for it. Three teachers of English have been invited to be judges. All are welcome to be present at the contest,seizing the opportunity and showing your ability. That's all. Thank you.
㈢ 英文的廣播通知怎麼寫
EveryMr.Gentlemen,lady :
Because the airport conquers 1 since dense fog , the aircraft can not get up. Cause: Dense fog. Since breezeless, have no way to be informed that when dense fog will disperse. 2. Measure: Every flight puts off hopping off , fog disperses to announce a lift-off immediately. Keep fine order and the baggage finishing taking care of self please. 3. Have a meal time: 13 at 11- - -, place: The first floor dining hall, is detained lunch of passenger free of charge. 4. The weather will announce a lift-off at any time one revolution well.
㈣ 廣播通知英語作文
㈤ 英語作文:寫一則廣播通知,要求:a,二年級所有同學本周六去參加科技館
㈥ 英文廣播稿怎麼寫啊
A: dear friends,
Welcome to enter our Learning English. all members of this program will send the best wishes to you ,we expect that you will be happy on Sundays and have a good time.
There we will talk about something we are interested in ,share emotions and listen to free music, what』s more ,many pieces of humus will make you happy!
朋友們歡迎走進我們今天的 Learning English 我們衷心地希望多彩的節目能夠伴你度過美好的時光
B : Christmas is coming. Let me tell you something about Christmas. 同學們,聖誕節馬上要到了。今天我們就向大家介紹一下聖誕節。
A: 從 12 月 24 日 於翌年 1 月 6 日為聖誕節節期。節日期間,各國基督教徒都舉行隆重的紀念儀式。聖誕節本來是基督教徒的節日,由於人們格外重視,它便成為一個全民性的節日,是西方國家一年中最盛大的節日,可以和新年相提並論,類似我國過春節。
B : What colour is the Christmas ?西方人以紅、綠、白三色為聖誕色,聖誕節來臨時家家戶戶都要用聖誕色來裝飾。紅色的有聖誕花和聖誕蠟燭。
A :綠色的是聖誕樹。它是聖誕節的主要裝飾品,用砍伐來的杉、柏
B :紅色與白色相映成趣的是聖誕老人,他是聖誕節活動中最受歡迎的人物。西方兒童在聖誕夜臨睡之前,要在壁爐前或枕頭旁放上一隻襪子,等候聖誕老人在他們入睡後把禮物放在襪子內。在西方,扮演聖誕老人也是一種習俗。
A :正像中國人過春節吃年夜飯一樣,歐美人過聖誕節也很注重全家人圍坐在聖誕樹下,共進節日美餐。聖誕大餐吃火雞的習俗始於 1620 年。這種風俗盛於美國。英國人的聖誕大餐是烤鵝,而非火雞。澳大利亞人愛在平安夜裡,全家老小約上親友成群結隊地到餐館去吃一頓聖誕大臘雞、燒牛仔肉和豬腿必不可少,同時伴以名酒,吃得大家歡天喜地。
B : It 』 s interesting. So many kids like the day. Do you like it?
A:ok let」s have a rest
A :同學們 你對七個星期名稱的英語,一定不陌生吧。
B :當然,它們分別是 Sunday , Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday and Saturday.
A :那你們知道它們的由來嗎?今天的將向大家介紹一下英語中各星期名稱的來歷。
B :你們知道嗎?大多數歐洲國家的語言都源自拉丁語,英語中一周七天的名稱也與拉丁語有著密切的聯系。在講英語的國家裡,一周七天的名稱大部分是根據拉丁語翻譯而來的,翻譯時用北歐神話中的神名代替羅馬神名代替羅馬神名。
A : Sunday (星期日),這是一周中的第一天。太陽( sun )在北歐人的心目中是極其神聖的。為了表示對太陽的敬仰,人們把每周的第一天命名為 Sunday 。
B : Monday (星期一),這是一周中的第二天。為了表達對月亮( moon )的敬仰,人們把這一天稱作 moon day ,後來演變成 Monday 。
A : Tuesday (星期二),這是一周的第三天。北歐神話里有一個戰神名叫 Tyr ,他機智勇敢,用一些奇異的材料製成一條項鏈,他用這條項鏈將狼精縛住,換回了人類的平安。為了紀念他,英語中就以他的名字命名星期二。 Tyr 在古英語中寫成 Tiw ,這一天就叫做 Tiwesdaeg ,即 Tiw 』 s day (戰神日),後來演變成 Tuesday 。
B : Wednesday (星期三),是以北歐神話中的主神 Woden 的名字命名的。 Woden 是北歐神話中掌管文化、藝術、戰爭等的最高神,他以行動迅速、能言善辯聞名。 Woden 是戰神的父親,又是風暴之神,他曾將戰死者的英靈邀至天堂,代之以人間的娛樂。星期三以 Woden, 的名字命名,古英語寫作 Wodensdaeg ,即「 the day of Woden 」。
A : Thursday (星期四),是以北歐神話中的雷神 Thor 的名字命名的。 Thor 是北歐神話中最強大、最勇敢的神,他駕駛著山羊拉的戰車掠過天空,製造出雷電,是雷電之神。
B : Friday (星期五),是以「愛神「的名字命名的。北歐神話中的「愛神、婚姻女神」叫做 Frigga ,相當於羅馬神話中的「維納斯」。
她是 Woden 的妻子。人們用她丈夫的名字命名星期三,用她兒子( Thor )的名字命名星期四,為了撫慰 Frigga 本人,人們便以她的名字命名了星期五。
A : Saturday (星期六),這是一周中的第七天。它是以羅馬的農神 Saturn 的名字命名的。因此是「農神日」,是唯一保留羅馬名稱的一天。
B : It 』 s interesting. 同學們,你們現在明白了嗎?
A :現在讓我們來學習有關時間的諺語
B: Time consecrates: what is gray with age omes religion.
A: What may be done at any time will be done at no time.
B: Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.
A: Time flies like an arrow, and time lost never returns.
B: Time is a file that wears and makes no noise.
A: Do not squander time---that 』s the stuff life is made of. 不要浪費時間,因生命由它而成。
B; Nothing can be done without time just as no one can live without air. 沒有時間,我們做不成任何事;正如沒有空氣,我們
A: 時間就是金錢 同學們 不要讓時間悄悄的從你的眼底溜過去 從現在起 抓緊時間 做時間的主人
B :同學們,又到說再見的時候了。 It』s time to say goodbye. 親愛的同學們,我們衷心地祝願: Learning English 能成為你的良師益友,願它能帶走你所有的煩惱,為你帶去無盡的歡樂 A :願它能給你留下美好的回憶,伴隨你度過美麗的大學時光。
B: 再見
㈦ 英語作文廣播通知稿120詞
2012-03-12期末考試作文——我找到了學習的樂趣_600字樂趣有很多,有成長中的樂版趣;有拉權小提琴的樂趣;還有彈鋼琴的樂趣 給我三天三夜,我也說不完,而我找到的樂趣,是對一名學生來說至關重要的學習上的樂趣。 語文,這是我在小學里的三門課中頭痛指數排到了第二的學閱讀全文
㈧ 高一英語作文 請寫一個廣播通知,布置學生打掃學校衛生,以迎接元旦的到來。內容如下: 星期五下午進行全
Boys and girls,
May I have your attention, please? The New Year』s Day is around the corner. We are going to have a general cleaning this Friday afternoon. We will start at 2 o』clock and end at half past five. All the students are required to take part in it. The detailed arrangements are as follows:
The students in Junior One and Two will clean the teaching buildings. And the students in Junior Three will be in charge of all the offices of the teachers. Senior One will clean the library. Senior Two will be in charge of the science labs. And it is Senior Three』s ty to clean the computer rooms and the language labs. Hope all of us will make efforts to make our school more beautiful on that day. (For further information, please contact the commissary in charge of organization.這一句可要,可不要)
That』s all. Thank you!
㈨ 英語作文 為英語廣播站草一則通知
Good afternoon, students.Now I'm going to read a notice. At 4 pm Thursday this week, there will held a English corner at school park.At that time, five American students who study in the Beijing Normal University are going to join us. And one of them named Tina will tell us something about the life-style and American school ecation in America.And after that, it's free talk.Everyone can talk about school life, language learning and so on with them.Hope you can join them.