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發布時間: 2024-07-07 13:39:13

⑴ 孩子用英語怎麼說

孩子用英語的表達:、、son、kid、child、boy and girl。

一、boy and girl

1、Thatboyandgirlareacutecouple. 那個男孩和那個女孩是可愛的一對兒。

2、Boyandgirlcameuptometogether. 一個男孩和一個女孩一起向我走來。


n. 黑人的小孩,小孩子


1、. 小兩口決定要個孩子。

2、Agirlchildwasborn. 生了個女孩。

3、AsachildIlearnedtohuntandfish 從小我就學會了打獵和捕魚。

4、To motivate the child to learn new words.激勵小孩子學習新詞。


1、A bunch of kids were hanging around outside.一群年輕人在外面到處遊逛。

2、a kid of 15.15歲的年輕人

3、She's a bright kid.她是個聰明孩子。


Well, son, how can I help you?那麼,孩子,我能為你做點什麼?

⑵ 請求把「教育孩子」這幾句話翻譯成英語,謝謝您!中譯英

I like children, the children came to this world is pure, to work hard to teach.

I hate playing children, because when I was a kid and China's other peers have the experience of abuse by the early s, I know that the growth of body and mind, the effects of

I hate to laugh at the irony of the words that the sarcastic cold violence, this very hurt pride.

No matter the child or alt, people do things are need to encourage, can we graally moving forward, I opposed to the use of all the violence.

When the country more focus on parents care, care about old people, have a bit more concerned about the baby?

China's lack of is this.

Do the parents of children and violence since childhood, in children buried in the seeds of hatred, and how to make the child grew up from your heart can really do sympathize with parents, concerned about their parents?

I'm afraid that this can be done, even if have, in the heart is also have a knot in one's heart.

If can of words, I hope you can do in the future really listening to their children's parents, sometimes serious, and sometimes encourage, sometimes humorous...

Along with the children to grow up.

⑶ 英語child和children怎麼翻譯


⑷ 世界上的每位父母都喜歡自己的孩子,沒個孩子也喜歡自己的父母」翻譯成英語

All parents in the world love their children,all children love their parents too.

⑸ 你喜歡孩子嗎翻譯成英語

do you like kids?

⑹ 孩子用英語怎麼說

父母稱自己的子女為孩子,長輩也都把晚輩叫做孩子,這是一種愛稱。 那麼你知道孩子用英語怎麼說嗎?下面跟我一起學習關於孩子的英語知識吧。




孩子的相關 短語

野孩子 Wild Child ; feral child ;

乖孩子 Good Boy ; poppet ; Big Mammas Boy ; okey kid

黑孩子 Black Boy ; Hey Guys

聰明孩子 Smart Kids ; Clever Kids ; Sma

孩子早熟 The Premature of Children

救救孩子 Heal the Kids ; save the children ; rescuing children

孩子出生 The One With The Birth ; be born ; Birth of a Child

祝福孩子 Bless the Child

鄰家孩子 BobbyFrank


1. Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.


2. He told us to get stuffed so we leaned on his kid.


3. She denied the murder of four children who were in her care.


4. Many parents find it hard to discourage bad behaviour.


5. He has made friends with the kids on the street.


6. When your children misbehave tell them without making them feel small.


7. He introced radio to the school to increase the children's awareness.


8. Children at school receive coloured stars for work well done.


9. She spends her Easter holidays taking groups of children to France.


10. Don't leave a child alone in a room with an open fire.


11. It bothered me that boys weren't interested in me.


12. The reality of mothering is frequently very different from the romantic ideal.


13. They brought up their children to be God-fearing Christians.


14. Having children was the quickest way to lose your street cred.

生孩子是使自己不再年輕時尚的最快 方法 。

15. Alts need to live their own lives and that's difficult with children.





Actively listening to your child means eye contact, not interrupting, and not waiting for your turn to talk. If they aren’t asking for advice, don’t give it. Instead ask them questions like, “What do you think you could do about that?” or “How did that make you feel?” Really hearing what your child wants to tell you will encourage them to continue communicating. Making every conversation a lesson (given by you) leaves them feeling inferior and disempowered. Take advantage of time together in the car or at meals and practice just hearing their ideas with an open mind.


Make mistakes when they are watching


Resilience allows us to make lemonade out of lemons or to get back on the bike when we have fallen off 10 times. Children learn more from your example than they do from your words. If you want them to believe that part of growth is making mistakes, they need to see you burn dinner or fall on the ski slopes occasionally. One of your most powerful opportunities to demonstrate this to your child is when you make a parenting mistake. Let’s say you lose your cool and yell. Instead of hoping they will forget your outburst you can say, “I don’t want to yell at you when I am frustrated. I’m sorry. Even mommies make mistakes.”


Spend time outside together


No matter where you live, you can find nature. Getting outside boosts moods and provides time where you are really focusing on the activity at hand, according to a study published by Richard Ryan in the Journal of Environmental Psychology. Whether you are hiking, biking, swimming, canoeing, or just walking the dog, nature helps to release stress.Studies show outdoor time helps children grow lean and strong, enhances imaginations and attention spans, decreases aggression, and boosts classroom performance according to the National Wildlife Federation.

不管你住在哪裡,你可以找到大自然。借用外力提升情緒和提供時間,你真的專注於手頭的活動,根據理查德•瑞安在環境心理學雜志發表的一項研究。無論您是徒步旅行,騎自行車, 游泳 ,劃船,或只是遛狗,自然有助於釋放壓力.研究顯示室外的時間幫助孩子們精細成長和強大,增強 想像力 ,注意力,減少侵略,並提升課堂表現根據國家野生動物聯盟所說。

Teach them gratitude


Gratitude is the fastest shortcut to happiness. If children are grateful for what they already have in life, they are more likely to be happy. Starting a family ritual of sharing the best moment of each family member’s day and one thing they are grateful for every time your have a sit down family dinner. Families who sit down to eat together raise healthier children.


Have fun


“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” The best part of childhood is all the playing. Show your kids how to climb trees. Dress up and be superheroes together. Have a tea party or a dance off. The sillier the better. Happy children laugh frequently.


Show them love


Of course this means your physical hugs, cuddles and kisses. It also means demonstrate hugging, holding hands and kisses with your partner and your extended family too. Our sensory system is built to support our need for social connection. Touch is one of the best ways to do this. Just like we feel a decrease in stress hormones after petting a dog, physical contact is one of the ways humans share connection and boost positive emotion.



1. “王室寶寶”英語怎麼說

2. 愛稱寶貝的英語翻譯

3. 嬰兒用英語怎麼說

4. 一共用英語怎麼說

5. 英語翻譯洛克菲勒給兒子的信

6. 小可愛的英文怎麼說

⑺ 急需英語翻譯,我叫苑苑,今年19歲,就讀於河北經濟管理學校,專業是民族音樂與舞蹈,我很喜歡小孩子…


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