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發布時間: 2024-07-07 02:14:11

Ⅰ 鑻辮浣滄枃錛氭垜鐨勫ソ鑰佸笀



Dear teacher




Your care is as warm as the sun, as warm as the spring breeze, and as
sweet as the spring. We are like flower seeds, sprouting and growing
under your care and cultivation.


Teacher, you pay for us wholeheartedly. You teach us hard every day. In
the evening, you help us check our homework and prepare lessons. You
seldom get a good sleep. You treat us as your own children.


Teacher, you are like a candle, silently burning yourself and
illuminating others; She is like a gardener, nurturing the flowers of
our motherland.


Looking back on the past course, every achievement of us is condensed
with your hard work and sweat; Every progress we make is inseparable
from your help and instruction. Your greetings, help and care are deeply
engraved in my memory.


I want to say to you: "teacher, I love you!" I wish you peace, happiness and good health every minute of your life!






Your students


14 may 20XX


Ⅱ 感謝老師英語作文翻譯

I want to say」Thank you」to Miss Wang our English teacher. I can never pay you back for your kindness and your patience. I used to be weak in English. You found my problem and helped me out. With your help I am now good at English. I still remember your smile on the day when I won first prize in the English speech competition. It was you who gave me the confidence. 我想對我們的英語老師說謝謝。對您的善良和耐心我是無法報答的。我曾經英語不好,你發現了我的問題並幫助我走出困境。在您的幫助下,我現在英語很好,我仍然記得當我在英語演講比賽中獲得第一名時您的微笑。是您給了我自信。


Ⅲ 老師我想對你說用英語寫作文

1. 老師,我想對您說

Teacher, I want to say to you: please have a rest!

Remember when I was in the third grade, you in order to improve the students learning achievement and excessive fatigue, faint on the way home. At that time,although I am not your students, but we do not want this to happen again! You in order to improve our grades, toil day and night, but in the end, our study has improved, you are tired out body, we didn't have the heart to!

Teacher is the blue sky, we are flying in the carefree birds in the sky; the teacher is the sea, we are swimming in the sea in the *** all fish. The teacher you like a candle,burning themselves to illuminate others. I heard that there was a teacher, because often the morning time to eat breakfast and get cancer of the stomach, before his death still ask student achievement。。 we do not want to let you bee the teacher!

Teacher, please have a rest! You can rest assured that we will study well! This is I andall the students heart!

2. 英語作文 老師我想對你說

Teacher, I Want to Tell You!

I began to like English when I entered the senior high school. I owe it toyou who has stimulated my great interest in learning English and then influenced my future, and your name is Zhang shu --- a name I will keep in my mind forever.

You showed great love to us which is deeply appealing to our heart. Different from other teachers, you has never been impolite to us. Oppositely, you treated us equally. you made efforts to attract us to the world of English, to understand the beauty of the language and enjoy the cultures of the foreign countries. With your skillful help, the students in our class took great interest in this course and improved rapidly.

You were kind and patient. You did not mind the students' lowness in learning new knowledge, but it did not mean that you were not strict with us. To make what we had learned strong, you often asked us to recall the knowledge in class. This was also a method to examine the homework you had assigned. In that case, we had to work hard so as to live up to your hope.

You were such an excellent teacher that we got so much from her, not only the knowledge but also kindness, diligence and appreciation for beauty. All these will be useful to all my life.






3. 求英語作文老師,我想對你說,

Dear my English teacher :

Miss XX(你的英語老師姓什麼,這里就填什麼).Thanks toyou .

Every day ,you have many lesson ,but you don't says"I'm tield!"

Every evening .All the students are go home ,but you is in your office .Thanks to you ,we all say "we love our English teacher very much!"

Last wish best wishes .

Your student.

The End

4. 求英語作文老師,我想對你說,

Dear my English teacher : Miss XX(你的英語老師姓什麼,這里就填什麼).Thanks toyou . Every day ,you have many lesson ,but you don't says"I'm tield!" Every evening .All the students are go home ,but you is in your office .Thanks to you ,we all say "we love our English teacher very much!" Last wish best wishes . Your student. The End。

5. 以老師,我想對您說為題寫一篇80字英語作文

Miss Wang is our new english teacher. She gave us very good impressions. She is young, enthusiastic and energetic. She always *** iles to us. She has her own special way of teaching and we all like it. Her English lessons are always intersting and enriching. She teaches the concepts clearly and is very patient to her students. She always encourages her students, too. She is the favourate teacher of the students in our class. We feel that the English subject is so interesting since she came.希望能幫到你。

6. 作文:英語老師,我想對你說




7. 英語作文,想對老師說的話

Give teacher of a letter Beloved teacher: Hello. Teacher, you have done for us many sweat. Today I am here with you about truth. Teacher, if we are a *** all boat, You are a pair of paddle. Have the paddle's row, The boat to ride the waves. If we are a candle, You are a match. With the match lit, Candle can shine. If we are lush trees, You are hard gardener. A gardener's cultivation, Tall trees can TingXiu。

The teacher ah, let me again to you say: "hard!" Wish you: Health!您好。老師,您為我們付出了許多汗水。

今天我在這里和您談談心裡話。 老師,假如我們是一隻小船, 您就是一對船槳。

有了船槳的劃動, 小船才能乘風破浪。 假如我們是一根蠟燭, 您就是一根火柴。

有了火柴的點燃, 蠟燭才能大放光芒。 假如我們是茂盛的樹木, 您就是辛勤的園丁。

有了園丁的培育, 樹木才能高大挺秀…… 老師啊,讓我再向您說一聲:「辛苦了。

Ⅳ 幫寫一篇英語作文 , 適合高考的,內容是感謝老師在高中3年對我的幫助,反正怎麼好怎麼寫吧,最好附上翻譯.

Thank You, Teacher.
I would like to say, thank you ,dear teacher. You always treat us students as your own children. No matter how bad the weather is or how sick you are feeling. You never miss the classes because your personal reason.
I would like to say, thank you, dear teacher. You teach us how to solve the questions and you also tell us how to face the difficulties in our daily lives. Because of you, we will never lost the goal we students should have, and now we are getting more and more close to that goal.
I would like to say, thank you, dear teacher. Your shining smile make us feel confident when we face the exams. And your words we will keep in mind to guide our actions. This confidence and the guide will help us find the right way to step on. We will never get lost any more.
Thank you, my teacher.

我想說,謝謝你,親愛的老師。 你們總是把我們學生當作自己的孩子。 不管天氣怎麼壞,或你們有多不舒服的感覺。 你們從不會因為個人的原因而錯過一次課,。 我想說,謝謝你們,親愛的老師。 你們教我們如何解決這些問題,你們也告訴我們如何在日常生活中面對困難。 因為你們,我們永遠不會失去目標,我們學生應該做的,現在我們越來越接近這個目標。 我想說,謝謝你們,親愛的老師。當我們面對考試 你們燦爛的笑容讓我們感受到自信。 你們的話會繼續指導我們的行動。 這種信心和指南將幫助我們找到正確的的道路。 我們永遠不會迷路了。

Ⅳ 英語作文,想對老師說的話

範文:Hello, teacher. Thank you for your care over the past three years. In the future, I will study harder and strive to enter a good university. I also wish you good health and happy every day.







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