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發布時間: 2024-07-05 14:56:46

❶ 寫一篇英語作文(我喜歡吃什麼,我不喜歡吃什麼。)

Hello,I am Dale.I like hamburgers and apples for breakfast.But I don't like bread and milk.For lunch,I like rice、fruit salad and chicken.I don't like noodlles.For dinner,I like porridge and vegetable.And I don't like eggs.







❷ 寫一篇英語作文:我不喜歡數學

I don't like mathematics, mathematics is very difficult, there are a lot of digital mixed together, to buy food to let X. Mathematics is very troublesome.

❸ 我不喜歡的食物英語作文

Let me tell you about I do not like 』s food. May be you like fish but I do not like.If you like mutton,but do not like.Why?Because they are too fishy. 有點短小哈,有些可以縮寫的我懶得打撇點哈,要中文就再找我吧。還有一位童鞋也回答了,可是他寫的是他喜歡的食物,如果短了我再填哈。祝你愉快

❹ The films I Don't Like(以「我不喜歡看的電影」為題寫一篇不少於50詞的英語作文)

I don't like the film "Mom love me once more". The film is really moving. I can see many kids cry when they are watching the film. But I don't think the story is real. I like real stories. Also, I don't like see people cray. So I don't like the film "Mom love me once more."

❺ 英語作文:初二級水平,寫自己喜歡和不喜歡的電視節目,80詞左右,

There are many different kinds of TV shows ,I like the talk shows beacause I can
learn a lot of jokes from them ,I also love news because I can learn what is
going on around the world ,my favourite TV shows are game shows because they
are fun to watch and make me excited ,I don't mind talent shows because they
give many common people a chance to show their talents ,I can't stand sitcoms
because they are too long and meaningless ,but I don't mind soap operas


❻ 英語作文,我最不喜歡的

My least favorite time of the day is the morning. Some may say it's a new beginning, a new day. But for me, it means waking to the constant ringing of my alarm. I just wish I could stay in bed a while longer. My halfhearted attempt to climb out of bed almost never matches the welcoming coziness of the blankets. Thus, my eyes close yet again, only to be woken yet again by that forever persistent alarm clock. Perhaps this has something to do with the fact that I am practically a night owl. For some reason, I never want to go to bed when the rest of the hemisphere is asleep.

❼ 銆愭垜涓嶅枩嬈㈠仛鐨勪竴浠朵簨銆戣嫳璇浣滄枃錛屾ョ敤錛侊紒

I don't like to do my homework.
Everyday,we have too much homework.Like one day,we had five examination papers.
Math,history,Chinese,bioligy and English.
I did them from 6pm to 12pm.I feeled so tired.
And after school, I can't meet my friends or watch TV .Because I have to do my homework!
I can't stand it!It spends my all times!

❽ 英語作文 寫你的業余愛好是什麼你喜歡干什麼不喜歡干什麼喜歡和不喜歡的理由是什麼請你用50字表達

My hobby is playing badminton, singing, guzheng. I like listening to music, collect good books. I don't like to write a composition, I don't like noisy. Because this is a kind of habit, can also is a pleasure, life, therefore I very gratified.

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