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發布時間: 2024-07-05 11:12:26

A. 一篇「我的夏令營」英語作文100字(代翻譯)

August 15,when mom and dad took me to the airport,I sat on the plane and began my summer camp,at first,I get there,what all don't know,also because the campus is very big,in the beginning,I dare not to go,afraid of getting lost,but then I'm not afraid,with a few classmates go to see the little turtle or catch the grasshopper,in the summer camp,I prefer rowing course,baking class and some interesting lessons.
In my imperceptibly,it has been half a month,back to shenzhen,really want to go to a summer camp!

B. 關於美食的雙英語作文

bad for the waistline, but comfort food is good for the soul Comfort food may be bad for the waistline but it is good for the soul, say researchers. A study found that even thinking about mashed potato, chicken soup or chocolate pudding can combat loneliness. It is thought that we choose certain foods when the going gets tough because they remind us of happier times, including childhood meals and family holidays.

我們都知道,兒時學的成語「畫餅充飢」的意思是:畫個餅來解除飢餓。比喻用空想來安慰自己。特別是用來欺騙別人,並有「自欺欺人」的含義。然而,隨著科學越來越發達,針對美食與心理學之間的研究成果越來越多,好事的科學家們竟然得出結論:畫餅充飢並非用來形容自欺欺人用「空想」來安慰自己。據悉,專家證實,空想美食(比如雞湯、巧克力布丁、土豆泥等等)都能達到「排解寂寞」以及身心健康的目的。結論解釋,當我們處在焦慮的狀態中,我們倘若能 「意念」憑空想像一下美食的樣子,這種美好的行為可以促發我們想起歡樂的時候,包括童年生活以及家庭其樂融融的景象。

In an attempt to make a group of volunteers feel lonely, the U.S. researchers asked them to write about a row with someone close to them. Some then wrote about eating a comfort food while others wrote about eating a new food. Finally, participants answered questions about their levels of loneliness. Those who were generally secure in their relationships were able to rescue themselves from loneliness by writing about a comfort food, the journal Psychological Science reports.


University of Buffalo researcher Jordan Troisi said: 『It seems comfort food is a sort of ready-made easy resource for remedying a sense of loneliness.』 Cure to loneliness? Certain foods make us remember better times.

來自布法羅大學的研究員Jordan Troisi 說:「美食的效果很神奇,它可以喚醒人們對生活的美好的記憶,不失為戒除孤單的一種良葯。」



For many, January 1 offers an opportunity to forget the past and make a clean start. But instead of leaving everything up to fate, why not enjoy a meal to increase your good fortune? There are a variety of foods that are believed to be lucky.




New Year's revelers in Spain consume twelve grapes at midnight-one grapefor each stroke of the clock. Lately, each grape then represents adifferent month, so if for instance the third grape is a bit sour,March might be a rocky month. For most, the goal is to swallow all the grapes before the last stroke of midnight.



Cooked Greens

Cooked greens, including cabbage,collards, and chard, are consumed at New Year's in different countriesfor a simple reason - their green leaves look like folded money, andare thus symbolic of economic fortune. The Danish eat stewed kale sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon, the Germans consumesauerkraut (cabbage) while in the southern United States, collards arethe green of choice. It's widely believed that the more greens one eatsthe larger one's fortune next year.



Legumesincluding beans, peas, and lentils are also symbolic of money. Their small, seedlike appearance resembles coins that swell when cooked sothey are consumed with financial rewards in mind. In Italy, it's customary to eat cotechino con lenticchie or sausages and green lentils. Germansalso partner legumes and pork, usually lentil or split pea soup withsausage. In the Southern United States, it's traditional to eatblack-eyed peas in a dish called hoppin' john. There are even those whobelieve in eating one pea for every day in the new year.




The custom of eating pork on New Year's is based on the idea that pigs symbolize progress.Roast suckling pig is served for New Year's in Cuba, Spain,Portugal, Hungary, and Austria-Austrians are also known to decorate thetable with miniature pigs made of marzipan. Different pork dishes suchas pig's feet are enjoyed in Sweden while Germans feast on roast porkand sausages. Pork is also consumed in Italy and the United States,where thanks to its rich fat content, it signifies wealth andprosperity.




Fish is a very logicalchoice for the New Year's table. According to Mark Kurlansky, author ofCod: A Biography of the Fish that Changed the World, cod has been apopular feast food since the Middle Ages. He compares it to turkey on Thanksgiving. The reason? Long before refrigeration and modern transportation,cod could be preserved and transported allowing it to reach theMediterranean and even as far as North Africa and the Caribbean.Kurlansky also believes the Catholic Church's policy against red meat consumption on religious holidays helped make cod, as well as other fish, commonplace at feasts. The Danish eat boiled cod, while in Italy,baccalà, or dried salt cod, is enjoyed from Christmas through NewYear's. Herring, another frequently preserved fish, is consumed atmidnight in Poland and Germany-Germans also enjoy carp and have been known to place a few fish scales in their wallets for good luck.



Cakes, Etc.

Cakes and other baked goods are commonly served from Christmas to New Year's around the world, with a specialemphasis placed on round or ring-shaped items. Italy has chiacchiere,which are honey-drenched balls of pasta dough fried and sted withpowdered sugar. Poland, Hungary, and the Netherlands also eat donuts,and Holland has ollie bollen, puffy, donut-like pastries filled with apples, raisins, and currants.In certain cultures, it's customary tohide a special trinket or coin inside the cake-the recipient will belucky in the new year.



What Not to Eat

In addition to the aforementioned luckyfoods, there are also a few to avoid. Lobster, for instance, is a badidea because they move backwards and could therefore lead to setbacks.Another theory warns against eating any winged fowl because good luck could fly away.


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