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發布時間: 2024-07-04 15:03:13

Ⅰ 英語Mandarin Square怎麼翻譯

A Mandarin square (traditional Chinese: 補子; simplified Chinese: 補子; pinyin: bŭzi; Wade-Giles: putzŭ; Manchu: sabirgi), also known as a rank badge, was a large embroidered badge sewn onto the surcoat of an official in Imperial China. It was embroidered with detailed, colourful animal or bird insignia indicating the rank of the official wearing it.

Ⅱ 大廈的英文翻譯

一般的寫字樓用Building,外租的樓是:building on lease

Ⅲ 廣場 怎麼翻譯

我個來人覺得,square是那種接近於方方自正正的廣場,比較適合用語普通的或者莊重的廣場,比如天安門square; plaza也是廣場,有點抽象,給我的感覺與square那種廣場的相似處在於會有很多人,所以適合用於比較時髦點的廣場,有點商業的味道,如購物廣場

Ⅳ 幸福生活廣場 英語怎麼翻譯

我查了一下字典,plaza的英語解釋是mercantile establishment consisting of a carefully landscaped complex of shops representing leading merchandisers; usually includes restaurants and a convenient parking area; a modern version of the traditional marketplace,很明顯包含店鋪,大樓等建築群。而square的英語解釋是an open area at the meeting of two or more streets(兩條或更多條街道交匯處的空曠部分)。

那麼幸福生活廣場就可以翻譯成:Happy Life Plaza或Happy Living Plaza(我覺得後面這個比較好一點)。

Ⅳ 廣場翻譯成英語大神們幫幫忙

你好, 廣場square,plaza(購物廣場,集合廣場) 以上由╰低⌒調〃為您解答 ! 如 有疑問,歡迎繼續追問;如果對我的答案滿意,請務必採納~謝謝O(∩_∩)O

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