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發布時間: 2024-07-04 14:52:07

A. 怎麼把「到達上海」翻譯成英語

arrive in Shanghai

B. 鎴戜笂嫻蜂篃鍒拌繃錛屽ぉ媧ヤ篃鍒拌繃錛屽嚑涓澶у煄甯傞兘鍒拌繃銆傜炕璇戞垚鑻辮鏄鎬庢牱鐨勶紵

銆鏃忛傘I also have been to also have been to Shanghai, tianjin, several big cities have to in the past.
銆銆Is looking to adopt useful, thank you.

C. 去年我到了上海就愛上了那個地方 把這句話翻譯成英文

I love Shanghai as soon as I was arriving in the place.
我覺得強調一下as soon as「一...就」,比較能夠突出感情。

D. 奼 涔濅笅鑻辮絎涓夎捐炬枃On holiday 緲昏瘧銆 Dear Connie i'm in shanghai at last night from Beijing]

Dear Connie
I鈥檓 in Shanghai at last. My parents and I flew here last night from Beijing.
We鈥檝e had such anexhausting day! After we had eaten a huge breakfast at the hotel, we set out on foot down Nanjing Road, the main road in Shanghai. The weather was warmer than in Beijing. It was sunny and the sky was clear and blue.
We soon came to People鈥檚 Square, a marvellous recreation area. We walked around the beautiful fountain. There was a nice atmosphere. Some elderly people were doing ballroom dancing, and children were flying kites. Teenagers wereroller skating, and some men were practising sword fighting. After we had watched for a while, we went into Shanghai Museum. We spent a couple of hours there, looking at the displays.
Next we walked on down to the Bund, the old part of the city with lots of European style buildings. A Chinese nickname for the Bund is 鈥榯he exhibition of world architecture鈥. It is a big commercial centre with lots of banks and businesses.
We walked along the waterfront and looked up at the Oriental Pearl TV Tower across the Huangpu River. I read that the designer鈥檚 idea came from a line in an old Chinese poem, 鈥業t was like large and small pearls dropping on a plate of jade.鈥 The big financial and trade area of Pudong is behind the tower. Dad visited that area fifteen years ago. He was amazed at how much it had changed.
Then we turned away from the river, walked down some narrow streets, and reached the Chenghuang Miao area. There are lots of craft shops, with artists doing things like paper cutting. There is also a lake with a pavilion in the middle. We can go over a zigzag bridge to get to the pavilion and enjoy the nice view around. After that, we ate a tasty meal in an old restaurant nearby. Finally, we walked into Yu Garden. It was so beautiful! I loved the long dragons all along the tops of the walls.
By this time we were so tired that we took a taxi back to our hotel to rest our feet! I鈥檝e drawn you a map so you can see where we went today, and I will enclose a few photos. Shanghai is great! I wish we could stay longer.
Lots of love to everyone

E. 到達上海的三種英語翻譯

Reach Shanghai
Get to Shanghai
Arrive in Shanghai
(arrive in/at sp.)
Land on Shanghai

F. 約2小時後,我來到了上海 這句話怎麼翻譯成英文

around two hours later,i arrived in shanghai.


G. 上海用英語怎麼翻譯


H. 我去了上海 英語怎麼說

英文:I went to Shanghai.


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