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發布時間: 2024-07-03 13:41:47

1. 你從什麼時候開始學英語 翻譯下。

When did you start learning English/driving?
From what grade/which year did you began your English learning?

How long have you been studying/learning English?
How long have you been driving?

2. 我小學三年級開始學英語用英語怎麼翻譯

I started to learn English from grade three in primary school.

3. 我從5歲開始學鋼琴英文怎麼說

I began to learn the piano from five years old.
這是 我從五歲就開始學鋼琴專了:
I began to learn from the piano at the age of five.
5樓的是下面這句屬語氣顯然有點傲了...好像自己很了不起似的....學鋼琴一般都從4 5歲開始,就能學了。

4. 開始學慣用英語怎麼說!

at the beginning of this term

5. 從今天開始我要學習英語 英文翻譯謝謝

  • 從今天開始,我要學習英語:From this day,I have to study English.
    From this day:自今日起,從今而後;從今天;從今開始。
    例句:From this day, you must be a stranger to one of your parents. 從今天開始,你將與雙親之一成為陌生人.
    要:have to
    例句:Sometimes things have to fall apart to make way for better things. 有時候要到達谷底,才會慢慢變好。
    例句:He entered Otago University to study arts and divinity. 他進入奧特哥大學學習藝術和神學。

  • 從今天開始,我要學習英語:From today on, I need to learn English.
    from today on:從今天開始;從今天起;從今天;從今日起。
    例句:From today on, let's start to love ourselves, unconditionally! 從今天開始, 讓我們去全心全意地愛自己.
    要:need to
    例句:Do not wait for good things to happen to you. You need to walk towards happiness. 不要等待好事降臨,你要向幸福進發。
    例句:He's still learning and when he hits his stride, he'll be unstoppable. 他仍舊處在學習階段,一旦駕輕就熟後將勢不可擋。

  • 從今天開始,我要學習英語:I will study English starting today.
    starting today:從今天起;今天開始;從今天;都從今天開始。
    例句:We must act as soon as possible, starting today. 我們必須盡快行動, 從今天開始.
    例句: I will return, find you, love you, marry you and live without shame. 我會回去,找到你,愛你,娶你,活的光明正大。《贖罪》

6. 英語learn from scratch怎麼翻譯

英語 learn from scratch 翻鍵褲山譯為中文,意思是從頭開始學稿中習。 例如,Now that you have seen how to generate controls from scratch, you will learn how to bind to existing controls. 既然您已經看到了,怎樣從純清頭生成控制項,那麼您就學會了怎樣綁定已存在的控制項。

7. 我從四歲開始學英語的翻譯是:什麼意思

I started learning English from 4 years old。

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