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發布時間: 2024-07-03 12:02:22

『壹』 廣場舞噪音大英語作文

退休的大爺和大娘們每天早晨和傍晚就打開音響設備在社區里跳舞,我家就一直受到噪音的干擾。早上7點前我們還在睡,就被音樂聲吵醒了。 晚上下班回到家,又被音樂聲干擾。 有個學生要考試,請求他們音響開得小一點,結果被罵。 有時候我們感冒不舒服,想早點睡覺都不行。沒有部門能管他們,環保推給110,110推給社區。社區推給管理處,管理處聲明沒有權力去管,總是沒有解決這個問題。
the retired granddad and aunt are dancing in the community every morning and evening with audio equipment turned on, my family has been subject to noise interference. We were still asleep before 7am, and we were awakened by the sound of music. Home from work at night, again by the music sound ⅰnter- ference. There is a students to test, ask them to open a little audio, the result was scolded. Sometimes we have a cold, we do not want to go to bed earlier.
No department can manage them, pushing 110, 110 environmental protection to the community, the com- munity pushed to the management office. Mana- gement said the statement did not have the au- thority to manage. always did not solve this problem.

『貳』 廣場舞的不同意見英語作文

可能用到的詞彙和句型 :
keep fit \ make new friends \ feel less
lonely \ make much noise \ disturb
others \ too late \ too loud
It』s a good way to …
We should … /are supposed to …
We shouldn』t … / are not supposed to …
not only … but also , what』s worse , in my opinion , 範文 :Square dancing is becoming more and more popular with the elder people in China .
Not only is it a good way of keeping fit , but also it』s a good time for the elder to walk outdoor to meet and make friends . Most dancers say that this activity makes them look younger and feel more confident . However , they make so much noise that people around feel uncomfortable . What』s worse , sometimes they even fight for a certain place to dance .
In my opinion , we should encourage more old women to take part in this outdoor activity . Meanwhile , they aren』t supposed to dance too late or to too loud music .

『叄』 涓鑰冭嫳璇浣滄枃80瀛楀乏鍙,騫垮満鑸炵殑鍒╀笌寮婂強寤鴻

We can see lots ladies dancing in the square or open spaces after dinner time.It was a very harmonious scene not until someone fire guns and release his dogs to threaten these ladies to escape,just because their music is too loud.Some people think this lousy music has seriously affecting their life,so that the dancing lady should be expelled from public place.While I can鈥檛 agree with them.I have two reasons to support my views.In the first place,most dancing ladies are retired woman,they finally have extra time to do something they like to do,and get together to dance,making more new friends who are share the same habit with them,and build up their body as well.As a matter of fact,some dancing lady is a loner with on family member at home,dancing group is like their second home.We should not deprive them of dance right.As a consequence,we cannot expel the dancing lady,because it is a public place,and why can鈥檛 we show some mercy to a group of retired lady who are just need a place to dance together?

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