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1. 父母怎麼幫助子女自立 英語作文

Parents Should Help Children to Be Independent
In our country,the only-one child policy has made more and more parents pay so much attention to their children that they would like to replace their children to do everything,including study,work and even marriage.This notion has given to many problems for children』s grow-ups.Therefore,our parents should learn to help their children to be independent.
There are some suggestions given to our parents.For one thing,it is quite important for our parents to realize that their children will grow up and have their own ideas and thoughts as time goes by.Thus,children should be encouraged to make some decisions alone in some matters so that they are able to pursue what they want.And this would also make contribution to solve what we called 「generation gap.」
For another,our parents should believe that their children have enough ability to deal with their personal matters and differentiate between good and evil.Hence,parents should give some family chores to their children properly because it is a good chance to train them.
Of course,I am not saying that our parents should not help their children when they are getting into trouble,but I contend that our parents should give their children a free hand in some matters to help them to be independent.

2. 父母怎樣幫助孩子獨立 英語作文

How should parents help children to be independent?
They should give their children the freedom to make choices for themselves.Children cannot be happy if they don』 have control over their life,which in daily life,means they make choices for themselves,like,what to eat,what to wear,what career to take,what kind of spouse they are going to marry.Some parents may be open-minded enough to let their children to make these tiny decisions about food and clothes,but when it comes to the big ones,they are too anxious to let their children have a try.
They used to be young and they made mistakes and now it is their sons and daughters』 turn to be young—the deep love and care is so intense that it becomes even suffocating--they are reluctant to give their children opportunities to start to be responsible for their own lives.
How Should Parents Help Children to be Independent
Nowadays,there is a growing concern over such a phenomenon,that is,some parents take care of almost everything concerned with their children,including study,work and marriage.Some parents believe that this is love,however,it is only to destroy children』s independence thoroughly.
For the future of the next generation,more efforts should be made by parents to help their children to be independent.The fundamental one is to cultivate the awareness,namely,the importance and necessity of being independent,which is supposed to begin from childhood.Children should be taught that no one can be stronger and more helpful than themselves in this world.
The quality of independence is so indispensable for us that parents had better act as a tutor,not a dictator.And only with parents' trust,can the next generation accumulate confidence step by step.

3. 如何才能更好的鼓勵孩子學習,寫一篇英語作文,求幫忙!!!!!速度

漢語: 鼓勵孩子學習 「用功學習是好事,不過要量力而行,別讓自己太累。」 這是家長應該對孩子說的一句話。 學習、玩、健康,對孩子來說都一樣重要。 要讓孩子在鼓勵中感受到關懷。鼓勵孩子學習,也要因人而異。先了解清楚孩子的性情,再來對症下葯。 英語: To encourage children to learn "Study hard is a good thing, but to do what, don't make yourself too tired." This is the parents of the child should be saying. Learning, playing, health, for children are of the same importance. Let the child feel concern with encouragement. Encourage children to learn, should differ from man to man. A clear understanding of children's temperament, to an antidote against the disease.

4. 家長鼓勵孩子做自己喜歡做的事的英語作文

|Parents encourage their children's writing
Parents to encourage children to the composition of the landlord 11:00:47 |-07-20 a total of 5 replies 185 reading
Parents encourage their children's parents at home should be how to urge their children to learn how to learn, how to communicate with their children every day. Senior high school entrance examination before the parents of their children to "at least" (Figure) let the parents take their children to play online games
Progress in the growth of students on the road, a great role of the parents, because you are a child's first teacher "and" teacher ", so only from themselves, as a good example, can influence and shape the quality of children, so that the school ecation and social ecation can better be extended, make the child healthy and happy to grow and become useful to society
Teachers believe that parents play a key role in the growth of their children. For minors, the school is the main position of their ecation, parents should actively cooperate with the school, do a good job in the child's family ecation. Of course, the school has the obligation to instruct parents how to ecate their children, but parents should first do active learning, keep pace with the times, the development situation of adaptation ecation, learn some knowledge and skills of adolescent ecation, in a timely manner to teach children mental health of adolescent knowledge, grasp the psychological fluctuations of children, to take timely and effective measures. Followed by parents to develop good habits, from childhood to cultivate the character of honesty and trustworthiness. The ecation of children is not too strict, can not control too loose, should pay attention to children and friends, treat them like friends, good play to the children's subjective initiative. As the child's "teacher", parents should set an example for the children in various aspects, such as good habits, do not drink, do not curse, pay attention to image and good manners, be strict with oneself, broad-minded toward others etc.. Because of the minor thought is not mature, strong curiosity, so if they can not correctly lead, will cause them to contact the bad things, have a great interest in a bad phenomenon, form bad habits, some even toward the path of crime. While parents ecation is very important, if the parents a better self-image, respect for superiors, filial piety, diligent, modest, so their children will be affected, and graally form a good style of work.
Specifically, I think parents do the following:
First, you have to guide children to reasonable arrangements for daily activities, and guide the children to regular daily routines, moderate sleep, to avoid inlging in the network.
Two, you want them to do some housework, not Chinese total ecation network documentation channel to bear a burden to their children, to cultivate his labor consciousness, form the habit of loving labor, for his future independent life is very helpful. Leave the children to do some simple housework, but also a kind of exercise for the children. In this way, not only can let the children learn more life skills, but also enrich the children's after-school life.
Three, you have to seriously ecate and warn the children, do a few away". Places, such as Internet cafes, game rooms, these places, Longshehunza, at any time will lead to "fight, rob, cheat and other unsafe events. Stay away from negative people, such as indecent child peers, "he said".
Four, you can contest with the children, to enhance the safety awareness of children. Such as bear in mind a few emergency telephone numbers: Fire (119), the police (110), the hospital rescue (120), etc..
Five, you want to encourage children to participate in outdoor exercise. Children usually go to school, exercise less time, only one week two times the physical ecation class is difficult to meet the needs of strong fitness.

5. 題目是 家長在孩子成長中扮演的作用 大學英語作文 有個能夠識別百度上規范作文的軟體,一定要自己寫的!

Parents are a child's first school of ecation, parents are a child's first teacher of enlightenment. But in the way children grow, parents should play what role, that was a debatable issue. The child's parents should lead the way. Parents according to the child's talent and interest, and make the best use guided ecation, to ensure that children have a right growth direction, so that the child's innate talent acquired through culture, transformed into achievement. The world-famous German poet Goethe grew by a good, planned family ecation. His mother gave him a story every day, whenever mentioned key areas stopped to speak, and let yourself go to imagine Goethe behind the plot. Before the next story, let him say what he wanted, and then repeat. This training approach, undoubtedly cultivated Goethe creative imagination, for his later writing the script and the novel has laid a solid foundation. A planned, purposeful aspects of training and ecation, so that Goethe became world famous poet, therefore, I think there is a purpose, planned family ecation is to train children in the fertile soil of high creativity.

6. 中考英語作文《假如我是家長應該怎樣教育孩子》

Efforts to build a file over the weekend of large-scale variety show, weekly Saturday night 7:00 presided over the team composed of famous comedians Pan Changjiang, Panyang and gallant o, three people have solid basis for the performing arts and good audience reason, presided over a variety of styles and distinctive features, in stage or song or dance, put freely.

7. (家長們如何幫助孩子獨立) 的英語作文,字數100字 請幫幫我

Today in China, many families have only one child. So the children usually doted upon by all family members. Graally some of them get used to depending on their parents and lack the ability to solve problems independently. There are some ways to help children to be independent. Firstly, the child should have a chance to see the world around him. He must understand that therere various competitions in this world, and everyone can find his right position in the society only by indivial efforts. Secondly, the parents should give the child enough help to make him feel comfortable. Its impossible to ask a child not to depend on parents at once. A child needs help from the beginning. Without any help, the child may lose his faith. Thirdly, parents should let his child make decisions, which can temper his ability to deal with problems. A child should be praised when he is successful or when he fails. To be independent is good for the children, because no parents can accompany the children for the whole life. It is the child himself who is responsible for her own fate. Only an independent person can live and succeed in this world.

8. 家長怎樣的教育方式有利於提孩子成長 英語作文

Parents,especially those of teenagers,care about their children's ecation more than anything else.They could do everything for their children.Many of them spend most of their spare time coaching their children in studies; those who have no time or cannot do it have hired tutors.Some also send their children to after-class schools.Some even have tried to improve their home environment.It seems as if a better ecation is all that parents expect for children.

9. 英語作文:對小孩的教育(Ecation for children)

對小孩的教育(Ecation for children)

In some countries, there are children who are ecated by their parents at home instead of being taught by teachers at school. Do you think this is a good or bad idea? Think of its advantages and disadvantages.

With the development of society, it is more easy and convenient for us to study home by ourselves. And many parents ecate their children at home instead of at school. There are advantages and disadvantages for both ways.

The main reason why parents choose to teach their children at home is that it is a good method to teach students in accordance with their aptitude. For every child has different hobbies and talent, teaching them at home can help them find and develop their being genius effectively.

On the other hand, the healthy overall development of a child attributes to many integrated factors. Some extracurricular activities are beneficial supplement to be classroom instruction. And if children are encouraged to attend only academic activities, their overall development will inevitably be hindered. Their indivialities and originalities will undoubtedly be impaired, because our society a diversified one. Children should be encouraged to get in touch with various aspects as society to attain a more comprehensive knowledge.

So in my opinion, it is better to teach children by teacher at school.





另一方面,小孩健康全面的發展歸於各方面能力的開發。一些有益的課外活動有利於必修課程的補充。如果只鼓勵他們學習課本上的東西,他們就不可能得到全面的發展。 他們自己的個性和創意就毫無疑問的會削弱,因為我們的社會是一個多元化的社會。應該鼓勵孩子們多接觸社會上各種各樣的事物來達到更多的全面的知識。


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