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發布時間: 2024-07-02 04:02:46

『壹』 我在菏澤一中上高中用英語怎麼說

I was in a middle school in Heze.(網路翻譯的,應該是對的)


『貳』 「高中」的英文翻譯哪個對

高中的英文翻譯:senior high school,High School,senior middle school都對,都是這個意思。
Arlington Senior High School 阿靈頓高中

Matsu Senior High School 國立馬祖高級中學
Qianhuang Senior High School 江蘇省前黃高級中學
Banqiao Senior High School 新北市立板橋高級中學
senior high school student 高中生
senior high school mathematics 高中數學
senior high school physics 高中物理
1、「The way our state is dealing with class size is nearly criminal,」 said Chris Kirchner, an English teacher at Coral Reef Senior High School in Miami.
2、MIAMI — On the first day of her senior year at North Miami Beach Senior High School, Naomi Baptiste expected to be greeted by a teacher when she walked into her precalculus class.
3、Only 8 percent of senior high school students in Japan want to become a person of high power, about one-third of the levels in the United States, South Korea and China, a survey showed.
4、Facing this terrible data, graated from senior high school students have to enter a university for getting a higher level diploma.

5、Above all, people who graated from senior high school haven』t enough social experience and ample knowledge.
6、When you enter the university, you might think that sincere friends are in senior high school only.

『叄』 剛開始步入高中生活 有點不適應 節奏太快的英語翻譯

翻譯:My high school life has just begun, I do not adapt to it , the rhythm is too fast.
adapt 英 [əˈdæpt] 美 [əˈdæpt]
vi. 適應於,適應不同情況(或環境)(to)
vt. 改編,改寫;改變…以適合(for)
rhythm 英 [ˈrɪðəm] 美 [ˈrɪðəm]
n. [詩]節奏,韻律;[醫專]節律,規律;[樂]節拍屬;[藝]調和

『肆』 高中用英語怎麼說

Senior High School(中國的高中)
High School(一般英文國家的高中)
高三也可以說final year of senior high, senior year(一般在美國適用,高中最後一年)

『伍』 「高中生」用英語怎麼說

senior high school student



Iwill beno .




1、女高中生僵屍High School Girl Zombie ; High School Girl Zombisexuale

2、男子高中生High School Girls

3、成為高中生後Become after high school ; After a high school

4、華裔高中生林飛Fei Lin the morning

5、他們是高中生they are high school students

『陸』 翻譯英語「九月份他就要上高中了"

He'll go to high school in September.

『柒』 初中三年很快就過去了,如今我馬上要進入高中用英語怎麼說

Junior middle school three year soon passed, and now I'm about to enter high school

『捌』 我們馬上就要上高中了的英語翻譯

We will go to / enter / attend senior high/middle school at once / right now / immediately.
We will soon go to / enter / attend senior high/middle school

『玖』 用英語翻譯我一定要考上我想要考上的高中

Do I have to take an examination of the high school that I want to take an examination

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