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發布時間: 2024-07-01 14:29:21

❶ 電話交談這個詞用英語翻譯

chat/talk on the phone
TV series

❷ 在電話里交談用英語怎麼說

在電話里交談用英語可以說 "Speaking on the phone in English",或者簡單說 "Speaking English on the phone"。

同時,當你接聽電話時你可以說 "Hello?" 或 "Hi, this is [你的名字]" 來接升瞎聽電話。在結束通話時,你可以說 "Goodbye" 或 "Bye-bye"。

Hello意思是你好; (用於問候、接電話或引起注意)喂; (表示驚訝或認為別人說了蠢話或沒有注意聽)嘿。Goodbye主要用作為感嘆詞,翻譯為「再見;告別」。


❸ 英語「在電話中」怎麼翻譯

on the phone

❹ 電話交談用英語咋說

你的問題是:電話交談翻譯成英語怎麼說是么?Telephone conversation

❺ 奼傛妸鈥滃湪鐢佃瘽閲屼氦璋堚濆拰鈥滃惉CD鈥濅互鍙娾滃拰鎴戜竴璧峰悆鏅氶愨濆垎鍒鑻辮緲昏瘧錛岃阿璋銆

Talking on the phone
Listen to the CD
Have dinner with me

❻ 打電話對話英語怎麼說

問題一:打電話聊天用英語怎麼說? 打電話聊天Talking on the phone
Talking on the phone

問題二:關於打電話的英語對話三十句 A:能不能請傑克接電話? B:請等一下,我去叫他。
A:Can I get Jack on the phone now?/ Could I speak to Jack,plese?/ Could i talk to Jack,please?/ Have I the pleasure of addressing Jack?/ May I have a word with Jack?
B:A moment please,/Hang on a moment please,/Hold on please,/Just a minute, I'll fetch him up.
2 A:喂,請大衛聽電話 B:請別掛斷。 A:Hello, I'd like to speak to David./ Hello, I'd like to talk to David./ Hello,get me David on the phone please./ Hello,David please./ Hello, would you ask David to step to the phone? B: Don't hang up please.
3 A:喂,亨利在嗎? B:我就是,您哪位? A:Hello.Is Henry in?/Hello.Is Henry there please? B:This is Henry.Who's speaking?/賣模Who's that speaking?/Who's calling?
4 A:喂,是湯姆嗎? B:對不起,他不在。 A:Hello.Is that Tom?/Is that you,Tom? B:Sorry ,but he is out(not here at the moment).
5 A:喂,我是約翰,格林先生在嗎? B:對不起,他現在不能聽電話,有口信給他嗎? A:Hello.This is John here./My name is John./John here./This is John./John speaking. Is Mr. Green in? B:Sorry,but he can't e to the phone right now .Any message for him?/ Sorry,but he is not available.Can I take a message ?/Is there any message I can give him?/Do you want to leave a word for him?/Do you want to leave a message?/Would you like to leave a message?

問題三槐鋒:用英語編一篇打電話的對話。要求簡單並翻譯 Z:Hello,may I speak to L?喂,L在嗎? L:This is L,who's speaking?我就是,你是哪位? Z:This is Z,I'm wondering if we could go to the movies this weekend?我是Z,我想這個周末我們是否可以一起去看電影? L:Sounds great!when and where?好主意,什麼時候?去哪兒? Z:How about the Haidiang Theater.海定影院怎麼樣? L:OK,when shall we meet?好的,我們幾點見面? Z:19:00.下午7點 L:Good,I'll see you there,bye.好的,我們在這兒見面,再見! Z:Bye.this weekend?我是Z, L:Sounds great!when and where? Z:How about the Haidiang Theater. L:OK,when shall we meet? Z:19:00. L:Good,I'll see you there,bye. Z:Bye.

問題四:打電話的鉛配晌英語對話 A Hello!This is XXX speaking.May I speak to XXX?
B This is XXX speaking.
A XXX,I will go to Beihai park tomorrow.Would you like to go with me?
B I』love to.When shall we meet?
A At 9:00 a.m.
B I konw.See you tomorrow.
A See you!

問題五:急!!!!用英語接、打電話怎麼說??對話形式 ?Thank you for calling Microsoft. Miranda speaking. How can I help you?
?Hello, this is Julie Madison calling.May I speak with Mr. Gates, please?
?Please hold and I'll put you through to his office.
?He's busy right now. Can you call again later?

問題六:打電話的時候詢問對方是誰(用英語)應該怎麼說 Who is that (speaking)? 你是誰?
Is that ....(speaking)場 你是xxx嗎?

問題七:給老外打電話聊天;聊什麼呢?說什麼英語句子啊 打電話
This is Dennis Smith. *打電話時常用This is...代替My name is...。
This is Dennis Smith speaking.
Hello, John? *常用於熟人之間。
喂, 請問是丹尼斯・史密斯先生嗎?
Is this Mr. Dennis Smith?
Is this the finance department?
Is this Dr. Jim Baker's office?
Do you mind if I use your phone? *這句話直譯是「如果我用一下您的電話,您介意嗎?」。如果同意,回答是No(不介意)。
Do you mind if I use your phone? (我能借用一下您的電話嗎?)
No, please go ahead. (可以,請用吧。)
May I speak to Mr. Sato?
May I speak with Mr. Sato?
I'd like to speak to Mr. Sato, please.
Is Mr. Sato there, please?
Mr. Sato, please. *這是最簡單的說法。並不失禮,工作和日常生活中都可以用。
Let me talk to Mr. Sato, please. *這樣說有點太直,除了對熟人以外一般不用。
Is Mark there? *孩子們之間、朋友之間和比較熟悉的人之間比較隨便的說法,工作中最好不用。
I'm sorry for calling you this late. *若在早晨的話把late換成early。
I hope I'm not disturbing you. *disturb「打擾(休息和工作)」。
I hope I'm not keeping you.
I hope I didn't wake you up.
I hope I didn't wake you up. (但願沒吵醒您。)
No, you didn't. (沒有,你沒吵醒我。)
It is urgent I talk to Mr. Barr now.
I need to get in contact with Mr. Barr right away. *get in contact with...「和……取得聯系」。
I need to talk to Mr. Barr immediately.
I'm calling about tomorrow's meeting.
I'm returning your call.
I'm calling you back.
Hello. *英語中接電話的人先說「Hello」。
Hello. (喂!)
Oh, hello. Is Mark there? (喂,馬克在嗎?)
Speaking. *對方要找的剛好是自己,就以這句「我就是」回答。
This is he. *女性用「This is sh......>>

❼ 和某人用電話交談用英語翻譯

talk with somebody in telephone

❽ 他們在對話英語怎麼說

問題一:他們經常在電話里聊天英文怎麼翻譯 他們經常在電話里聊天
They often talk on the phone

問題二:英語對話翻譯 全手工翻譯
(一):A conversation about taking the language course abroad
xiao Li and xiao wang met each other on their way home
Li:Hi! xiao wang, how is everything?
Wang: Pre矗ty good, busy though. And you?
Li: I'm fine, too. My boss has asked me if I would like to get a six month of language training abroad.
Wang: That is good news. Congratulations. Where are you going?
Li: Thanks. Boston, in the United States. But I haven』t made up my mind yet.
wang: Why not? This is like a chance of a life time.
Li: I know. I have a mixed feeling about it. On one hand I could actually go and see what life looks like over there. I will have a better understanding of American culture which is so important to an English learner. I believe my oral as well as my listening skills will improve a lot.
wang: that is true. You will pick up a lot of idiomatic English. Listening to native speakers talk must be fun. Right?
Li:I think so. But six months seems a long time. You know my son is still in third grade. My wife is a doctor. She often takes night shifts. If I go aboard, nobody will take care of the boy when his mom is at work. We can't leave him alone.
Wang:I know what......>>

問題三:別人在跟你說話。 你說 然後呢? 這個然滾敬畝後呢 怎麼用英語說? so ?

問題四:英文翻譯對話內容 the grumbler
scouting properties
fishing up samples
let the light in
try the MK3 harvest
Maklak's firewater
supply run
that ought to keep them out. though it may attract thieves just a little!
the fibrin instry is beginning to boom. My supply needs embiggening,and you disordered may be just the ones to help. I need you to scout two potential operations for me. One to the Northeast,and one to the West. They are *** all,scaley islands with Thrombytes atop them.When you clear them of those blasted Snorbles,place a Jollysign in their scales to claim them for Ooxinax.

問題五:他們正在對話在三月用英文怎麼 他們正在對話在三月
They are dialogue in March

問題六:英語對話翻譯 男:你怎樣覺得這個畫廊的空間?他們提議讓我展示我的一些作品在這里。W:你在開玩笑吧?我知道的任何藝術學生都會在這里有一個壞展覽。

問題七:「他們在說話嗎?」用英語怎麼說 可以的

❾ 鐢ㄧ數璇濅氦璋堟庝箞緲昏瘧鎴愯嫳璇

鐢ㄧ數璇濈伓鏅屼氦璋 錛岀炕璇戞垚鑻辮鍨嬭京紕ф槸錛氬崪涓

Talk on the phone .

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