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發布時間: 2024-06-28 02:08:18

1. 瀹堟姢鐢滃績涓鐨勮嫳鏂囧崟璇嶅強緲昏瘧

路灝忓叞鈥擜mulet Heart錛堝畧鎶や箣蹇/鍑鎮朵箣蹇冿級鈽匰piral Heart錛堝洖鏃嬩箣蹇冿級鈽匰piral Heart Special錛堝洖鏃嬩箣蹇冪壒鍒鐗堬級鈽匟eart Speed錛堥熷害涔嬪績錛夆槄Heart Rod (蹇冧箣鏉)
路緹庣惇鈥擜mulet Spade錛堝畧鎶ら粦妗/鍑鎮剁敾絎旓級鈽匔olorful Canvas錛堝僵鑹茬敾甯冿級鈽匔olorful Canvas Special錛堝僵鑹茬敾甯冪壒鍒鐗) 鈽匬rism Music(媯遍暅闊充箰)
路灝忎笣鈥擜mulet Clover錛堝畧鎶や笁鍙惰崏/鍑鎮朵笁鍙惰崏錛夆槄Remake Honey錛堢敎銍滃啀鐜幫級鈽匰weet Applique錛堣湝緋栧祵鑺憋級鈽匯emake Honey Special錛堢敎銍滃啀鐜扮壒鍒鐗堬級鈽匟oney bubbles錛堢敎蹇冩場娉★級
路鏂瑰潡鈥擜mulet Dia錛堝畧鎶ゆ柟鍧/鍑鎮舵柟鍧楋級鈽匰tarlight Navigation錛堟槦鍏夎埅閬擄級鈽匰hootingstar Shower(嫻佹槦椋庢毚)
路緇樼悏鈥擜mulet Angel錛堝畧鎶ゅぉ浣/鍑鎮跺ぉ浣匡級鈽匴hite Flag錛堢函鐧芥棗甯滐級鈽匴hite Flag Double Plan(鍙岄噸綰鐧芥棗甯)鈽匒ngel Wink錛堝ぉ浣跨湪鐪礆級鈽呯埍鐨勪慨澶嶅厜綰
路渚濈悏鈥擜mulet Devil錛堝畧鎶ゆ伓欖/鍑鎮舵伓欖旓級鈽匘evil's Tune錛堟伓欖斾箣闊籌級
路Humpty Lock & Dumpty Key鈥擜mulet Fortune錛堝畧鎶ゅ懡榪/鍑鎮跺懡榪愶級
路鎵嬮灎 鑳屽悗榛勮壊澶ц澊銛剁粨 鐭寮忔棩鏈鑸炶 澶翠笂涓鏈電傳鑹查洩鑾
路闃垮溾擜mulet Cat綺夌孩鑹茬殑鐚鑰沖拰鐚灝撅紝鑴栧瓙涓婃湁涓涓閾冮摏錛岀伆鑹茬殑緔ц韓琛o紝鎵嬫帉鏄鐚鎺岋紒鍗佸垎鍙鐖憋綖鍀烇綖
路濂囪抗鈥擜mulet Queen(瀹堟姢鐜嬪悗/鍑鎮剁帇鍚庯級
路濂囪抗鈥擯latinum Royal錛堢櫧閲戝湥鐨囷級鈽匴hite Decoration錛堥洩鐧藉噣楗幫級鈽匟oly Crown錛堢炲湥鐜嬪啝錛夆槄Holy Crown Special錛堢炲湥鐜嬪啝鐗瑰埆鐗堬級
Platinum Royal&Amulet Heart 鑱斿悎鍑哄嚮鈥斺槄Platinum Heart (閾傞噾涔嬪績)錛80闆嗗嚭鐜幫級
路闃垮溾擝lack Lynx錛堥粦鑹插北鐚錛夆槄Slash Crow (榛戣壊鏋鑺辨墜)
-錛堢函榛戣壊錏嬶紝鐩存帴涓庤泲鍙樿韓錛夆擠eath Label錛堟諱骸鏍囪幫級
路Humpty Lock & Dumpty Key鈥擲evensea's Treasure錛堜竷嫻風弽瀹濓級
路鑺傚忥細Beat Jumper(鑺傛媿璺寵穬鑰)鈽匓eat Dunk(鑺傛媿鎵g)
路鎵嬮灎錛歒amato Maihime錛堝ぇ鍜岃垶濮錛夆槄涓嶤lown Drop鍚堜綋鎶Queen Walzer(鐨囧悗鍗庡皵鍏)
路澶у湴鈥擲ky Jack錛堣摑澶╀緧浠庯級鈽匞olden Victory錛堥噾鐗岃儨鍒╋級鈽匞olden Victory Shoot(榛勯噾鍙寵剼蹇呮潃鎶藉皠)
路渚濈悏鈥擫unatic Charm錛堟湀涔嬮瓍錛夆槄Nightmare Lorelei錛堟伓姊﹀栫簿錛夆槄Lilin Trident錛堟伓欖斾笁鍙夋垷錛
路鏂瑰潡鈥擠ark Jewel錛堥粦鏆楀疂鐭籌級鈽匰hining Black錛堟殫涔嬭錛夆槄Glitter Particle錛堥棯鐑佹矙鐮撅級
路緇樼悏錛峉eraphic Charm錛堢函媧佷箣欖咃級鈽匒ngel Cradle錛堝ぉ浣挎憞綃錛
路鍢誨樆鈥擟lown drop錛堝皬涓戦檷涓達級鈽匤uggling Party錛堟潅鑰嶄箣瀹達級鈽匱ightrope Dancer錛堢懷緔㈣垶鑰咃級
路鐨鐨鈥擠ear Baby錛堜翰鐖卞疂璐濓級鈽匨erry Merry錛堣秴綰ф涔愶級鈽匞o Go 灝忛腑瀛
路姝﹁棌鈥擲amurai Soul錛堟﹀+涔嬮瓊錛夆槄Inazuma Blade (闂鐢靛墤)

2. 有關春節的英語手抄報內容:英文+翻譯

The Chinese New Year is a festival whose Chinese are most important.The history of the Chinese New Year is very long.Stanza front stick in an on the face the New Year's Day of the implied meaning of the yellow word in red paper in top send message by word and the god of wealth resembles with hang deep red lantern etc.. The Chinese New Year is a close relatives the festival of the family reunion.The not far a long distance in child that leave the house returns to the home.The family rounds to sit together a mpling, use the mpling symbol family reunion.The beginning of January is on thering is fiesta cooking stove etc. rites before;In the stanza make New Year's visit the child New Year's Money, friend etc.
春節是漢族最重要的節日。春節的歷史很悠久。節前就在門臉上貼上紅紙黃字的寓意的新年寄語及財神像和掛大紅燈籠等. 春節是個親人團聚的節日。離家的孩子不遠千里回到家裡。家人圍坐在一起包餃子,用餃子象徵團聚。正月初一前有祭灶等儀式;節中有給兒童壓歲錢、親朋好友拜年等
A happy rabbits,Came to happy mountain, Drank a happy spring;Again to the temple of happiness,Eat happy Ephraim;Meet happy fairy, Listen to the happy words; Happy is very simple,happy in the side;Happiness without limit,Happy in the rabbit in! 翻譯:一隻快樂兔,來到快樂山,喝了快樂泉;又到快樂殿,吃了快樂蓮;遇到快樂仙,聽了快樂言;快樂很簡單,快樂在身邊;快樂無極限,快樂在兔年!

Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .
It』s to celebrate the lunar calendar 『s new year .
In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .
In many places people like to set off firecrackers .
Dumplings are the most traditional food .
Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .
They can also get some money from their parents.
This money is given to children for good luck .
People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .
The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .
People visit relatives and friends with the words 「Have all your wishes 」.
People enjoy the Spring Festival ,ring this time they can have a good rest .
(二)Probably more food is consumed ring the New Year celebrations than any other time of the year.
Vast amounts of traditional food is prepared for family and friends, as well as those close to us who have died.
On New Year's Day, the Chinese family will eat a vegetarian dish called jai.
Although the various ingredients in jai are root vegetables or fibrous vegetables, many people attribute various superstitious aspects to them.
Other foods include a whole fish, to represent togetherness and abundance, and a chicken for prosperity.
The chicken must be presented with a head, tail and feet to symbolize completeness. Noodles should be uncut, as they represent long life.
In south China, the favorite and most typical dishes were nian gao, sweet steamed glutinous rice(糯米)pudding and zong zi (glutinous rice wrapped up in reed(蘆葦)leaves), another popular delicacy.
In the north, steamed-wheat bread (man tou) and small meat mplings were the preferred food.
The tremendous amount of food prepared at this time was meant to symbolize abundance and wealth for the household

3. 中國小年,用英語怎麼翻譯

「小年」一般可譯為Little New Year,也可以用拼音xiaonian表示,後面再進行一定的說明解釋。



1、Offer sacrifices toKitchen God祭灶王


2、House cleaning掃塵土


3、Eat Guandong candy吃關東糖


4. 4閫侀珮鍒....綆鍗曠炕璇 鍐呭瑰皯 鑻辨枃璇戞垚涓鏂囧氨琛:)涓嶇敤瀛楁枱鍙ラ厡鐨勭炕璇,鎰忚瘧鏃㈠彲

"紲炲窞綺劇--嬈e枩鍜屾剦鎮︾殑蹇冩儏:"鎹涓浣9宀佺殑鍩冨強娉曡佺帇鐨勭涓浜哄厔寮熼構澧欏綍澶栬傚叕鍏冨墠2270騫村乏鍙崇殑灝忎笐 The comic spirit of clowning exists in just about every known culture.婕鐢葷簿紲炲彧鏄瀛樺湪浜庢瘡涓涓灝忎笐宸茬煡鏂囧寲. It is as old as civilization.榪欐槸鍥犱負鏃х殑鏂囨槑. This ancient craft speaks to that which is human in all of us.浠庡彜鍒頒粖,鍙浠ヨ磋繖鏄浜虹被鍦ㄦ墍鏈変漢.
The western tradition of clowning can be traced to ancient Greece where strolling clowns were seen in Sparta as early as the seventh century B.C., called "deikeliktas" or "those who put on plays."瑗挎柟浼犵粺灝忎笐鍙浠ヨ拷婧鍒板彜甯岃厞鏂宸磋揪鍑虹幇鍦ㄩ偅閲屾暎姝ュ皬涓戞棭鐢變簬鍏鍏冨墠7涓栫邯,琚縐頒負"deikeliktas"鎴"鏀懼湪閭d簺鍏鋒湁" These clowns portrayed everyone from soldiers, fools, and witches to slaves and Greek gods.澶у朵粠榪欎簺灝忎笐鎻忕粯澹鍏甸樋鏂椼佸帆濠嗙炲拰甯岃厞涓哄ゴ闅.
Throughout the Middle Ages and early Renaissance, jesters or fools perpetuated the art of clowning in the palaces of kings and great nobles.鏁翠釜涓涓栫邯鍜屾棭鏈熸枃鑹哄嶅叴榪樻槸闃挎枟jesters鑹烘湳灝忎笐寤剁畫鍦ㄥぇ鐨囧鐜嬪叕璐墊棌. Jesters played an important role in the social culture of Medieval Europe by serving as "safety valves" or the "social conscience."jesters鍙戞尌浜嗛噸瑕佷綔鐢,鍦ㄦф床涓涓栫邯紺句細鏂囧寲鍏呭綋"瀹夊叏闃"鎴"紺句細鑹鐭." The could answer back to kings, bishops, and all in authority.鍥炲埌鍥界帇鐨勫洖絳,涓繪暀,浠ュ強鎵鏈夌殑浜. By making fun of anyone and satirizing social customs and more, jesters were often catalysts for social change.琚鎴忓紕鍜岃藉埡浠諱綍紺句細椋庝織,寰寰jesters鍌鍖栧墏鐨勭ぞ浼氬彉闈.
It was also ring this period that the colorful costumes associated with today's clowns had their beginnings.涔熸f槸鍦ㄨ繖涓鏃舵湡,浜斿僵緙ょ悍鐨勬湇楗頒笌浠婂ぉ鐨勫皬涓戝凡緇忚搗姝. During this period, Jesters adopted a standard uniform of bright green and saffron colored coats, hose and a hooded cap which was topped by tiny bells designed to tinkle whenever the wearer moved.鍦ㄦゆ湡闂,jesters閲囧彇緇熶竴鏍囧噯銆佺孩鑺遍矞鑹蟲槑浜鐨勭豢鑹插ぇ琛h蔣綆¤紿佺牬浜嗚挋澶村附鐨勫皬灝忛挓澹板彯褰撴瘡褰撻暅鐗囪捐℃劅鍔.
Although many clowns entertained at court, the vast majority continued to be street performers.鉶界劧璁稿氬皬涓戣〃婕斾簬娉曢櫌,緇濆ぇ澶氭暟浠嶆槸琛楀ご鑹轟漢. They were adept at a variety of skills, such as magic, contortion, juggling, acrobatics, story telling, puppetry, tightrope walking, exhibiting trained animals, ballad singing, and clever dialogue.浠栦滑鎿呴暱澶氱嶆妧鑳,濡傞瓟娉曘佹壄鏇層佹潅鑰嶃佹潅鎶銆佽叉晠浜嬨佹湪鍋躲侀挗緔㈡ヨ,灞曠幇璁緇冩湁緔犵殑鍔ㄧ墿,姘戣埃姝屽敱銆侀珮鏄庡硅瘽.
"Zany," "jester,"fool," "minstrel," and "mime" are but a few of the historical synonyms for "clown." The English equivalent used today did not appear until the sixteenth century. "Clown" originally meant "clod" and was often used to denote a clumsy country bumpkin. These rustics were considered very funny, and comedic actors soon imitated their ways. These actors were called clowns."璇曡瘯鐪"銆"渚"絎ㄨ泲"銆"鍚熷拸"銆"榛"涓嶈繃鏄涓浜涘悓涔夎瘝鐨勫巻鍙"灝忎笐."浠婂ぉ鐢ㄨ嫳璇絳変簬鐩村埌16涓栫邯娌℃湁鍑哄涵."灝忎笐"鐨勬湰鎰忎負"鍐",閫氬父鐢ㄦ潵鎸囦竴涓鍥藉剁殑鎷欏姡閲庝漢.榪欎簺鍒嶈褰撳仛寰堝ソ鐜,寰堝揩浠垮啋鑰呬互鍙婁粬浠鐨勫枩鍓ф柟寮.榪欎簺婕斿憳琚縐頒負蹇樿繑.
Whatever term is applied, the medieval clown's ability to perform unusual acts of skill in a daring yet comic manner became and important part of moder circus clowning.鏃犺烘槸闀挎湡閫傜敤涓涓栫邯灝忎笐鐨勮兘鍔涘飽琛屽誨父鐨勫ぇ鑳嗚屼負鎶鑳界殑閲嶈佺粍鎴愰儴鍒,騫舵垚涓哄皻鏈婕鐢繪柟寮忕幇浠i┈鎴忓洟鐨勫皬涓.
But then came a somber period in the history of clowning.浣嗙揣闅忓叾鍚,浣庢矇鐨勫巻鍙叉椂鏈熶笐鍓. The Puritans closed the English theatres in 1642.鑻卞浗娓呮暀寰掑叧闂鐨勫墽闄1642. When theatres reopened in 1660, clowns were no welcome in the sedate drama of the Restoration.1660騫村墽闄㈤噸鏂板紑鏀炬椂,灝忎笐娌℃湁嬈㈣繋鐨勭ǔ閲嶅墽鎮㈠. Undaunted, English clowns continued to perform on improvised stages, at fairground booths and short farces known as "drolls."鏃犳墍鐣忔儳,鑻卞嵆鍏磋〃婕旈樁孌靛皬涓戠戶緇鍦ㄥ崥瑙堜細鎽婁綅鍙婄煭闂瑰墽縐頒負"drolls"

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