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發布時間: 2024-06-25 12:11:38

『壹』 英語的音標是什麼

音標(International Phonetic Alphabet)是記錄音素的符號,也是音素的標寫符號,應用於語言學中。音標的提出者是H·斯維斯特 P·帕西 瓊斯。英語音標中有20個母音,28個輔音,共48個。






『貳』 中國四大發明的資料(有英文,有翻譯)

The four great inventions is a point of view on the history of science and technology of China, is refers to the ancient Chinese to the world has great influence on four kinds of invention, is the important creation of ancient Chinese labor people is generally refers to the papermaking, the compass, gunpowder and woodblock printing.
The earliest by British Sinologist Joseph Needham proposed and later inherited by many Chinese historians, is generally believed that the four inventions of Chinese ancient political, economic and cultural development has great role in promoting and these inventions through a variety of ways to spread to the west, and proced a great impact on the world history of the development of civilization.

『叄』 中國的「四大發明」用英語怎麼說

Four Great Inventions :


Papermaking ,Commercial Printing ,Gunpowder ,Compass








Gunpowder was first invented in China. In the Tang Dynasty, gunpowder was invented in China. In Song Dynasty, it was widely used in military affairs. At the time of yuan and Ming Dynasties, rockets were also built by using the principle of jet. Gunpowder has been abroad since thirteenth Century.

中國首先發明火葯。 早在唐代, 中國就發明了火葯。 到宋代已被大量運用到軍事上。 元、明之際, 還利用噴氣原理製造了「火箭」。 火葯從13世紀起傳到國外。

『肆』 活字印刷術用英語怎麼翻譯

Print of這個就是活字印刷術用英語翻譯的

『伍』 幫忙找一些關於日本的英語介紹啊(要初一水平,不要太深奧)

Japan's profile

Japan is located in a Eurasian land into the northwest, tied for the bow island. About 20 degrees north latitude (46 - from north to south and the latitude are almost the same). Area of north-south length, 2,500 372,000 KMM km from many islands. Japan's main island of Hokkaido, state, is four, kyushu SiDao, state is divided into central, northeast, pointed out, Chinese kinki, 5 areas. Japanese land about three-quarters is mountainous and hilly, lack of flat, make agricultural land and urban land use in the narrow limits of 1 billion live in three thousand million people. Because Japan almost in temperate climate is generally mild, so central. Obviously, the changing seasons in spring and autumn, the climate is very pleasant summer (June, July and August) e to the monsoon blow from the Pacific Ocean. Instead, the winter (12) : 1, 2 months because of continental monsoon and quite cold. Due to the Japanese islands, terrain is also very narrow north-south complex, so also is very complicated, so the terrain, climate on different regional difference is very big. In the sea, and state Hokkaido's winter snow, sometimes one side will make flash through crippled. Using such climate condition, vigorous young people go to the sea in summer, winter go surfing, enjoy skiing. 自己寫好中文然後去翻譯一下,比較好掌握難度. 這樣就更好了

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