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發布時間: 2024-06-11 21:39:07

① 誰幫我寫問路的英語作文

ask the way ; ask directions
開車問路 Asking the Way
問路石子 ballon d'essai ; ballond'e ai
問路記 Asking for directions in mind ; Ask the way ; Ask remember
Sunday, the weather is exceptionally good, sunny blue sky floating on a few white clouds.
Lan from the very early today, she went to the White Horse Stone Park
to observe the plant, because the teacher let the students write an
essay on the plant. Dad, my mother traveled, and today Lan Lan to a person to the White Horse Stone Park. Lan Lan ready, it happily set out.
Lan Lan walked and found something wrong. How to go for a long time did not see the White Horse Stone Park? Lan Lan heart is very anxious, Lan Lan thought: Oh, how do?
At this time Lan Lan eyes brightened, she saw a wearing glasses, white hair of the grandfather. Lan Lan quickly ran to the grandfather in front of the question: "grandfather thought: the little girl can be really polite ah! Grandfather
smiled and said: "You have been east to go, you can see the door of the
White Horse Stone Park." Lan Lan said: "Thank you grandfather, my
grandfather goodbye!" Finished Lan Lan toward the white horse stone park
in the past .

② 誰能幫我寫一篇英語作文"從你家到你們學校怎樣走"

My School isn't too far from my home.So I go to school by XXX.I go to school
in XXX minutes.First,I leave my home and turn into XXX road.Then,I go along XXX
road.Next,I turn left into XXX road.Finally,I go along,the school is on the left side.

③ 關於有禮貌問路的英語作文怎麼寫

①Excuse me,could you tell me the way to ...

②Excuse me,where is ...please?

③Excuse me,how can i get to...

④Excuse me,is there a/an...near here?

⑤Excuse me,which is the way to...

⑥Excuse me,would you please show me the way to ...

⑦Excuse me,would you mind telling me the way to ...

⑧Excuse me,I wonder if you could do me a favor,I'm looking for...

④ 寫一些問路的英語作文帶翻譯50詞

I went out for a walk with my mother yesterday evening. We met a foreigner on the way. He asked us how to get to Wenquan Restaurant. I told him to walk along the road and turn left at the third crossing. He thanked me a lot. I felt happy,too.


⑤ 跪求一篇關於問路的英語作文 詞數300字,

One day,when I was drinked coffee in the coffee shop,a strange men comed to me.Then he asked me about the road in politely :"hello,can you help me ?How can i go to Beijing Road?"I saw he was worry about it .so i said :"Ofcourse,i can heip you.I know it.,you can go along this road,then turn left.you must can see a bus station.After that,you need to take 215 Bus or 220 Bus.you can't miss it,They' are red and blue."When i answered his problem,he was very happy and i was very happy too.Iwant to take pleasure in helping people everyday.

⑥ 問路英語作文五年級帶翻譯

Yesterday afternoon at the railway station, a stranger asked me the way to the First Middle School. I told him it was very easy to find his way to the school. 「When you come out of the station,」 said to him, 「turn left and walk until you reach the traffic lights. Turn left again. You will be on Hong Qi street. Keep walking until you come to the cinema.Just after the cinema, there is a narrow street on the left. This is Jian Fang Street. The school is about 200 metres down this street on the right. There is a hospital oppositely.」


⑦ 英語關於問路的作文

I went out for a walk with my mother last night.Then we came across a foreigner on the road,who asked us the way to the Spa Hotel.I told him to walk along the road until the third turning and then turn left so he couldn't miss the it.He said ,"Thanks for helping me ,you're so nice."I was very happy that I could do him a favour,too.


Hugh directs Emma to a police station

Emma:Excuse me. Excuse me


Emma:Is there a Police Station near here?

Hugh:Ah...police station? Yes there is. Yes. Let me just think.

You want to go straight on straight down this road for about a mile.

Emma: Aha.

Hugh:And then you turn right at some traffic lights...yes traffic lights...turn right. Go straight on...and then you turn

left at a roundabout. There』s a big church on the corner.


Hugh:And the police station is next to that.


Hugh:Is that clear?

Emma:I think so.

Hugh:OK-good Bye.

















Asking the Way
Mrs. Green: Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the museum?
Policeman: Certainly. Just go up this street and turn left at the second crossing. The third building from the corner is the museum. You can』t miss it.
Mrs. Green: Oh, let me see. Go down this street, turn left at the second crossing. and the museum is the third building from the corner. Am I right?
Policeman: Yes, that』s right.
Mrs. Green: Thank you very much. Bye-bye.
Policeman: You are welcome. Bye-bye.

⑧ 關於問路的英語作文

ask the way ; ask directions
開車問路 Asking the Way
問路石子 ballon d'essai ; ballond'e ai
問路記 Asking for directions in mind ; Ask the way ; Ask remember
Sunday, the weather is exceptionally good, sunny blue sky floating on a few white clouds.
Lan from the very early today, she went to the White Horse Stone Park
to observe the plant, because the teacher let the students write an
essay on the plant. Dad, my mother traveled, and today Lan Lan to a person to the White Horse Stone Park. Lan Lan ready, it happily set out.
Lan Lan walked and found something wrong. How to go for a long time did not see the White Horse Stone Park? Lan Lan heart is very anxious, Lan Lan thought: Oh, how do?
At this time Lan Lan eyes brightened, she saw a wearing glasses, white hair of the grandfather. Lan Lan quickly ran to the grandfather in front of the question: "grandfather thought: the little girl can be really polite ah! Grandfather
smiled and said: "You have been east to go, you can see the door of the
White Horse Stone Park." Lan Lan said: "Thank you grandfather, my
grandfather goodbye!" Finished Lan Lan toward the white horse stone park
in the past .

⑨ 鏈夊叧闂璺鑻辨枃浣滄枃

銆銆鎴戜滑鍦ㄨ嫳璇瀵硅瘽涓緇忓父浼氭湁闂璺鐨勬儏鍐碉紝鑻ユ槸搴旂敤鍒 鑻辮 浣滄枃 涓鍙堝綋濡備綍鍛?涓嬮潰鏄鎴戠粰澶у跺甫鏉ラ棶璺鑻辮 鑼冩枃 錛屼緵澶у跺弬闃!


銆銆Mrs. Green錛欵xcuse me, but could you tell me the way to the museum?

銆銆Policeman錛欳ertainly. Just go up this street and turn left at the second crossing. The third building from the corner is the museum. You can’t miss it.

銆銆Mrs. Green錛歄h, let me see. Go down this street, turn left at the second crossing. and the museum is the third building from the corner. Am I right?

銆銆Policeman錛歒es, that’s right.

銆銆Mrs. Green錛歍hank you very much. Bye-bye.

銆銆Policeman錛歒ou are welcome. Bye-bye.


銆銆Mark: Excuse me, sir. I m new here. where is the cinema? policeman: Oh, It s to the east of the bookstore. Mark: How can I get there?

銆銆policeman: You can go by bus.

銆銆Mark: Which bus can I take?

銆銆policeman: You can take the NO.302 bus.

銆銆Mark: Can I go by bike?

銆銆policeman: Sure. If you like. It not far.

銆銆Mark: Thank you very mush.

銆銆policeman: You re welcome.

銆銆Mark: Good-bye.

銆銆policeman: Bye.


銆銆Getting information and directions

銆銆One day, Bill has to go to New York. It is his first time there, and he doesn’t know his way around the city. He has a meeting at 10 o’clock, and he wants to be there on time. The meeting is in the Peters Building on 34th Street, but Bill doesn’t know the way. At that time Bill meets two men and he asks them for directions.

銆銆“Excuse me!” he says, “Can you tell me how to get to the Peters Building on 34th Street?”

銆銆“Sure,” answers one of the men. “You can get there in five minutes.

銆銆Go to the next corner and turn left. Walk three blocks and there you are.”

銆銆But the other man says, “Don’t listen to him. There’s a better way. Get on the bus here at this corner. It stops right near the Peters Building.”

銆銆Then the first man says, “Oh, that’s on East 34th Street, not West 34th. It’s quite a distance from here. You must take the subway.”

銆銆But the second man tells Bill, “No, don’t go by subway. Take the crosstown bus.”

銆銆Bill looks at his watch. It is almost ten o’clock.

銆銆“Thanks a lot,” he says, “I think I should take a taxi.”

銆銆He gets into the taxi and leaves. But the two men are still arguing and pointing in different directions. Next time he needs to ask directions, he should ask a policeman!


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