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發布時間: 2024-05-27 13:47:11

Ⅰ 《我的老師》英語作文,5-6句話兩篇



Teachers, like the sunshine in winter, let us feel warm; teachers, like a light in the dark, light up the future for us; teachers, like a spring in the desert, let us feel hope. I have such a kind and respectable teacher around me.


My P.E. teacher, whose surname is Li, is not tall. He has a pair of bright big eyes. He often wears a ponytail and likes to wear T-shirt and jeans. Class time, we do a small action, she can find out, so we call her "golden eyes.".


One day we jumped the rope and I accidentally broke it. What can I do? The teacher will scold me to death. Do you want to admit your mistake? No, isn't that suicide?


In the end, justice overcame evil, and I decided to admit my mistake. I slowly walked to the teacher's office, came to the door, I gently knocked on the door. "In." The teacher said. I went in and said, "teacher, I'm sorry, I broke the rope." "It doesn't matter. Just pay attention next time." Said the teacher kindly.


"When the silkworms die in spring, the wax torch turns grey and tears dry." Teacher, this is a portrait of your work. It is you who gave me the wings to fight against the blue sky and the courage to sail against the current. Thank you, teacher.


Ⅱ 我的老師英語作文怎麼寫,不少於五句

My Teacher 我的老師

My favourite teacher is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lady. She has two big eyes, a high nose and a little red mouth. There is always a smile on her face.

Miss Huang likes singing and collecting posters. She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is good at dancing, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing.

Miss Huang likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favourite color is blue. Because blue is the color of the sky and the sea.

This is my favourite teacher. Our classmates all like her very much.

Ⅲ 灝忓︿簲騫寸駭鑻辮浣滄枃鎴戠殑鑰佸笀

銆 #灝忓﹁嫳璇# 瀵艱銆戣佸笀錛屾槸涓縐嶈亴涓氾紝鎸囨暀瀛︾敓姝g『鐭ヨ瘑鐨勪漢銆傝佸笀鏈夊悇縐嶅悇鏍風殑鏁欒偛綾誨瀷銆傚悓鏃朵篃娉涙寚鍦ㄦ煇鏂歸潰鍊煎緱瀛︿範錛屽拰鑳藉熺粰澶у跺甫鏉ユg『鐭ヨ瘑錛屾湁鑳藉姏鐨勪漢銆備互涓嬫槸 鏃 鏁寸悊鐨勩婂皬瀛︿簲騫寸駭鑻辮浣滄枃鎴戠殑鑰佸笀銆嬬浉鍏寵祫鏂欙紝甯屾湜甯鍔╁埌鎮ㄣ


銆銆My new teacher is science teacher. He鈥檚 very strong. He has a big mouth, two big ears, two big eyes and a not too big and not too small nose. He often wears a black new shirt and brown pants, with two big shoes.
銆銆My science teacher is very kind. And he is very smart, isn鈥檛 he? Today, we have science class. We are very happy. Because he is so funny. Who is he? He鈥檚 a Mr. Zhou .銆


銆銆My favorite teacher is my English teacher who is a kind-hearted woman. She is very strict with students . She can make her calsses lively and interesting and helps to overcome the difficulties. She is a easygoing teacher and we get along well with her.All of the students love her錛宎nd she is our good friend. We are very lucky to meet such a good teacher,and we will remember her forever."


銆銆I have a very good English teacher.My classmates and I all like her very much.She is very friendly to us.We all like to have English classes very much.

銆銆She is tall and beautiful.She looks like a middle school student.She has big eyes,a small nose,a small mouth and long black trousers.

銆銆Her name is Wang Yanjun.We often call her Miss Wang.She teaches English very well.In class ,she looks like our elder sister .She often helps us to solve problems.After class,she looks like our friend.We often play games together.

銆銆This is my English teacher.I love her and I love to study English,too.I believe my English will be better and better.


銆銆Miss Qin is my favorite teacher. She teaches us Chinese. She is lovely lady in her thirty鈥攖wo years old. Her warm smile and black long hair are her symbols. My classmates like her very much, because she is always kind to us. In my view, she is a wise teacher. She tells us many stories to us. It seems she knows everything. Besides, she writes good articles. She tells us if we want to write good articles, we should read books as much as we can. She always cares much about us. I think this is important for a good teacher. 銆


銆銆Echo,my favourite teacher,is a pretty and slim lady.One of the most important reason that I like her is that she is very sincere.When she talks to others,she always has a smile on her face.
銆銆I think Echo is a natural teacher beacuse she has a lot of good methods on teaching.She is not only quite friendly ,but also humorous.Her class is full of fun that you have never feel bored.To improve our grades,she usually gives us some advices about how to learn English well.What's more,she sacrificed her own time to help every student,no thought of gain.Sometimes,she nearly has no time to have lunch.When I ask her questions,she must spare no effort to make me understand,with patience and careness.I have never seen such a good teacher as her before.
銆銆A good teacher can point out the direction and give you endless strength when you get into trouble.I'm lucky enough to have such a good teacher present to my life. Echo has a great inflence on me.I'm thankful her help very much.

Ⅳ 英語作文:My English teacher(內容不少於5句,帶翻譯




  1. My English Teacher

    This semester, a new English teacher, Miss Zhang, came to our class.

    Mr. Zhang is very serious to his classmates. He is a tall man with big divine eyes and thin lips. Cool and handsome. My English teacher is very serious. He doesn't talk nonsense in class every time. The English teacher's voice is very high, and he speaks English very well.

    This is our tall, handsome and serious English teacher! We all like him very much!

  2. 我英語老師





  1. My English Teacher

    This semester, a new English teacher, Miss Zhang, came to our class.

    Mr. Zhang is very serious to his classmates. He is ................My English teacher is very serious. He ............................

    This is our tall, handsome and serious English teacher! We all like him very much!

  2. 我英語老師




    Ⅳ 誰幫我寫一篇英語作文介紹你最喜歡的老師英語李老師

    • 寫作思路


    • 雙語範文參考

    1. My favorite teacher

      Hello, everyone. Now let me introce my favorite teacher - English teacher, Mir Li.

      He doesn't look very good. He looks like a male chauvinist. Not tall, not fat, wearing glasses. But he is very powerful. He can use his eyes to see what we do behind him. He also likes to say "cruel words". When I didn't finish my homework, he would say: those who didn't finish their homework for me several more times. Because of the teacher's strictness, my English score is graally improving.

      I really like this teacher.

    2. 我最喜歡的老師




    • 寫作模板參考

    1. My favorite teacher

      Hello, everyone. Now let me introce my favorite teacher - English teacher, Mir Li.

      He ..................But he is very powerful. .................Because of the teacher's strictness, my English score is graally improving.

      I really like this teacher.

    2. 我最喜歡的老師




    Ⅵ 關於我的老師英語作文5篇



    The first day when I started my middle school life, I felt so lonely, because I didn’t know anyone who was around me. My teacher Miss Li was like our parent, and she arranged everything for us. The first lesson she gave was to let us introce each other, soon we became familiar with each other. Miss Li was very good at telling jokes. She made the atmosphere so lively and funny. We laughed out loudly. I was no longer feeling lonely and made many friends. Miss Li is favored by everyone. She is such a nice teacher. I am so lucky to be one of her students.



    My favorite teacher is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lady. She has two big eyes, a high nose and a small red mouth. There is always a smile on her face.


    Miss Huang likes singing and collecting posters. She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is good at dancing, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing.


    Miss Huang likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favorite color is blue. Because blue is the color of the sky and the sea.


    This is my favorite teacher. Our classmates all like her very much.



    Miss Qin is my favorite teacher. She teaches us Chinese. She is lovely lady in her thirty-two years old. Her warm smile and black long hair are her symbols. My classmates like her very much, because she is always kind to us. In my view, she is a wise teacher. She tells us many stories to us. It seems she knows everything. Besides, she writes good articles. She tells us if we want to write good articles, we should read books as much as we can. She always cares much about us. I think this is important for a good teacher.



    Our new English teacher of this term is called Miss Li who is about 25 years old.She is very thin and about average height.She has a pair of big eyes which will narrowed into lines when she smiles though.

    As much different as our other teachers did before,her first class began with a game.She's so funny and humorous that the whole class was amused.Everyone of my classmates tooke part in the game initiatively and actively.We easily learned the words and how to use them in oral English while playing.

    Unlike other teachers,she never blame and look down upon us bad students.She always makes us to think with our mind about the mistakes we made and encourages us to correct them .

    Miss Li is the best teacher i've ever met.I love my new English teacher.






    Echo,my favourite teacher,is a pretty and slim lady.One of the most important reason that I like her is that she is very sincere.When she talks to others,she always has a smile on her face.

    I think Echo is a natural teacher beacuse she has a lot of good methods on teaching.She is not only quite friendly ,but also humorous.Her class is full of fun that you have never feel bored.To improve our grades,she usually gives us some advices about how to learn English well.What's more,she sacrificed her own time to help every student,no thought of gain.Sometimes,she nearly has no time to have lunch.When I ask her questions,she must spare no effort to make me understand,with patience and careness.I have never seen such a good teacher as her before.

    Ⅶ my teacher灝忓﹁嫳璇浣滄枃40瀛

    銆銆鑰佸笀鏄鎴戜滑鍦ㄦ眰瀛︾敓娑涓瀵規垜浠寰堥噸瑕佺殑涓閮ㄥ垎浜猴紝浠栦滑緇欎簣鎴戜滑鐭ヨ瘑鍜屽叧鐖憋紝浣犵煡閬撴庝箞鍐欎竴綃囨垜鐨勮佸笀鐨勮嫳璇浣滄枃鍚?涓嬮潰鏄鎴戠粰澶у舵暣鐞嗙殑my teacher灝忓﹁嫳璇浣滄枃40瀛楋紝渚涗綘鍙傝!

    銆銆my teacher灝忓﹁嫳璇浣滄枃40瀛楃瘒1

    銆銆Our teacher

    銆銆Our new English teacher is Mr. Smith. He wears a pair of thick glasses. He is very serious and strict to us. I never saw him smile until the Teachers’ Day. On the Teachers’ Day, my classmates and I planned to give him a special gift——a smile. So the naughty John pretended to have passed out in the classroom. When Mr. Smith came in, he was so scared that he held John in his arms right away. On the way to the hospital, John burst into laughter suddenly, which made the teacher confused. After we told him that it was only a joke, Mr. Smith laughed too. We were all pleased to see him smiling at last.

    銆銆my teacher灝忓﹁嫳璇浣滄枃40瀛楃瘒2

    銆銆My teacher

    銆銆Our class is a bad class in our school. But when Mr. Johnson came,everything changed. He looks kind and special. Before he came, we thought classes were boring. And no one listened to the teachers carefully. But Mr. Johnson has made us the best class only half a year later. He is fond of talking with us equally and never forces us to study. He develops our interests in studying. Besides, he tells us how to be a man first, then to be a good student. He respects our feelings, so we all trust him and feel glad to follow what he says.

    銆銆my teacher灝忓﹁嫳璇浣滄枃40瀛楃瘒3

    銆銆My fevourite teacher

    銆銆My fevourite teacher is Miss Meng.she's my new math teacher.Her class is very funny.She's tall and thin.She's pretty.She's very very smart and active.She's strict,but she's very kind.Her fevourite food are tomatoes.She often reads books on Saturdays and Sundays.

    銆銆This is my fevourite teacher.I like her!

    Ⅷ 五年級的英語三篇寫一位老師的作文

    篇一:我的英語老師 My English Teacher

    Miss Hou is my high school English teacher. Her English name is Jenny. She looks so weak that a strong wind may blow her away. She is not too tall, about 150cm. She is experiened of English teaching. She teaches me for three years.In the other word, she is the only English teacher ring my high school study. She is special. She will show an English song to us before her class. A few days later, she will ask us to follow the singing on the tape. I can still remember some songs she taught us. It is strang that she looks so weak, but no one in my class will against her word. I think maybe is because her own personality.Everyone respects her. She is serious in work, so that our whole class』s English is good. Happily, she is our friend after class. She always palys badminton with us. She is also ready to help us if we have any difficultiy. In my mind, a good teacher is more than a million books. And she will be my mentor forever. Jenny, my teacher, I love you.

    篇二:我的英語老師My Headteacher

    My high school headteacher teaches my English. He is handsome. And he is very thin for hardwork. He is about forty years old. He looks serious. But in fact, he is kind, nice and warmhearted.
    On the one hand, he is serious on study. Whoever doesn』t finish the homework or cheat in the exam, he will punish him or her badly. Sometimes he will let those students do doble homework or have another exam. Sometimes he will ask those students write reports on that behavior. But when teaching us in class, he is so patient. It』s the same when asking him questions. On the other hand, he will play with us after class. Meanwhile, if anyone has any difficuty in study or daily life, he will give a hand without hesitation.
    All in all, we love our headteacher, though sometimes he is serious. We like his responsibility. We also appreciate his spirit to work for students heart and soul.

    篇三:我最喜歡的老師 My Favorite Teacher

    Miss Qin is my favorite teacher. She teaches us Chinese. She is lovely lady in her thirty-two years old. Her warm smile and black long hair are her symbols. My classmates like her very much, because she is always kind to us. In my view, she is a wise teacher. She tells us many stories to us. It seems she knows everything. Besides, she writes good articles. She tells us if we want to write good articles, we should read books as much as we can. She always cares much about us. I think this is important for a good teacher.

    Ⅸ 英語作文我的英語老師

    英語作文我的英語老師 篇1

    I have a very good English teacher.My classmates and I all like her very much.She is very friendly to us.We all like to have English classes very much.

    She is tall and beautiful.She looks like a middle school student.She has big eyes,a small nose,a small mouth and long black trousers.

    Her name is Wang Yanjun.We often call her Miss Wang.She teaches English very well.In class ,she looks like our elder sister .She often helps us to solve problems.After class,she looks like our friend.We often play games together.

    This is my English teacher.I love her and I love to study English,too.I believe my English will be better and better.

    英語作文我的英語老師 篇2

    Hello! I』m He Baoyi. We have three new teachers this term. But my favourite teacher is English teacher. Who is she? Yes, she』s Linda. Do you want to know her?

    Linda is very beautiful. Look! She has a round face, two small black eyes, a straight nose, a big mouth and two small ears. Her hair is very long. She is not tall and not short. She likes wearing a white dress. She looks like an angle.

    Linda works very hard every day. And she is strict to us. But she is kind. Her class is so much fun. Really? Yes. In class, she is our good teacher. After class, she is our good friend. Her favourite food is tofu. It 』s very very healthy. She is not only good at pingpong, but also good at singing. She likes talking with us. We all like her.

    英語作文我的英語老師 篇3

    My English Teacher

    In my life, Ms. Wang is the most important person to me. Her teaching skills are diverse. In class, she usually uses games and posters. She works hard for us. When other teachers rest, she still keeps working and working. When we are mischievous, she is good at giving systematic guidance.

    We are really grateful for what she has done for us. We want to say 」thank you」 to her.





    英語作文我的英語老師 篇4


    Mr. Lee is my English teacher, and is thirty. He likes sports very much, so he looks strong and young. He is fond of singing too. When we feel tired in the class, he will teach us some English songs. Sometimes he tells us some funny stories. He often encourages us to speak and write in English. Although we may make mistakes now and then, he always corrects them patiently and tells us how to write properly. He is really a good teacher. We all love him and his class.

    英語作文我的英語老師 篇5

    My favourite teacher is my English teacher Ms Wu .Her English name is Lannie .She is a beautiful lady. She is very humorous. But sometimes she is very strict with us. But all classmates love and respect her very much. After class she often helps us learn patiently. I like my English teacher , because I think she is the best teacher in the world.

    我喜歡我的英語教師師資胡女士。 她的.英文名字是Lannie。她是一個漂亮的姑娘,她很幽默。有時她很嚴厲,但她的同學非常熱愛和尊敬。學習班後,她經常耐心地幫助美國。我喜歡我的英文老師,因為我覺得她是世界上最好的老師。

    英語作文我的英語老師 篇6

    My Teacher's House

    My English teacher has a big house.

    It has a living room, a big dining room, two bedrooms, a study, two bathrooms and a big kitchen.

    In the living room, there is a big picture, four brown sofas, white fans and blue walls. The TV set is big. There is a big Chinese knot on the wall. There are lanterns below the lights. I like them.

    This is my English teacher』s house.

    英語作文我的英語老師 篇7

    My English teacher is Miss Liu. She has a big face and big eyes. Her hair is not very long. She is very humor. Sometimes, she makes a joke with us in the class. We are happy. She also is a strict teacher. There are several students don't finish English homework. Some students don't do their homework. Miss Liu will teach them patiently and help them to finish the homework. She is right.

    英語作文我的英語老師 篇8

    My English TeacherMy English teacher,Miss Han,is not only tall and thin but also beautiful and modern.She is our favorite teacher.Miss Han always tries her best to teach us well and regards us as her own brothers and sisters.She is strict with us and in her work.If we make any mistakes she will correct them for us in time.With her help we all do well in English.Miss Han is also our good friend.Sometimes she visits us at home to see us and our parents.We enjoy playing games with her after class.So we send her many beautiful flowers on Teachers's Day.We all feel lucky to have such a good teacher like Miss Han.


    英語作文我的英語老師 篇9

    Our new English teacher, Mrss chang, is about twenty-two years old. She is easygong, and treats us as her friends. She helps the boys and girls read and write, we all like her. She is busy with her work all the day, because she loves teaching children. Both in and after class she is very kind to us.She often tells us how to study well.She often to urge student,good!very good!

    Do like Miss chang? Oh, you like!

    英語作文我的英語老師 篇10

    My English teacher is a young lady. Her name is Kate. She looks beautiful.


    Her English is very good. She teaches us many things, and she likes to introce foreign countries to us. She works very hard, because she likes teaching.


    I like her spoken English. She has good pronunciation and writing. All of my classmates like her.


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