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發布時間: 2024-04-20 22:32:47

『壹』 初二英語作文 你昨天生病了寫一下昨天的經過

I had been rather unwell for quite some time, but I didn't know exactly what was wrong with me. I was feeling kind of weak and sometimes felt so cold shivering like mad. I thought that I must have a flu. A little later I started to cough a lot and the cough got more and more serious. I coughed out a lot of catarrh(啖). At last I couldn't stand it any more, so I went to see my doctor. After the examination, my doctor diagnosed that I had bronchitis(支氣管炎). That was kind of a serious illness. He prescribed me with strong antibiotic drugs and an inhaler for me to use when I got a serious attack. After I have taken the tablets. I recovered but very slowly. Now almost two months later, I am still not quite fully recovered but the doctor said it is quite normal for this sort of illness. So now I have to take care of myself when the weather turns cold, which I must wrap myself up very well. Otherwise I will get it again!


『貳』 I am ill 的英語作文,5年級的水平就行了,5句話以上,用正確句子描訴你的病情以及你該怎麼做~

i had a cold yesterday.i am felling bad now. i think i should go to bed. the doctor said that i had to have a rest it was good for me.oh i am tired i want to sleep

『叄』 寫一篇生病的原因,生病的過程,生病了什麼病的英語作文 只要五句

Seeing a Doctor
Last Friday afternoon,when I was playing football with my friends,it began to rain.We were so interested in playing that nobody was willing to go back home.The next day,I had a bad headache and had to lie in bed.In the afternoon,I got a high fever.My mother took me to the hospital.The doctor gave me some medicine and advised me to drink more water and have a good rest.He told me not to play in the rain any more.I took the doctor's advice and now I feel much better.

『肆』 我的英語課生病了作文怎麼寫作文

1. 小學帶嫌的英語作文蔽高《生病了》

I Was Once So Ill (in Hospital) that【我曾經生病(住院)】 第一篇: I was born in a large family. As they worked very hard to make a living, my parents didn't have much time to take care of us children, least of all me who is their fifth child. In my childhood I always tried to draw my parents' attention to me in as many ways as I could think of. Finally I found that to pretend illness was perhaps the most useful trick. One day I really caught a cold, but I took it lightly and was even happy about it because I thought my parents would therefore pay more attention to me. Two weeks later my cough grew from bad to worse and my mother, suspecting it was pneumonia, took me to a hospital run by some missionaries. The priests there were very kind to me, giving me loaves of bread, milk, toys and books. As a young child I really wished I could stay in the hospital for good. There had been such a wonderful time. 第二篇:蠢並手 I was once so ill in hospital that I didn't believe I could ever live through my hospital days The very thought of that experience still chills me even at this writing It was on a hot after noon that the terrible accident happened I was then seven years old a naughty and curious boy and I went to a nearby construction site to look for something in the debris considered useless to the something in the debris considered useless to the construction workers Just as I was digging a big and thick brick crashed on my head I fell down and immediately lost consciousness The next thing I knew was that I was lying in a ward with my aching head bandaged up My mother was beside me wiping tears on her face I asked her what had happened to me but she told me not to ask questions Then she told me I had just had an operation on my head to save my life I t was from her that I knew I had been in a critical situation. Then I felt a splitting headache and lost consciousness After four months of treatment I regained my health but the accident has lift a scar on my scalp if not a scar in my heart. 第三篇: To earn some extra money I found a job as the private tutor of a junior high school student when I was a sophomore in a university o years ago. My campus is in the suburbs of Taichung while the student was living in the downtown area of the city. To save time, I always rode a motorcycle to teach except on rainy days. One day, the sky was overcast with the promise of rain, but I said to myself, 「Never mind. It would not rain.」 So I rode my motorcycle as usual to teach. Then to my di *** ay, the rain did e and in beating drops before I could make it to my student's home. I felt very tired after I came back and went to bed early. At midnight I felt very unfortable. When my roommates found I was running a high temperature, I was rushed to a hospital nearby. The nurse assigned to take care of me took my temperature and found that it was 39.5C. 「You need to stay here longer than usual,」 she said, shaking her head. At first I found life in the hospital boring: no laughter and no friends to chat with. But the second day my girl friend who knew I was ill came to keep me pany, singing for me and telling jokes to make laugh. 「Laughter is the best medicine, she always said. Under her careful care I checked out the third day and went to school again. 第四篇: It happened some years ago when I was fourteen. On my way home one hot summer day I suddenly felt sick. My stomach ached terribly. I must have eaten something unclean or just too much of something, I thought. Once home, I found I could hardly walk. I was weak and my face must be pale then. It shocked my parents. Before they could rush me to a hospital I fainted. As I came to, I found myself lying in a *** all room, surrounded by my mother and o of my best friends. They asked me if I felt better, and I said 「Yes」 and thanked them. In fact, I still felt weak, upset and dizzy. Then a nurse came in, took my temperature and blood pressure, gave me a shot of some medication and ordered me to take prescribed medicine thereafter. A few minutes later a physician entered. I asked him what was wrong with me. He forted me and said, 「What did you have for lunch today?」 「I dined out.」 「And then?」 「I ordered o dishes of raw seafood, three dishes of onion ring and a coke.」 「You must have been very hungry, right?」 I felt embarrassed. 「Eat on time and don't eat too much. That guarantees your health.」 From then on I have kept in mind that piece of advice from a doctor. I believe health spells wealth and I am sure health makes everyone happy and hopeful, too. 第五篇: It is impossible to find people who have never fallen ill. Illness is certainly a painful。

2. 小學的英語作文《生病了》

I Was Once So Ill (in Hospital) that【我曾經生病(住院)】 第一篇: I was born in a large family. As they worked very hard to make a living, my parents didn't have much time to take care of us children, least of all me who is their fifth child. In my childhood I always tried to draw my parents' attention to me in as many ways as I could think of. Finally I found that to pretend illness was perhaps the most useful trick. One day I really caught a cold, but I took it lightly and was even happy about it because I thought my parents would therefore pay more attention to me. Two weeks later my cough grew from bad to worse and my mother, suspecting it was pneumonia, took me to a hospital run by some missionaries. The priests there were very kind to me, giving me loaves of bread, milk, toys and books. As a young child I really wished I could stay in the hospital for good. There had been such a wonderful time. 第二篇: I was once so ill in hospital that I didn't believe I could ever live through my hospital days The very thought of that experience still chills me even at this writing It was on a hot after noon that the terrible accident happened I was then seven years old a naughty and curious boy and I went to a nearby construction site to look for something in the debris considered useless to the something in the debris considered useless to the construction workers Just as I was digging a big and thick brick crashed on my head I fell down and immediately lost consciousness The next thing I knew was that I was lying in a ward with my aching head bandaged up My mother was beside me wiping tears on her face I asked her what had happened to me but she told me not to ask questions Then she told me I had just had an operation on my head to save my life I t was from her that I knew I had been in a critical situation. Then I felt a splitting headache and lost consciousness After four months of treatment I regained my health but the accident has lift a scar on my scalp if not a scar in my heart. 第三篇: To earn some extra money I found a job as the private tutor of a junior high school student when I was a sophomore in a university o years ago. My campus is in the suburbs of Taichung while the student was living in the downtown area of the city. To save time, I always rode a motorcycle to teach except on rainy days. One day, the sky was overcast with the promise of rain, but I said to myself, 「Never mind. It would not rain.」 So I rode my motorcycle as usual to teach. Then to my di *** ay, the rain did e and in beating drops before I could make it to my student's home. I felt very tired after I came back and went to bed early. At midnight I felt very unfortable. When my roommates found I was running a high temperature, I was rushed to a hospital nearby. The nurse assigned to take care of me took my temperature and found that it was 39.5C. 「You need to stay here longer than usual,」 she said, shaking her head. At first I found life in the hospital boring: no laughter and no friends to chat with. But the second day my girl friend who knew I was ill came to keep me pany, singing for me and telling jokes to make laugh. 「Laughter is the best medicine, she always said. Under her careful care I checked out the third day and went to school again. 第四篇: It happened some years ago when I was fourteen. On my way home one hot summer day I suddenly felt sick. My stomach ached terribly. I must have eaten something unclean or just too much of something, I thought. Once home, I found I could hardly walk. I was weak and my face must be pale then. It shocked my parents. Before they could rush me to a hospital I fainted. As I came to, I found myself lying in a *** all room, surrounded by my mother and o of my best friends. They asked me if I felt better, and I said 「Yes」 and thanked them. In fact, I still felt weak, upset and dizzy. Then a nurse came in, took my temperature and blood pressure, gave me a shot of some medication and ordered me to take prescribed medicine thereafter. A few minutes later a physician entered. I asked him what was wrong with me. He forted me and said, 「What did you have for lunch today?」 「I dined out.」 「And then?」 「I ordered o dishes of raw seafood, three dishes of onion ring and a coke.」 「You must have been very hungry, right?」 I felt embarrassed. 「Eat on time and don't eat too much. That guarantees your health.」 From then on I have kept in mind that piece of advice from a doctor. I believe health spells wealth and I am sure health makes everyone happy and hopeful, too. 第五篇: It is impossible to find people who have never fallen ill. Illness is certainly a 。

3. 英語作文生病了

I Was Sick

Yesterday, I felt very tired. When I was in class, I felt sleepy and could not listen to the teacher carefully. And I did not want to eat anything at home. I went to bed early. This morning, I felt dizzy and my head was hot. My mom said I had a fever. She took me to see a doctor. He gave me some medicines and told me to have a good rest at home. It was not too serious. I hope I can be good soon.

4. 請幫忙寫一篇關於我生病了的英語作文

Yesterday, I felt very tired. When I was in class, I felt sleepy and could not listen to the teacher carefully. And I did not want to eat anything at home. I went to bed early. This morning, I felt dizzy and my head was hot. My mom said I had a fever. She took me to see a doctor. He gave me some medicines and told me to have a good rest at home. It was not too serious. I hope I can be good soon.。

5. 寫一篇關於生病了的英語作文不少於50個單詞

Lily didn't e to school yesterday because she fell ill. So I went to see her in the hospital after school. She told me she had stomache often. I asked her what did she had yesterday, she said she had too much meat. I told her that she should have a balanced diet, such as more healthy food and stayed away from the junk food and meat. She thanked me for my advice.。

6. 我的老師生病了的英語作文






7. 初中英語作文,詞句「我生病了」用英文怎麼說

我生病了,英文是: I Am Sick


I felt dizzy when I got up this morning. It didn't care about it, because I thought I just because I hadn't had a good sleep last night. Then I went to school without breakfast. I lost my appetite. But after I had o classes, I felt much worse and my body getting hot. My desk mate found my illness and told me to ask for a leave. She helped me to write the sick note and took me home. Mother was surprised to see me e home. When she realized I was sick, she took me to the hospital immediately. Doctor said I had a fever caused by cough. I had to put on a drip and take medicines for three days. Then I went home and had rest.


8. 《生病了怎麼做

Fell ill should first go to go see a doctor, took a drug under doctor's injunction, then must drink water, the multi-rests, could be much better. If has the cough to have a fever that also to survey the temperature in certain time. The suitable exercise is also helpful in recovers the health.。

『伍』 關於病情的英語作文

Lily didn't come to school yesterday because she fell ill.So I went to see her in the hospital after school.She told me she had stomache often.I asked her what did she had yesterday,she said she had too much meat.I told her that she should have a balanced diet,such as more healthy food and stayed away from the junk food and meat.She thanked me for my advice.

『陸』 介紹一個人的病情和醫生處置的方法英語作文

In the dictionary, doctor means a person who has been trained in medical science and who treats people that are ill. But I don』 think that is quite correct. In my opinion, a doctor is an angel who brings patients from illness to happiness and gives the hope to the patients to live on. Doctor himself is the most effective medicine to a patient.

I used to get sick in my childhood, so I had to go to see the doctor frequently. Every time I saw a smile on the doctors face, I felt safe and warm. It seemed that the doctor was the only person that the pain should be afraid of. And at very beginning, I thought I should do something in return for the doctor』s unselfish help. Of course, the best way is to be a doctor.

To be a doctor, I know, is not easy for everyone. It requires a kind heart and a difficult process of learning. But I have the faith to realize my dream and overcome all the difficulties I have to face. For me, I』ll treat every barrier on my way as a step of a ladder through which I can achieve success.

At last, there is one thing for sure that it』s my honor to join in the glorious team of doctors and devote my whole life to helping others.

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