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發布時間: 2024-02-09 23:57:20

⑴ 我的夢想英語作文醫生初二

因為夢想,小溪匯成了大海;因為夢想,期盼到春的綠葉。你知道醫生夢的 英語 作文 應該怎麼寫嗎?下面是我給大家精心挑選的我的夢想英語作文醫生,希望大家喜歡!供你參考和閱讀!
"Doctor" is a holy and glorious words, is also a hard pronouns. Took good care of the patient every day, sometimes stay up the night shift. When the doctor is very hard, but it is essential to an instry society. And the doctor were very small, a lot of places of medicines, the doctor is a very important role.

When doctors need not only has the compassion, more want to have good technology and solid foundation. I want to lay a solid foundation in elementary school, study hard, and care the patient at work, moment for the sake of patients, the one thousand ways to relieve pain for the patient, is equally to any patient, strict with oneself, strive for perfection.

My ideal is to become a doctor, when a "white angel" heal the wounded and rescue the dying. As the saying goes: "ideal is the navigation of our life!!!!!!!" Without ideal, there is no desire to do better, goal, without ideal, there is no life without ideal, there is no ambition, no backbone. I will struggle for a noble ideal.
I recently heard a formulation from the TV news: "new three mountain", is that "ecation, healthcare and housing. The idea of whether or not I can't judge, but these three things with every family, everyone concerned. Now everybody thought ecation, medical treatment, the high cost of housing prices, don't suffer.

I happened to be in a magazine and saw sen-lin zhu to draw a cartoon, immediately and in the "new three mountain" linked to the high cost of health care. This cartoon is no empty seat at a table in the football playground, an athlete's leg was injured, trip on the ground, pain to full head big sweat, a doctor come forward to help, the doctor said to the injured, "would you please do a CT, to take an X-ray, ultrasound, through a full vision, a blood fat, next gastroscope test..." The player was on the spot.

From this cartoon, we can see that the high cost of health care is one reason why the hospital in order to increase their income, the doctor gave the patient a lot of unnecessary tests, increase the cost of the equipment onto the hospital patients to burden. The athlete on the leg injury, according to the X-ray, most did check bone hurt is ok, other checks are rendant. Like a doctor, is no medical ethics.
I am eager to be a good doctor, the doctor is a noble profession, salving patients is the responsibility of the doctor. Doctors save small to outpatient, big to surgery, related to people's lives, therefore, they are always so focused, can't have a negligence, they know a small mistake can lead to serious trouble. Whenever you know a good doctor and treat critically ill patients, I admire and envy is what is in the heart could not help secretly was definitely I also want to be a doctor when he grows up. A has a doctor Bethune spirit, to heal the wounded and rescue the dying.

Popular now in China the a/h1n1 flu, SARS medical staff wearing a thick mask, wearing heavy insulating clothing, in the face of family don't understand, risk for infection virus bustling about in the isolation zone, the difficulty of medical personnel. 5.12 wenchuan earthquake, don't know how that affects the hearts of the people, everyone is eager to contribute an own force, hope to make your own effort, to help the people in the disaster area. Lofty mission and to heal the wounded and rescue the dying, doomed to the medical personnel must have a firm than most people, was destined to life race every minute counts, doomed must surmount to complete a travelling, blame away.
Doctors can save people who can't move, make them healthy and make them happy. Doctors can also save people with disabilities from the clutches of the disease. Let the blind man see the light again and see the good times of nature; Let the deaf return to normal and hear the delicious echoes of nature; Let no four limbs stand in this colorful, lovely and beautiful earth.

In order to make this beautiful and lofty ideal come true, I should study hard, make efforts, think positively, and be good at discovering. Cultivate yourself from an early age. We should have a spirit of self-improvement and perseverance. Make the world colorful! Now, let us make progress together and strive to achieve our good wishes.
My ideal is to be an excellent doctor, doctor is a noble profession, treating patients is the responsibility of doctors. Doctors save small to outpatient, big to surgery, related to people's lives, therefore, they are always so focused, can't have a negligence, they know a small mistake can lead to serious trouble. Every time I know that a doctor has treated a dying patient, my heart is jealous and I have a determination that I will be a doctor when I grow up

It's a long story. I want to be a doctor. In April of this year, when the SARS epidemic swept the city of Beijing, the atmosphere of terror was hanging over Beijing, and there was a steady stream of suspected medical records. At that moment, the white soldiers fought day and night in the unsmoked battlefield, regardless of their personal safety. There are so a hospital in resisting SARS front Xiaotangshan hospital, there was a such a touching story: a doctor, from isolated start fighting in the first line, you let him rest, he always said: "I've been on the line for such a long time, have a certain experience, can better fulfill my ties, substitution and enlarged the source of infection, again I am doing a period of time?" The good doctor has not been in touch with the family for months, and he has buried his homesickness deeply and more selflessly. Finally, he the SARS infection, because found too late, has reached the critical juncture, his family in deep sorrow, but the doctor in the isolation zone jieshou reporter interview, although the eyes with tears, and the infinite yearn this beautiful world, but firmly say: "please put my body to the medical organization for anatomy, solve the SARS vaccine as soon as possible, let more patients left the hospital as soon as possible, as soon as possible go home reunions." The doctor's selfless dedication moved me deeply and touched everyone, and we were suffering for his death. He was only 36 years old at the time of his death. He was so young that life was so short for him that I could not help saying, "good doctor, you go!" Sitting on the couch, I thought of my doctor's help...
The ideal is the bellwether of the sea, the ideal is the snow lotus on the high mountain, the ideal is the boat in the wind and waves, carrying me on the other side of the victory. My ideal is to be a doctor.

⑵ I am a doctor英語作文帶翻譯,必採納!!急!

If I am a doctor,retrieve the dying or rescue the wounded is the number one.I also will fall in love with someone,but actually,I think save someone will important than love,I think that I will talk with my lover,if we had the same idea,we can get married,if not,I don't want to fall in love my good favour person.
Love,family,children was very important in our life,absolutely right,but the others life was very important than when you breaked.
To be a good doctor was not very easy things,if your heart haven't any big love,I think that you can't to be a good doctor,the good doctor had the love,high iq (IQ) ,almost doctors had the wide of knowledge about the history,geography,books,essay,sober,patient.Also have some doctors like music,foods,travel many kinds of hobbies.They are master of the operate.

⑶ 我理想做醫生英文作文怎麼寫作文

1. 英語作文 我的理想 醫生

My dream is to be a doctor.(我的夢掘碼唯想是做一個醫生) Everyone has his own dream.(每個人都有自己的夢想) As for me, I want to bee a man who can rece others murkey, a doctor.(對於我來說,我想要做一個可以減少別人痛苦的人,醫生) I have my father, my mother, my grandfather and my grandpa, and they love me,I can feel that.(我有我的爸爸,媽媽,爺爺和奶奶,我感覺得到他們很愛我) There is a sad time for me when my grandpa and grandma leave me for ever. (我有一段很難過的時間,就是我的爺爺和奶奶去世的事情) They are weak because they are old.(他們很虛弱因為他們老了) I can't do anything when they have diseases and their leaving because of it.(當他們生病而去世的時候我做不了任何事判培) I always think of them, which is my renson to bee a doctor. (我經模手常想起他們,這就是我成為醫生的原因)And now I start to learn something about medical science.(現在我開始學習有關醫學的知識) It is sure that I can bee a doctor to help many people. It is all right.(我一定可以成為醫生的,對吧) As above, if you have a dream, don't only think how to overe it, but also to do something useful.(總而言之,如果你有夢想,不要只是去想如何實現它,還要做一些有效果的事情) Just do it.(行動吧)。

2. 英語作文我的理想當醫生

What do I want to do when I'm older? Someone wants to be a doctor. Someone wants to be a basketball player because they are good at sport. Someone wants to be a writer and to make the writing. Someone wants to be a teacher 。

because they like teaching children. I like playing the piano and I good at it. So I want to bee a piano player. Play the piano is very interesting. And you can learn something of music. Piano can make you like music. A lot of musician and singer are love playing piano. I play the piano when I'm ten years old. Now I'm in grand five. I hope when I'm sixteen years old , I can bee grand eight. I'll be harder and harder to practise. Bee a piano play is a hard job. But I believe I can do it。.。

3. 英語作文我的理想當醫生

What do I want to do when I'm older? Someone wants to be a doctor. Someone wants to be a basketball player because they are good at sport. Someone wants to be a writer and to make the writing. Someone wants to be a teacher 。because they like teaching children.

I like playing the piano and I good at it. So I want to bee a piano player. Play the piano is very interesting. And you can learn something of music. Piano can make you like music. A lot of musician and singer are love playing piano.

I play the piano when I'm ten years old. Now I'm in grand five. I hope when I'm sixteen years old , I can bee grand eight. I'll be harder and harder to practise.

Bee a piano play is a hard job. But I believe I can do it.

4. 英語作文 我的理想 醫生

I am an ordinary person, I have an ordinary dream: Is a doctor.

Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain.

May let the human change the health. At the same time, I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully. Therefore, I hoped future I might be a doctor.




5. 《我的理想

我的夢想 我是一個平凡的人,我有一個平凡的夢想:做一名醫生。



My dream I am an ordinary person, I have an ordinary dream: Is a doctor. Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain. May let the human change the health. At the same time, I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully. Therefore, I hoped future I might be a doctor.。

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