① 不銹鐵和不銹鋼的有什麼不同,英語怎麼說
stainless steel 不銹鋼
不存在不銹鐵這樣的物質 因為純鐵在自然條件下是不可能不銹的
如果想不銹 就要攙雜其他物質 那就成了鋼了
剛不就是 鐵佔大多數的合金嗎?
② 不超過的英語翻譯 不超過用英語怎麼說
根據語境not exceeding、not more than都可以。
③ 英語高手幫忙翻譯~在線等。
Chong Temple St. is up, please come with me to get off.
Into the door, we can clearly see above the level at the Three Pagodas. In front of the middle of the larger tower, said Chihiro, on both sides of the position after some of the smaller tower.
Tower originated in India, for the first possession of the Buddha relic, a semi-circular shape of the graves. China-human transmission, and the combination of traditional Chinese architecture, evolved in the form of rich, loft-style, Miyan Shi, Bo-review, the throne of King Kong-style, and so on. We now see the three towers are Miyan Shi.
Dali area popular tower building, with the exception of three towers, there is also a tower, tower Yi Gu.
Chihiro tower
Chihiro tower is called "psychic realm by Ming Tower", was built in the Tang Dynasty advised Nanzhao Feng-you period, is said to be in the Tang Dynasty Gong Tao, Hui-yi of the two craftsmen spent 48 years in the construction of the design.
Chihiro in the two-storey tower stands tall on the platform, 69.13 meters high tower, a total of 16 is rare in China's rise even higher level tower.
The tower structure Miyan Shi Zhuanta hollow, empty hearts of the tower, a well-shaped ancient times for people to climb the stairs.
Taki from the bottom up, Tasha and the tower of three parts. Each tower facing the central shrine open tickets, Kannei white marble Buddha Xiang Yizun, on both sides of the niche for Chuangdong. Chuangdong two-turn directions at different times and for the benefit of the tower lighting and ventilation, staggered at the same time windows of the tower in favor of robustness.
The more light tower up less space, since the third, four-story began to pack inside, the last in the top pack. Make the tower is not a rigid outline of the shape of a straight line up, but submitted under the closed inward, in the central asperity of the curve, its shape and Xi'an Great minds think Pagodas.
1.40 each before the top of a Garuda Copper, used to suppress the legend of the Long Lake Monster demon.
Tap the middle of the east side of a Zhaobi, Zhaobi there are "mountains and rivers in the town Wing" regular script of the four Chinese characters, each 1.7 meters high character. Qian Ming Dynasty to the public and the country Mu-order the book world.
This title words, there are two reasons for that kind of flooding that Dali, "Yong town of mountains and rivers" is intended to serve the town of flooding, the top of the Garuda also Dapeng Town of objects; another way Dali has been included in the territory of the Ming Dynasty, Yunnan guarding the country's public Qian (Mu Mu Ying Sun of the World Order) under the title "the town of mountains and rivers never" intended to guard the death of Yunnan mountains and rivers.
Small tower
North and South, two small towers Away in the tower was on a plane layout of the isosceles triangle, Away from the towers are 70 meters away from the two small towers 97.5 meters apart.
Their construction in the late 1990s Chihiro tower, about country Dali in the period, equivalent to the Central Plains ring the Five Dynasties (12th century AD or so).
Two small towers are the tenth floor octagonal Miyanzhuanta, 42.19 meters high, respectively, each carved niche coupons, Buddha, the lotus, and so on, outside the tower smear a layer of mud and white skin, a top umbrella Tong-ling And three bronze gourd.
The three towers, we can sum up the following three features:
Chihiro ① for the 16-tower, tower for the small-lO are even layer tower, the Central Plains and the prevalence of different odd-tower;
Chihiro ② outline of the shape of the tower is up and down inside contraction, the central projections, showing a gentle curve of the United States;
③ It is said that the construction of three towers to take the "reactor tower construction, excavation tower is" the way of construction.
Three years into 1000, experienced a long-term erosion of wind and rain and a series of seismic tests, Taki is still firm and it has no obvious tilt tower (It has been set, Ji Hai Ching Tak-ming, the year that May 6, 1515 Grand Earthquakes, 99% of the city collapsed, and the Three Kuiranbudong only Chihiro Zhenla Tata pagoda in a temple roof, we can see the construction of three towers with high skill levels)
In the way of this rock is well-known Waming stone, stone impact it will issue a frog's voice calls.
Heritage Gallery
Three bypass road on both sides of the two Holy Mosques, Chong is a gallery Three cultural relics exhibition hall, which displays in the Three Maintenance in the process of excavation unearthed Nanzhao and Dali various countries ring the more than 680 pieces of cultural relics. These include the "King Kong by Wisdom," Vol map, "dharani as" audio-visual concept of pure gold, gold Buddha seated, and so on, as well as a large number of pearls, agate, crystal, coral, precious cultural relics, such as painting, high Historical value, is to study the Nanzhao and Dali history materials.
Is a positive Zhe Zuolou Nanzhao great bell of the clock tower building, the right side of a Three-Ying Chi, where you can admire the "six towers."
Clock Tower
Nanzhao to build a great bell tower, known as victory over buildings, built in Nanzhao to build a 12-year (871 AD), Zhong Yan timbers for the building, destroyed Qing Xianfeng Tong years, and now we see it Block redevelopment in 1997, 19.97 meters high.
The original clock "to build a great bell" cast in Nanzhao to build a 12-year (871 AD), Xu has been in the "Yunnan tour diary," wrote: "The great bell, the trail Zhang Yu, and the thickness and size, its Savaka to 80 years. "Dali was famous in the 16 King King is a" bell Fo shock. " And the giant bell inside the main hall at the same time destroyed Qing Xianfeng to Tong years, is now building a great cast of 10 minutes, 10 minutes by the Beijing Museum of Ancient history, according to the design, by the dawn of the Nanjing plant casting machine. 3.86 m high 10 minutes, 2.138 meters in diameter and weighs 16.295 tons. At present, China's fourth-largest bell, Yunnan's largest bell.
Wall clock cast a beautiful design: 6 to the upper Paramita patterns were Lotus Heart, Heart victory leaves, the sound-chee Paramita, Paramita King Kong, Po-chi and Paramita round of the Heart; lower for the King as 6, are: multi-Wen King, King Dishi God, King of holding the country, an increase of kings, the Heavenly Kings Brahma and King head wide.
Rain is a clock tower at the back of copper Guanyin Temple.
Copper rain Guanyin Temple
Copper rain for the five-opened Hall of Guanyin asked Dan Yan Xie Shanding wooden structure buildings, destroyed ring the Cultural Revolution, in 1999 reconstruction. Hall of 29.99 meters high and covers an area of 8 100 square meters.
Middle of the hall dedicated to the standing of copper rain audio-visual concept. Like the original cast in 2002 Nanzhao ZTE, that is, the photochemical Tang Zhaozong 2002 (899 AD), were destroyed after the 1999 cast. High as 8.6 meters, 1.8 meters high lotus seat, following Xu Mizuo 2.2 meters high. Lotus and audio-visual concept of Block Copper gold, copper cost a total of 11 tons.
Legend has it that when casting in the audio-visual concept, the cast will be used up to half of the copper, this time under the rain in the sky, wonderful, but the water is not falling copper beads, copper beads collected from these will be Kevin finished audio-visual concept, so named Yin Yu copper.
Respectively on the left houses the memorial tablets of stone and negative Fan Seng Kuan Yin; on the right side of the moon in the water were dedicated to Kuan Yin and the Arab-Israeli lofty Ye. They are lofty Arab-Ye Yin different incarnation.
On the second floor of the walls surrounding the display of "national history Nanzhao-map" and "Dali painting depicts workers Wen Zhang Fan volume as" of the map.
Kuan Yin is now the third floor of the cultural exhibition.
④ 求電鍍專業術語的英文翻譯
1 大氣暴露試驗atmospheric corrosion test
2 中性鹽霧試驗(NSS試驗) neutral salt spray test(NSS-test)
3 不連續水膜water break
4 pH計 pH meter
5 孔隙率 porosity
6 內應力 internal stress
7 電導儀 conctivity gauge
8 庫侖計(電量計) coulomb meter
9 旋轉圓盤電極 rotating disk electrode
10 旋轉環盤電極 rotating ring disk electrode
11 針孔 pores
12 銅加速鹽霧試驗(CASS試驗) copper accelerated salt spray (CASS test ).
13 參比電極 reference electrode
14 甘汞電極 calomel electrode
15 可焊性 solder ability
16 硬度 hardness
17 金屬變色 tarnish
18 點滴腐蝕試驗 dropping corrosion test
19 玻璃電極glass electode
20 結合力 adhesion
21 哈林槽 Haring cell
22 恆電勢法 potentiostatic method
23 恆電流法 galvanostatic method
24 交流電流法 a.c method
25 樹枝狀結晶 trees
26 脆性 brittleness
27 起皮 peeling
28 起泡 blister
29 剝離 spalling
30 桔皮 orange peel
自催化鍍(Auto-catalytic Plating)
化學鍍(Chemical Plating)
無電鍍(Electroless Plating)
浸漬鍍(Immersion Plating)
化學轉化層(Chemical Conversion Coating)
金屬染色(Metal Colouring)
塗裝(Paint Finishing),包括各種塗裝如手工塗裝、靜電塗裝、電泳塗裝等
熱浸鍍(Hot dip)
PVD 物理氣相沈積法(Physical Vapor Deposition)
真空鍍(Vacuum Plating)
離子鍍(Ion Plating)
CVD 化學氣相沈積法(Chemical Vapor Deposition)
電鍍術語解釋及英文名稱 http://www.tradehr.com/article/3897/art_information.html
ABS塑料電鍍 plastic plating process
pH計 pH meter 測定溶液pH值的儀器。
螯合劑 chelating agent 能與金屬離子形成螯合物的物質。
半光亮鎳電鍍 semi-bright nickel plating solution
表面活性劑 surface active agent(surfactant) 能顯著降低界面張力的物質,常用作洗滌劑、乳化劑、潤濕劑、分散劑、起泡劑等。
不連續水膜 water break 製件表面因污染所引起的不均勻潤濕性而使其水膜不連續的現象,這是一種檢查清洗程度的方法。
超聲波清洗 ultrasonic cleaning 用超聲波作用於清洗溶液,以更有效地除去製件表面油污及其他雜質的方法。
沖擊鍍 strik plating 在特定的溶液中以高的電流密度,短時間電沉積出金屬薄層,以改善隨後沉積鍍層與基體間結合力的方法。
除氫 removal of hydrogen(de-embrittlement) 金屬製件在一定溫度下加熱或採用其他處理方法以驅除金屬內部吸收氫的過程。
粗化 roughening 用機械法或化學法除去金屬製件表面得到微觀粗糙,使之由憎液性變為親液性,以提高鍍層與製件表面之間的結合力的一種非導電材料化學鍍前處理工藝。
大氣暴露試驗 atmospheric corrosion rest 在不同氣候區的暴曬場按規定方法進行的一種檢驗鍍層耐大氣腐蝕性能的試驗。
電鍍 electroplating 利用電解在製件表面形成均勻、緻密、結合良好的金屬或合金沉積層的過程。
電鍍用陽極 anodes for plating
電解浸蝕 electrolytic pickling 金屬製件作為陽極或陰極在電解質溶液中進行電解以清除製件表面氧化物和銹蝕物的過程。
電拋光 electropolishing 金屬製件在合適的溶液中進行陽極極化處理以使表面平滑、光亮的過程。
電鑄 electroforming 通過電解使金屬沉積在鑄模上製造或復制金屬製品(能將鑄模和金屬沉積物分開)的過程。
電鑄鎳電鍍 nickel forming solution
疊加電流電鍍 supermposed current electroplating 在直流電流上疊加脈沖電流或交流電流的電鍍。
鍍後處理 post-treatment process
鍍後處理 postplating 為使鍍件增強防護性能、裝飾性及其他特殊目的而進行的(如鈍化、熱熔、封閉和除氫等等)電鍍後置技術處理。
鍍前處理 preplating 為使製件材質暴露出真實表面和消除內應力及其他特殊目的所需除去油污、氧化物及內應力等種種前置技術處理。
鍍銀系列 silver plating plating process
緞面加工 satin finish 使製件表面成為漫反射層的處理過程。經過處理的表面具有緞面狀非鏡面閃爍光澤。
多層電鍍 multilayer plating 在同一基體上先後沉積上幾層性質或材料不同金屬層的電鍍。
封閉 sealing 在鋁件陽極氧化後,為降低經陽極氧化形成氧化膜的孔隙率,經由在水溶液或蒸汽介質中進行的物理、化學處理。其目的在於增大陽極覆蓋層的抗污能力及耐蝕性能。改善覆層中著色的持久性或賦予別的所需要的性質。
復合電鍍(彌散電鍍) composite plating 用電化學法或化學法使用權金屬離子與均勻懸浮在溶液中的不溶液性非金屬或其他金屬微粒同時沉積而獲得復合鍍層的過程。
鋼鐵發藍(鋼鐵化學氧化) blueing(chemical oxide) 將鋼鐵製件在空氣中加熱或浸入氧化 性溶液中,使其表面形成通常為藍(黑)色的氧化膜的過程。
高速電鍍 high speed electrodeposition 為獲得高的沉積速率,採用特殊的措施,在極高的陰極電流密度下進行電鍍的過程。
隔膜 diaphragm 把電解槽的陽極區和陰極區彼此分隔開的多孔膜或半透膜。
鎘電鍍 cadmium plating process
鉻電鍍 chromium plating process
汞齊化 amalgamation(blue dip) 將銅或銅合金等金屬製件浸在汞鹽溶液中,使用權製件表面形成汞齊的過程。
掛鍍 rack plating 利用掛具吊掛製件進行的電鍍。
掛鍍光亮鎳 decorative-fully bright nickel solution
掛具(夾具) plating rack 用來裝掛零件,以便於將它們放入槽中進行電鍍或其它處理的工具。
光亮電鍍 bright plating 在適當的條件下,從鍍槽中直接得到具有光澤鍍層的電鍍。
光亮劑 brightening agent(brightener) 加入鍍液中可獲得光亮鍍層的添加劑。
光亮浸蝕 bright pickling 化學或電化學方法除去金屬製件表面的氧化物或其他化合物使之呈現光亮的過程。
貴金屬電鍍原料 precious metal procts for plating
滾鍍 barrel plating 製件在回轉容器中進行電鍍。適用於小型零件。
滾鍍光亮鎳電鍍 barrel bright nickel plating process
滾光 barrel burnishing 將製件裝在盛有磨料和滾光液的旋轉容器中進行滾磨出光的過程。
合金電鍍 alloy plating 電流作用下,使兩種或兩種以上金屬(也包括非金屬元素)共沉積的過程。
化學除油 alkaline degreasing 借皂化和乳化作用在鹼性溶液中清除製件表面油污的過程。
化學鍍(自催化鍍) autocalytic plating 在經活化處理的基體表面上,鍍液中金屬離子被催化還原形成金屬鍍層的過程。
化學鍍鎳 electroless nickel plating process
化學拋光 chemical polishing
化學拋光 chemical polishing 金屬製件在一定的溶液中進行陽極極化處理以獲得平整而光亮的過程。
緩沖劑 buffer 能使溶液的pH值在一定范圍內維持基本恆定的物質。
匯流排 busbar 連接整流器(或直流發電機)與鍍槽供導電用的銅排或鋁排。
機械鍍 mechanical plating 在細金屬粉和合適的化學試劑存在下,用堅硬的小圓球撞擊金屬表面,以使細金屬粉覆蓋該表面。
機械拋光 mechanical polishing 藉助高速旋轉的抹有拋光膏的拋光輪以提高金屬製件表面平整和光亮程度的機械加工過程。
激光電鍍 laser electroplating 在激光作用下的電鍍。
焦磷酸銅電鍍 copper pyrophosphate platin
金電鍍 gold plating
金屬電沉積 metal electrodeposition 藉助於電解使用權溶液中金屬離子在電極上還原並形成金屬相的過程。包括電鍍、電鑄、電解精煉等。
浸鍍 immersion plate 由一種金屬從溶液中置換另一種金屬的置換反應產生的金屬沉積物。
浸亮 bright dipping 金屬製件在溶液中短時間浸泡形成光亮表面和過程。
絕緣層 insulated layer (resist) 塗敷在電極或掛具的某一部分,使該部位表面不導電的塗層。
孔隙率 porosity 單位面積上針孔的個數。
銠(白金)電鍍工藝 rhodium plating process
離心乾燥機 centrifuge 利用離心力使製件脫水乾燥的設備。
磷化 phosphating 在鋼鐵製件表面上形成一層難溶的磷酸鹽保護膜的處理過程。
硫酸銅電鍍 acid copper solution
鋁及鋁合金前處理 chemistry for plating on Al & Al alloy
鋁陽極氧化處理 Anodizing Aluminium process
脈沖電鍍 pulse plating 用脈沖電源代替直流電源的電鍍。
敏化 sensitization 粗化處理過的非導電製件於敏化液中浸漬,使其表面吸附一層還原性物質,以便隨後進行活化處理時,可在製件表面還原貴金屬離子以形成活化層或催化膜,從而加速化學鍍反應的過程。
磨光 grinding 藉助粘有磨料的磨輪對金屬製件進行拋磨以提高製件表面平整度的機械加工過程。
內應力 internal stress 在電鍍過程中由於種種原因引起鍍層晶體結構的變化,使鍍層被拉伸或壓縮,但因鍍層已被固定在基體上,遂使鍍層處於受力狀態,這種作用於鍍層的內力稱為內應力。
逆流漂洗 countercurrent rinsing 製件的運行方向與清洗水流動方向相反的多道清洗過程。
鎳浴除雜劑 nickel bath purifier
配位劑 complexant 能與金屬離子或原子結合而形成配位化合物的物質。
噴砂 sand blasting 噴射砂粒流沖擊製件表面達到去污、除油或粗化的過程。
噴射清洗 spray rinsing 用噴射的細液流沖洗製件以提高清洗效果,並節約用水的清洗方法。
噴丸 shot blasting 用硬而小的球,如金屬丸噴射金屬表面的過程,其作用是加壓強化該表面,使之硬化具有裝飾的效果。
強浸蝕 pickling 將金屬製件浸在較高濃度和一定溫度的浸蝕液中,以除去其上的氧化物和銹蝕物等過程。
強耐腐蝕性鋅合金電鍍 anti-corrosion zinc alloy plating
青銅電鍍及後處理 brass plating &post-treatment
氰化鍍銅 cyanide copper plating solution
氰化鋅電鍍 cyanide zinc plating solution
熱抗散 thermal diffusion 加熱處理鍍件,使基體金屬和沉積金屬(一種或多種)擴散形成合金的過程。
熱熔 hot melting 為了改善錫或錫鉛合金等鍍層的外觀及化學穩定性,在比鍍覆金屬的熔點稍高的溫度下加熱處理鍍件,使鍍層表面熔化並重新結晶的過程。
乳化除油 emulsion degreasing 用含有有機溶劑、水和乳化劑的液體除去製件表面油污的過程。
乳化劑 emulsifying agent (emulsifier) 能降低互不相溶的液體間的界面張力,使之形成乳濁液的物質。
潤濕劑 wetting agent 能降低製件與溶液間的界面張力,使製件表面易於被溶液潤濕的物質。
弱浸蝕 acid dipping 金屬製件在電鍍前浸入一定的溶液中,以除去表面上極薄的氧化膜並使表面活化的過程。
閃鍍 flash(flash plate) 電時間極短產生薄層的電鍍。
刷鍍 brush plating 用一個同陽極連接並能提供電鍍需要的電解液的電極或刷,在作為陰極的製件上移動進行選擇電鍍的方法。
刷光 brushing 旋轉的金屬或非金屬刷輪(或刷子)對製件表面進行加工以清除表面上殘存的附著物,並使表面呈現一定光澤的過程
水的軟化 softening of water 除去水中鈣鎂等離子以降低其硬度的過程。
塑料電鍍 plating on plastics 在塑料製件上電沉積金屬鍍層的過程。
酸性鋅電鍍 acid zinc plating process
添加劑 addition agent (additive)加入鍍液中能改進鍍液的電化學性能和改善鍍層質量的少量添加物。
鐵件發黑及磷化處理 blackening & phosphating treatment
退鍍 stripping 退除製件表面鍍層的過程。
退火 annealing
脫色 decolorization 用脫色劑去除已著色的氧化膜上顏色的過程。
無氰鹼性鋅電鍍 non-cyanide plating process
錫電鍍 tin plating process
線路板電鍍 printed circuit boards
鋅鍍後鈍化處理 passivating treatment after zinc-plating
鋅鈍化後保護劑 sealer treatment after passivation
陽極袋 anode bag 套在陽極上以防止陽極泥進入溶液的棉布或化纖織物袋子。
移動陰極 swept cathode 被鍍製件與極杠連在一起作周期性往復運動的陰極。
有機溶劑除油 solvent degreasing 利用有機溶劑清除製件表面油污的過程。
珍珠鎳電鍍 pearl bright nickel plating process
整流器 rectifier 把交流電直接變為直流電的設備。
整平劑 levelling agent 在電鍍過程中能夠改善基體表面微觀平整性,以獲得平整光滑鍍層的穩定劑。
中性鹽霧試驗(NSS試驗) neutral salt spray test (NSS-test) 利用規定的中性鹽霧試驗鍍層耐腐蝕性。
周期轉向電鍍 periodic reverse plating 電流方向周期性變化的電鍍。
助濾劑 filteraid 為防止濾渣堆積過於密實,使過濾順利進行,而使用細碎程度不同的不溶液性惰性材料。
轉化膜 conversion coating 金屬經化學或電化學處理所形成的含有該金屬化合物的表面膜層,例如鋅或鎘上的鉻酸鹽膜或鋼上的氧化膜。
著色 colouring 讓有機或無機染料吸附在多孔的陽極氧化膜上使之呈現各種顏色的過程。
著色能力 dyeing power 染料在陽極氧化膜或鍍層上的附著能力。
阻化劑 inhibitor 能減小化學反應或電化學反應速率的物質,例如強浸蝕中使用的緩蝕劑。
最新合金電鍍 new developed alloy plating process
⑤ 揭陽不銹鐵用英語怎麼說
Jieyang iron stainless steel
steel 英[sti:l] 美[stil]
n. 鋼,鋼鐵; 鋼製品; 兵器; 鋼鐵工業;
vt. 包上或鍍上鋼專; 使堅定;
adj. 鋼制的; 鋼鐵業屬的; 堅強的; [色彩] 青灰色的;
[例句]The front wall is made of corrugated steel.
[其他] 第三人稱單數:steels 復數:steels 現在分詞:steeling 過去式:steeled過去分詞:steeled
⑥ 英語高手幫忙翻譯一下這句話用英文怎麼說
⑦ 英語翻譯
⑧ 急!!!求英語高手幫忙翻譯
Few creations of big technology capture the imagination.極少數的大技術創作能捕捉到想像力Perhaps it is humankind's long suffering at the mercy of flood and drought that makes the ideal of forcing the waters to do our bidding so fascinating.或許是因為長久以來人類遭受洪水和乾旱致使利用水利去達到我們想像的目的變得那麼遙不可及。 But to be fascinated is also,sometimes, to be blind. 但是有時心馳神往蒙蔽人們雙眼Several giant dam projects threaten to do more harm than good.有些宏偉大壩建設得弊大於利
The lesson from dams is that big is not always beautiful. 從中我們吸取到得教訓是大不一定就美It doesn't help that building a big, powerful dam has become a symbol of achievement for nations and people striving to assert themselves. 修建一個宏偉的大壩來象徵國家的成就及民族的信心毫無意義Egypt's leadership in the Arab world was cemented by the Aswan High Dam. 埃及在阿拉伯國家中的統治地位是通過阿斯旺大壩的建立來彰顯的Turkey's bid for First World status includes the Ataturk Dam.土耳其進駐世界第一流國家的籌碼包括埃塔圖爾克大壩的建立。
But big dams tend not to work as intended.但是這些大壩的功用並未按照意願體現 The Aswan Dam, for example, stopped the Nile flooding but deprived Egypt of the fertile silt that floods left---all in return for a giant reservoir of disease which is now so full of silt that it barely generates electricity.就拿阿斯旺大壩來說,它並未阻止尼羅河的大水卻在大水過後捲走了肥沃的鹽分導致一個高鹽分的疾病儲藏庫,周圍寸草不生。
And yet, the myth of controlling the waters persists.然而控制河水仍是一個謎團 This weel, in the heart of civilized Europe, Slovaks and Hungarians stopped just short of sending in the troops in their contention over a dam on the Danube.在高度文明的歐洲中部,這樣的實例還發生在斯洛伐克和匈牙利之間。為爭奪多瑙河上的大壩因其無力送資而告終。 The huge complex will probably have all the usual problems og big dams. 這些所有的情結大概都和大壩有關。But Slovakia is bidding for independence from the Czechs, and now needs a dam to prove itself.但是斯洛伐克旨在於從捷克獨立,現在需要有一個可以證明其實力的大壩
Meanwhile, in India, the World Bank has given the go-ahead to the even more wrong-headed Narmada Dam. 然而,在印度世界銀行卻給了一個錯誤引導修建的那曼達大壩一個通行令。And the bank has done this even though its advisors say the dam will cause hardship for the powerless and environmental destruction.並且在不顧顧問們指出大壩會導致斷電和環境污染的情況下,銀行下此決定 。The benefits are for the powerful, but they are far from guaranteed.好處當然是彰顯實力但是它們毫無保障
Proper, scientific study of the impacts of dams and of the cost and benefits of controlling water can help to resolve these conflicts. 正確的和科學的對大壩受力和對工程的預算及控制水勢的研究有利於解決爭端。Hydroelectric power and flood control and irrigation are possible without building monster dams. 在不修建宏偉大壩的情況下也可以利用水勢發電,防洪和灌溉。
But when you are dealing with myths, it is hard to be either proper, or scientific.但是當你在面對這些疑團時,很難保持一個正確科學的態度。 It is time that the world learned the lessons of Aswan. 世界人民都應向阿斯旺大壩事件中吸取教訓You don't need a dam to be saved. 並不需要大壩才可以得以倖存。
⑨ 鐵銹的英語翻譯 鐵銹用英語怎麼說
鐵銹:rust,iron rust,iron scale,corrosion(銹蝕) 供參考
⑩ 不銹剛鍋用英語怎麼說
翻譯成英文是:stainless steel pan
This kind of stainless steel pan has a long life performance.
英答[pæn] 美[pæn]
n. 平底鍋; 盤狀的器皿; 淘盤子,金盤,秤盤;
vt. 淘金; 在淺鍋中烹調(食物); [非正式用語] 嚴厲的批評;
vi. 淘金; 在淘洗中收獲金子;
[例句]Heat the butter and oil in a large pan.
[其他] 第三人稱單數:pans 復數:pans 現在分詞:panning 過去式:panned過去分詞:panned