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發布時間: 2021-01-26 13:32:10

A. 高分求一大學英語作文,100字左右,關於對老年人看法

老年人稱為senior citizen
Senior citizens are an important constitute of our society. They have played an important role in constructing our country.
For one thing, they should be respected. Undoutably, they are old now, but they have accumulated plenty of experiences ring the lifetime.
For another, the senior citizens should be given more emotional care. Most of them are left alone by their grown up children. However, most of the senior citizens are eager for other people's attention and passion.
In a word, every one will become old someday. To pay respect and concern for the senior citizens means care for ourselves.

B. 英語作文:老年人應該和年輕人同住

Why elders should live with the youngsters? Everyone will eventually grow old. Elders tend to feel lonely and seek company. Many youngsters abandon their parents/grandparents because they feel that they're burdensome. However, this is not acceptable. Elders particularly need personal care, and living with youngsters provides this instant nursing. Therefore, I strongly suggest that elders should live with the youngsters!

C. 老年人比年輕人更有價值的英語作文~


D. 年輕人怎樣為老人做出貢獻英語作文300字

The elderly are our elders,for their hard work a lifetime,in order to make some contribution to the community,and in the long-term practice has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience.Therefore,respect for the elderly is the concern and care for the elderly,but also the older generation who inherited the "Fortune" needs.
To respect the elderly is a traditional Chinese virtues.Our beloved Chairman Mao Zedong is the respect for the old model of respect for the elderly.In 1959,returned after an absence of many years of Chairman Mao's hometown - Shaoshan in Hunan.After a brief stay in days,he was specially invited home for the elderly to eat.In his report to a more than 70-year-old toast when the old man said:"The President toast,dare dare." Chairman Mao said:"Jinglaozunxian,it should be." It's a time thing for the elephants.
Yes ah,I like everyone else,there will be a time when old age,old people's today,is our future,respect for the elderly is actually respected us.If you do not respect the elderly,in the future,how will get the respect of younger people do?We should respect the elderly,make them feel the warmth of the family.The Chinese nation's fine traditions from generation to generation bar!

E. 寫一篇關於怎樣幫助老人60詞的英語作文 在線等,謝謝

My neighbor is a lonely elderly
In life, I have tried to give my best to help him
For example, the laundry, sweeping, cooking, etc.
In fact, the most elderly of a fifty years old
best hope is that other people care
So, I hope that not noly care in their daily lives
but also emotionally,we can care what they want
Therefore, to regularly communicate with old people is the most important
To do more listening and speaking,
For the elderly to he most comprehensive care給予老人最全面的關愛.


F. 關於老人應該怎樣度過晚年的英語作文

As community volunteers, my classmates and I go to the drop-in centre to help with things of which we are capable every or every other Saturday afternoon.There are many old people and children who are not able to return home temporarily. The old often feel lonely and helpless. So some of us read newspaper for them and chat with them. With the spiritual company, they find everyday filled with happiness.
Some of us play games with the children.Some help do the cleaning.People there speak highly of us, saying that we are all obliging.I feel satisfied that I can be helpful when others are in need.I hope that more students can join us, since there are still many people who need our help.The more we contribute, the better our society will become

G. 年輕人可以向老年人學到什麼 英語作文

I always show my respect and love to the old.My grandparents don't live with us,but we always do our best to help them.I have also visited their home to accompany the old and chat with them.
In my opinion,it is our ty to keep an eye on the old(Joozone Note:take care of the old).The old have been working hard all their lives.And they gave lives to us and brought us up.
I think the old should be paid more attention as everybody now seems to be busy working but ignore their parents and grandparents.

H. 年輕人怎麼和老人學習的英語作文

When getting old, people can meet many difficulties in their everyday life. Common problems for senior citizens are poor health, inconvenient public facilities, and loneliness. Young people can do a lot of things to help the old, provided they do have the desire. Young couples may pay more visits to their parents' homes ring weekends and holidays. The young could help the old more in public,offering seats on buses, for example. However, the most important thing to help the old is that the society should consider more for senior citizens.

I. 英語作文 教育方式 關於老年人與年輕人之間堆教育方式的不同看法 要求只要語法正確 字數100字

Different Views on the Way of Ecation
The way of ecation is a hot topic among many people,especially parents,teachers and students.But their points of view are different.Some old people think that we should not be so strict with our children,and should not give them so much homework to do.We should give them more time for fun.But some young parents hold an opposite view.They think we should be strict with our children.Children are very naughty today and don't realize the importance of study.They enjoy comfort and playing,and don't want to study.If we don't ecate them in a strict way,they will lose themselves and become an unuseful person.

J. 速求 英語作文,你對百歲老人學習的看法

文璇(湖北松滋一中) 看著窗外深黛色的樹瑟瑟地搖曳著,看著深灰的土地上不再有陽光的艷影,看著女孩們拉緊了衣鏈在風中飄揚著長發,我亦換上毛衣,驀然發現原來秋已款款而至。 都說自古逢秋悲寂寥,也確是。一個人漫步於小道上,少了炙熱陽光的陪伴,只覺得風兒從指尖滑過,感到絲絲寒氣襲向全身。風兒躍到桂樹上,挑落了粒粒桂花,遺落了滿地金黃,馨香在頭頂繚繞。我不禁想起劉禹錫的「窮巷秋風起,先摧蘭蕙芳」。纖纖蕙芽是柔軟的,怎受得住秋風的摧殘但秋日並不都是寂寥的,不是還有「我言秋口勝春朝」嗎有詩為證:「停車坐愛楓林晚.霜葉紅於二月花。」漫山楓葉紅似火,映紅了半邊天,也映紅了詩人的眼,秋的火熱使詩人忍不住駐足觀賞。 在秋的影片里,風和葉總足主角,不斷地上演著一幕幕絕美的剪輯。「秋風吹渭水,落葉滿長安」將我帶到一個至善至美的境界。秋風拂動,落葉飛揚,引得我心馳神往。看到落葉,人們總會聯想到傷感、悲涼等詞語。其實不然,李白《日出行》中不是說「草不謝榮於春風, 木不怨落於秋天』』嗎落葉本身不具備令人愁的能力,是人們看到她 凋零.賦予她感性。倘使落葉在秋天不落,依舊高掛枝梢,生機盎然, 那還算是秋的本色嗎難道你就不覺得少了點什麼韻味嗎風是秋的 主旋律,「秋風想見西湖上,化出白蓮千葉花」便將秋寫得活靈活現 了。白蓮在風中隨波而漾,宛若白衣素女,亭亭玉立,那一種站在秋 的容顏里守望的姿態,多麼地讓人思緒翩翩呀。 秋的畫面是最靈動的呢。「採菊東籬下,悠然見南山」。陶淵明以 菊為伴,對山當歌,不慕富貴,只嚮往田園式的生活,遠山近菊,淡淡 的畫面,洋溢的是淡淡的真純與閑情雅趣;杜甫面對滔滔江水漫漫落 葉.吟出「無邊落木蕭蕭下,不盡長江滾滾來。萬里悲秋常做客,百年 多病獨登台」。這渾厚的畫面,不單單是寂寥,那種廣博的胸襟所呈現 的悲壯更是在人們心中千百次地縈回。「寫取一枝清瘦竹,秋風江上 作魚竿」,鄭板橋以竹為竿,垂釣秋風江上,天高氣爽的意境渲染著他 的愜意和超俗品性。 秋款款而來,又悄然而去。在「只有一枝梧葉,不知多少秋聲」的 沉吟中。我拾起一片落葉,放在掌心,彷彿托起整個季節的容顏。看著 她清晰的紋理,我知道,那就是我要找尋的秋天。 _點評 本文場景設置十分巧妙。作者設置了一個漫步於小道,在秋風中自然地聯想到關於秋的詩句,然後拾起一片落葉,守望秋天的場景。古詩名句非常自然貼切地融會在作者的所思所感中,基 本上達到了水乳交融的境界。此外,本文行文思路清晰,作者用「都說自古逢秋悲寂寥,也確是」「在秋的影片中,風和葉總是主角,不斷地上演著一幕幕絕美的剪輯」「秋的畫面是最靈動的呢」 三個代表著作者認識的觀點統轄有關詩句,文章由此便思路清晰,層次井然。 -

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