Ⅰ 大學生如何學英語
Ⅱ 大學生怎樣學好英語
Ⅲ 大學生應如何學好自己的專業的英語作文
Ⅳ 求一篇關於大學生活與學習的英語作文
My university life and study are full of joy,because I can connect them. learning in life,living in study.
On the one hand,I apply what I learned in class to my life. For example,I use my mathematics knowledge to calculate my monthy expenditure and incom e. It's very useful because it stops me spending money. I think it is necessary for college students to cultivate the ability to apply knowledge to life. On the other hand,I study hard in my life. For example,I learned how to deal with people in the communication with my classmates and teachers. College students should learn how to connect study and life. Only in this way,our university life and study will be more and more wonderful.
College students should make their university life and study full of fun. I did it. Did you?
Ⅳ 作為大學生假期應該怎麼做英語作文範文
Ⅵ 如何度過大學假期英語作文
I often get up at a quarter past seven.Sometimes,I get up at half past seven.Then I brush my teeth and wash my face at eight o』clock.Afterwrads,.I have my breakfast at about half past eight.My breakfast is always very delicious I always eat a bowl of rice ,an egg,a glass of milk and some snacks..Sometimes I eat mpings or noodles.After breakfast,I always do my homework and read some interesting books.At twelve o』clock,I have my lunch.In the afternoon,I often do my homework for an hour
Ⅶ 暑假准大學生該如何學習英語
先說一些學習方法,第二段為考試方面的學習建議:1.收聽英語氣象報告 2.善用錄音帶鍛煉聽說能力 3.聽正常語速的英語,才能加速聽力的進步 4.從電視,電影中學習英語 5.和朋友表演影片情節 6.唱歌學英語 特別注意英文沒有的發音 7.背誦名人演說詞,找機會復誦出來 8.用英語繞口令克服發音的缺點 9.多記一些幽默笑話,准備隨時應用 10.聽英語時,口中跟著復誦 11.練習朗讀,好處多多 12.練習朗讀時要從後面往前推演 13.朗讀長句時,可在「片語」之間稍做停頓 14.為了興趣而閱讀 15.精讀和泛讀並行 16.閱讀英文報刊雜志 17.暫時忘掉字典18.查字典之前,要猜猜看 19.查字典不要只看詞義 20.多查幾本字典,互相印證,互為補充 21.讀的出,才能記得牢22.字典查過之後,暫時別合起來 23.要培養英語的語感,請用英英字典 24.利用前綴和後綴擴充詞彙 25.留心英文的詞彙搭配 26.把被動詞彙轉變為主動詞彙 27.用自由聯想法復習學過的單詞 28.利用生活中的小插曲或社會上的偶發事件學習英文 29.累積實用的佳句,整理製作成卡片 30.把當天發生的事情,用英語寫成日記31.用英文寫閱讀摘要 32.把生活體驗寫成英文作文,或做口頭發表 33.隨時用英文思考,用英文記錄 34.不必對自己苛求完美 35.發揮創意,多做嘗試考試方面的學習建議:聽力: 聽力部分是在考試裡面最容易拿分數的部分。最開始的時候,我連聽voa special english都很困難。我的方法是:一個sp要聽4-5次,把裡面不懂的英語單詞的發音,含義全部搞清楚,然後每天堅持2個小時的聽力訓練,狂攻sp。如果沒事,就拿一個MP3吊耳朵,讓自己慢慢習慣英語語境。2個月後,我聽了一盤四級英語考試磁帶,發現自己原來根本聽不明白的東西變的簡單了。所以還是絕對值得的。2:單詞 這是一個老生常談的話題,大家知道,單詞是英語的礎,沒有單詞,就好象建大廈沒有磚頭,只能幻想空中樓閣。但是被單詞又被大家認為是最難,最枯燥的事情。基礎好的朋友可以通過閱讀學單詞,但是對基礎不好的,這點根本行不通。整篇文章都看不太明白,還談什麼學單詞呢?既然咱們現在水平不行,就要拿出比別人更的努力。我背單詞的草稿紙已經放滿了一個大箱子。 大家肯定有這種經驗,前不久背了的單詞,很快就忘記了,那麼該怎麼辦呢?我當時是每天固定背30-40個左右的單詞,第二天復習前一天的單詞,然後每個禮拜天,花1小時把一個禮拜的單詞復習一下,每一個月又花幾個小時把一個月的單詞復習一次。不懂的單詞全部記下來。3:閱讀 閱讀在我看來,就是通過增加閱讀量,提高閱讀速度,掌握一定的閱讀技巧。 最開始的時候,因為基礎比較差,太難的文章肯定不適合基礎差的朋友。先可以看一些"書蟲"(高中水平)一類的改編小說,練練感覺。當單詞量積累到一定程度以後,就可以正式開始提高閱讀水平了。把題里的句子、單詞都弄明白,並且對其中的難句做一定的分析,特別是語法結構。這里有一個問題:最開始你做題目的時候准確率會很低,千萬別灰心,堅持下去,從每一篇閱讀裡面吸取精華,很快就會發現:閱讀真的沒那麼可怕。 4:作文 這里我記得一個提高班的英語老師說過的一句話:讀書破萬卷,下筆如有神。作文一個字:背!如果你背了很多很多範文,作文不會低分的。但是我建議在背的同時,可以用一個小本子,把一些很精彩的句子抄下來,經常看看,並舉一反三。同樣一個句子,用在不同的地方,會有不同的效果最後:要對自己有信心,相信自己,付諸努力,堅持下來,你一定能行 答案補充 1.外籍教師說:每天聽半小時英語,培養語感(注意,是無意識地聽),我們小時候也是這樣才學會說話的。你可以在休閑中播,但只可以是半小時! 2.抄得多自然熟,知識點抄抄抄。 3.設立錯題本(非常有效),把錯的答案,為什麼錯,列出來 4.要對英語充滿興趣,細細體味英語中的詞語表達精妙之處。5.我跟你說!你每天要看以兩段文字,如果沒有時間,那就考試前一個星期每天看兩篇!這樣可以保持考試的閱讀速度! 6.抄的單詞本你們要復習啊! 7.找一個外國歌手做你的偶像,把他(她)的歌聽完全 .8.多看中英對照文章,這樣對你的翻譯語感非常有幫助
Ⅷ 急求關於「大學生如何學習」的英語作文
College students are not the same as middle school students. Middle school students are not grown-ups, but college students are. The middle school students learn knowlege mainly by the capacity of their memorization.But the college students are grown ups, and they study their subjects mainly by understanding and analyzation. We know that memorization is weaker by the increase of people's age and the capacity of understanding and analyzation is stronger by the increase of people's age. Generally speaking, younger the students are, the stronger their memorization is. So the middle school teachers are used to ask their students to remeber something by repeating it over and over again. The college teachers want their students to master something by understanding and analyzation. And that's why the colloge sdents have more self-study than the middle school students do. Therefore, we say the quality of study of the college students rely on the consciousness of the students themselves.
Ⅸ 大學暑假生活的英語作文500字
Summer Vacation
I enjoy summer vacation very much. Because summer vacation is the longest vacation of the year. We have more than fifty days to rest. Though it is very hot, we can either go to swim or stay in the air-conditioned room . In the evening, I like to go shopping with my friends. We can eat many things in summer, such as ice creams, watermelons, grapes, and so on.In summer, I always go on a trip with my parents. It's a good chance for us to visit some nice interesting places.
Summer Job
The summer job is a tradition among students of American universities. Long before the end of the school year,students begin their search for jobs ring vacation ( June, July, and August).
Students send letters to businesses, talk to employers about job opportunities rlng the summer, and ask friends and relarives to be on the lookout for jobs for them. By June the students have usually
solved the problem and begin to make preparations for leaving their books to enter the business world.
Reasons for wanting a summer job are different from student to student. Some work to help pay their school expenses; others work to gain experience in their chosen professions; still others work just for the fun of it.
Typist, construction worker, salesman, lifeguard, and waiter these are some of the more common jobs that students try to find ring the summer months. But many young people find work that is a little more unusual.
打字員、建築工人、推銷員、救生員、服務生 這些都是學生在暑假幾個月中通常選擇的工作。 當然,也有很多年輕人能夠找到特別一些的工作。
請根據以下提示,用英語寫一篇 90- —— 120 詞左右的短文,介紹你的暑假生活。 1. 暑假與祖父母在農村呆了 15 天,山和田野綠樹成蔭。 2. 有時去村西的小河去洗澡,那裡河水清澈。 3. 每天寫日記。 4. 出了干農活,還幫助鄰里的孩子們補習功課。 5. 孩子們對英語很感興趣,他們讀、寫都很好,但幾乎聽不懂簡單的英語。 6. 每天早上幫他們提高聽力和口語,他們進步很大。 7. 孩子們的父母對我高度贊揚。 8. 農村確實需要知識。 「精品範文」 This year''''s summer vacation was most enjoyable. I spent fifteen days helping my grandparents doing farm work in the countryside, where I saw mountains and fields covered with green plants. Sometimes I went swimming in the river to the west of the village, the water in which was quite clear. I kept a diary every day. Besides doing farm work, I help the children in the neighborhood with their lessons. All of them showed much interest in English. They could read and write well, but they could hardly understand simple English. So every day in the morning I spent about two hours helping them improve their listening and spoken English. They all made great progress. Their parents all thought highly of me. I now realize that knowledge is very much needed in the countryside.
My Summer Vacation-我的暑假生活
At college, I missed my parents a lot. As the term was drawing to an end, I eagerly looked forward to going home. And I planned to do a thousand and one things ring the vacation. Above all, I wanted to help my mother with housework. I also wished to read many hooks which my teachers had recommended.
However, at home, my mother would never let me do anything. She completely deprived me of sharing her work. As soon as I opened a book to read,she would sit down beside me and ask me about all kinds of things at the college. To please her,I told her one thing after another,and soon I forgot all about books. Even when I was actually reading,she would, now and then,insist that I should eat an egg or drink a cup of tea.
When I left home at the end of the vacation, not a thing in my plan had been carried out. But I felt very happy. I believed much more deeply than before in the old saying: Home, sweet home. There's no place like home!
Ⅹ 如何成為一名優秀的大學生英語作文範文
In my opinion, a qualified college student should be one who is not only physically but also mentally healthy, who can deal with his studies successfully, who has the enthusiasm of growth, and who is ready and fully prepared to devote himself to his motherland.
Then, what should we do to become a qualified college student?
First, we should keep in good health physically and mentally. Good health is the foundation for us to perform our learning tasks and fulfil our dreams. Making a regular schele of daily life and doing regular physical exercises can keep us fit. Be sure not to demand too much of life. Take an optimistic attitude, look on the bright side of things and face life with bravery and confidence.
Secondly, we should make study our prime task in every day life. We should observe college regulations, attend every class attentively and visit library frequently. It's of vital importance to make the most of our time at college to expand our knowledge and interest in our majors.
Thirdly, we also ought to take every opportunity to enrich our experiences broaden our view in life. We should take an active part in social work, build up our own social connections and get to know people and make friends with them.
It can't be denied that a college student should possess many other abilities and qualities, for example, being responsible, independent and creative. Therefore, as college students, we should improve ourselves all the time ring our precious college years.