發布時間: 2021-01-24 20:06:29
A. 英語達人速來救場,翻譯下面的物體: 暖氣片,嬰兒用的戒子,菜板子,大馬勺,水缸,被單,床罩,被褥
暖氣片: heating radiator 嬰兒用的戒子: diaper 菜板子: chopping board 大馬勺: big ladle 水缸: water vat 被單: coverlet 床罩: bedspread 被褥: mattress 折疊餐桌: folding table 板凳: bench 電磁爐: inction cooker 火炕: heated brick bed 煤氣灶: gas burner 電飯鍋: electric rice cooker 門檻: threshold 抹布: rag 電焊: electric welder 無齒鋸: anodontia saw 剃頭的電推子: shave clipper 拖鞋: slipper 地窖: cellar 謝謝。 樓主是要出國嗎。 好多單詞都冷門的。
B. 用英語怎麼說被單這個單詞,怎麼說
quilt cover
quilt: 被子, quilt cover 也叫被套
bed sheet
C. 前天是婦女節,媽媽在家裡看電視,我在她的房裡,整理被單,還打掃了房間,媽媽很開心。翻譯成英文。
It was Women's Day the day before yesterday. My mom was watching TV at home. I stayed in her room. I cleared up the bed sheet and cleaned the room. Mom was very happy.