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發布時間: 2021-01-24 19:05:46

① 英語翻譯 一閃一閃亮晶晶,滿天都是小星星 我就要這一句表多餘!我懶得看

Twinkle,twinkle,little star,
How I wonder what you are.

② 「心裡藏著小星星,生活就會亮晶晶~」晚安 翻譯成英文是什麼

Little stars inside my heart,
glittering will be my life.
[ 形容詞可以用作主語,往往成對使用,具有名詞化的特點

③ 亮閃閃小夜曲歌詞英文誰會翻譯

Remember the first encounter of the day?
The only word, gave me the name of the person, you ...
Even how far to separate
But the only people who talk to me, is your ...
This sky fastened together so that we can encounter
Even if this is just a coincidence does not matter, because it has important significance
How many times can realize your dream?
Also how many times, let me in your behind it?
Even out of the reach, I would like to stay in your side
Quietly stay on your side
No matter what kind I, want to make you happy worry-free
Feel me, feel me just
Your name has been unable to forget ...

Stranger in the vast endless sky
The only people who tell me the answer
Even how far to separate
But give me only one encounter of people, you
Intertwined because the world, so we were a
Even if this is an inevitable does not matter, because we can become stronger.
How many times can then see your smiling face it?
Also how many times to pray for your happiness it?
Thoughts can not be delivered, will one day disappear
My thoughts, quietly disappears
If not meet again, still can not forget your warm
Staring at me, just staring at me
The final word
I love you ...
Even how to approach, how feelings
The only people left to leave a smile
Even how far to separate
However, given the only thing I miss the people, you ...
In this vast world

④ 一閃一閃亮晶晶這首歌的英文翻譯

Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are

⑤ 請將一閃一閃亮晶晶翻譯成羅馬文。謝謝(日語)

一閃一閃亮晶晶 ぴかぴかひかるpikapikahikaru
滿天都是小星星 星がいっぱいあるよ內 hoshigaippaaruyo
掛在天上放光容明 空でピカピカしている soradepikapikashiteiru
好像許多小眼睛 まるでめのようだ marudemenoyouda
一閃一閃亮晶晶 ぴかぴかひかる pikapikahikaru
滿天都是小星星 ほしがいっぱいあるよ hoshigaippaaruyo

⑥ 亮閃閃的小星星 翻譯成日文

きらきらひかる おそらのほしよ
まばたきしては みんなをみてる
きらきらひ內かる おそら容のほしよ
みんなのうたが とどくといいな
きらきらひかる おそらのほしよ




作詞者 村野四郎 フランス民謠

1 あちらの空(そら)で きらきら光(ひか)る
日ぐれの星(ほし)よ 何(なに)見ているの
やさしい星よ きれいな星よ

2 日ぐれの空で きらきら光る
お家(うち)へかえる 小鳥のために
遠(とお)くでひとり きらきら光る


⑦ 一閃一閃亮晶晶滿天都是小星星,英語怎麼讀能翻譯成漢字嗎

Twinkle twinkle little star,How I wonder what you are;Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky; Twenkle twenkle little star, How I wonder what you are.
There are so many little stars twinkling up in the whole sky.

⑧ 祖國祖國我愛你,你是我的好媽媽,五星紅旗真美麗,五個金星亮晶晶,一顆大四顆小,翻譯成英文 謝謝!

Motherland motherland I love you, you are my good Mom, the five-star red flag is so beautiful, five gold the stars are bright, one big and four small.

⑨ 小小星星亮晶晶英文怎麼翻譯

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

⑩ 求一閃一閃亮晶晶的中英文歌詞!

Little Star

Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are.一閃一閃亮晶晶,滿天都是小星星。

Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. 掛在天上放光明,好像許多小眼睛。

Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are.一閃一閃亮晶晶,滿天都是小星星。

Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. 一閃一閃亮晶晶,滿天都是小星星。

Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. 掛在天上放光明,好像許多小眼睛。

Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. 一閃一閃亮晶晶,滿天都是小星星。

Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are.一閃一閃亮晶晶,滿天都是小星星。

Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. 掛在天上放光明,好像許多小眼睛。

Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are.一閃一閃亮晶晶,滿天都是小星星。


《Little Star》是Madonna獻給寶貝女兒的,明亮輕盈的碎拍,行雲流水般陪伴在這最溫馨的一刻,聽者都能感受到她的幸福和愛意

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