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㈠ 我的記憶力最好英語作文





(1)速讀法(又叫全腦速讀記憶):速讀法是在快速閱讀的基礎上進行記憶訓練的,實際上,兩者是同時進行也是相互相成的,別以為閱讀速度快了記憶就差了,因為這里靠的不是左腦意識的邏輯記憶,而是右腦潛意識的圖像記憶,後者比前者強100萬倍。通過速讀記憶訓練的朋友都知道,速度越快記憶越好,詳細學習資料你可以到 「精英特速讀記憶訓練網站」學習,下載軟體試用。





㈡ 假如你是李華你的記憶力不好,要制定一個英語周的計劃這個英語作文該怎麼寫

As amiddle school student, my study burden is heavier than before. Therefore, I must make a good plan for my study to make the effort effective and set sometime aside for playing. Firstly, I will make a big plan for this term and set a goal for it. I want to be the top three of my class in the final exam, so that I must work hard for it. In addition, I will make plans for several short periods, such as monthly plan and weekly plan. By doing so, I can clearly know what my major task of different. Finally, daily plan is necessary, too. Write down my tasks for everyday and finish them strictly. Remember not put tasks until tomorrow. With these different plans, I can arrange my time reasonably and get sometime to play. 

㈢ 將下列句子翻譯成英文。 1.當你年輕時,你的記憶力會變得更好 2.Lily變的越來越漂亮 3.背書最

1 When you are young,your ability to memorize will be stronger.
2 Lily becomes more and more beautiful.
3 The best way to recite is to read it from time to time.
4 Saving water is a great way to protect the environment.
5 It's hard to imagine working there.
6 Use your imagination to create a beautiful picture.
7 His brain was hurt in that accident.

㈣ 記憶力很差該怎樣學會英文


㈤ 英語作文如何提高記憶力

Memory is important for everyone in all ages. How to improve it? It is a complex question. I have several suggestions. Firstly, have enough rest. Enough sleep can make sure brain works normally, because when people sleep, their brain and other organs also can rest. Enough rest can provide enough energy. Secondly, keep always thinking. Do not get used to the current situation. Keeping thinking when meets things can exercise brain. Thirdly, eat some healthy food that is good for memory, such as, radish, cabbage and spinach. I think these are helpful to improve memory.

㈥ 寫一篇,怎樣提高記憶力的英語作文30個

ome people have very good memory and can easily learn quite long
poems by heart.There are other people who can only remember things when
they have repeated them again and again.
The famous English
writer,Charles Dickenssaid that he could walk down any long street in
London and then tell you the name of every shop he had passed.Many of
the great men of the world have wonderful memories.A good memory is a
help in learning a foreign language.Everybody learns his own language by
remembering what he hears when he was a small child,and some
children----like boys and girls who live abroad with their
parents----seem to learn two languages as easily as one.

㈦ 你認為學生有好的記憶力重要麼.英語作文

有深刻的記憶基礎,或者稱之為強加性記憶基礎,或者說是你由從小到現在一天天說,一天天背所形成的記憶性語言。現在無論是你所說的語文學習,還是英語作文學習,之所以有一定的差距,是因為在你的記憶中沒有形成所謂固定的思維習慣,或者說你還沒有足夠的記憶基礎去支撐你的表達。以我的觀點,你現在最應該做的是,老老實實,扎扎實實去背你們老師所謂的經典之作,不要看著一篇文章很長就嚇的不去努力背了,或者不去分析了,那是不行的。噢 還有就是 我現在學的ABC天卞口語的導師要我明白,其實想將英語學好是不難的。一定具有適宜的學習情境與闇練口語對象 重點就是老師教學經驗 口語純正才可以,保持逐日口語學習 1對1加強化教學就有非常.好.的學習效果!完成課堂後仍要重聽課堂音頻,好鞏固知識點 如果真的無口語交談的人的情況 只能上可可或愛思得到課後材料學習 多說多練迅速的語感就培養起來,學習成長是絕對突飛猛進的!也不要感覺沒有意思而放棄,那都是不可取的。等你背了幾篇文章之後,你再寫東西的時候,你就會感覺,你有一定的思維習慣去支撐你行文的方向和單詞量。語文,特別是語文,你看上十篇,二十篇,行雲流水,到頭來,我感覺你還是得不到什麼,只有你硬性的給你頭腦加些正確的思維

㈧ 記憶力對學習的重要性的英語作文怎麼寫

How important is memory to learning「the memory is mother of the wisdom」 「the memory is mother of the wisdom」, did not understand that the memory mechanism's ancient times humanity the mother who regarded as the memory the wisdom, thought that the memory might proce innumerable wonderful and the noble thing. ancient and moderns in China and abroad many celebrity devote to the memory research, stayed behind has inspired posterity's feeling to become aware, like China Zhang Zai 「not records, then cannot think of」 and so on. The modern age, has much becomes aware to the memory important feeling is spread widely as the famous saying: the all wisdom's root lies in remembered. - - Xieqienuofu (Russia) all knowledge obtains is remembered. The memory is all intelligence activity foundation. - - Bacon (UK) , if does not have the memory, we will then become are written in water the thing. From the future looked that saw then can be a deathly stillness. But the so-called present, passes along with its one minute one second place, also will never to return vanishes ring the past. The knowledge which and the skill proced based on the past were impossible to exist, in our life in fact the incessancy carries on, and causes us to turn today this appearance learning activity not to be impossible to exist. - - C · л · Rubinstein a lot of years, the humanity depends upon the memory accumulation experience, relies on ability which the memory obtains to conquer the nature, arrives at the ideal other shore. Does not have the memory, the human is similar to the good-for-nothing - - past and the present accepts and stores in brain's all information, passed along with time one minute one second place, will never to return vanishes ring the past, the intelligence and the skill will be also nothing left.
.「記憶是智慧之母」「記憶是智慧之母」,不了解記憶機理的遠古人類把記憶看成智慧的母親,認為記憶可以生發出無數美妙而高貴的事物。古今中外許多名人都致力於記憶的研究,留下了啟發後人的感悟,如中國張載的「不記則思不起」等。現代,有更多對記憶重要性的感悟被作為名言廣為流傳:一切智慧的根源都在於記憶。 ——謝切諾夫(俄) 一切知識的獲得都是記憶。記憶是一切智力活動的基礎。——培根(英) 假如沒有記憶力,我們便會成為轉瞬即逝之物。從將來看過去,所看到的便會是一片死寂而已。而所謂現在,隨著它一分一秒地流逝,也會一去不復返地消失在過去之中。基於過去所產生的知識和技能都不可能存在,就連我們一生中實際上持續不斷地進行的,並且使我們變成了今天這個樣子的學習活動也不可能存在。——C·л·魯賓斯坦千百年來,人類依靠記憶積累經驗,憑借記憶得到的能力征服大自然,到達理想的彼岸。沒有記憶力,人就如同行屍走肉——過去和現在所接受並貯存於腦中的一切信息,隨著時間一分一秒地流逝,都將一去不復返地消失在過去之中,智力和技能亦將盪然無存。

㈨ 英語作文:人人都想擁有好的記憶力,談談記憶力的重要性,在學習和生活中,如何提高記憶力。80字左右。


㈩ 英語作文帶翻譯介紹鍛煉記憶力的方法

There are many things you can do to improve your memory.Among them are various memorizing methods as well as taking special care of your health.It is important that you regularly stimulate your brain to make your memory more efficient.You can do this by doing activites that you do not normally do and by changing your daily habits。Learning a new skill helps your brain to develope。When trying to memorize something , should focus your attention and concentrate on the mostimportant things about it。Do not allow other thoughts to enter yout mind because will lower your chances of making accurate memories。An excellent way to help memory is to link information with pictures.This is referred to as mnemonic techniques.Try to see the images in your mind.Taking notes,being organized and keeping a diary will also be useful tools。Healthy food and plenty of vitamins are essential for your memory to work propely。Drinking a lot of water also helps maintain your memory。You must allow your brain stores memory。Not ebough sleep can therefore,cause problems with stroing information。In addition, being tired will stop you from being able to concentrate well。Caffeine in tea and coffee are very good at preventing sleepiness and helping concentration,but they can also cause problems with memory。In order to concentrate well,you must be relaxed。Generally keeping fit and regular health checks are both impoteant as well-not just for improving your memory。
Improving your Memory 增強記憶力的方法
Psychological research has focused on a number of basic principles th
at help memory: meaningfulness, organization, association, and visualizati
on. It is useful to know how these principles work. Meaningfulness affects
memory at all levels. Information that does not make any sense to you is
difficult to remember. There are several ways in which we can make materia
l more meaningful. Many people, for instance, learn a rhyme to help them r
emember. Do you know the rhyme "Thirty days has September, April, June, an
d November… "? It helps many people remember which months of the year hav
e 30 days. Organization also makes a difference in our ability to remember
. How useful would a library be if the books were kept in random order? Ma
terial that is organized is better remembered than jumbled information. On
e example of organization is chunking. Chunking consists of grouping separ
ate bits of information. Fox example, the number 4671363 is more easily re
membered if it is chunked as 467,13,63. Categorizing is another means of o
rganization. Suppose you are asked to remember the following list of words
: man, bench, dog, desk, woman, horse, child, cat, chair. Many people will
group the words into similar categories and remember them as follows: man
, woman, child; cat, dog, horse; bench, chair, desk. Needless to say, the
second list can be remembered more easily than the first one. Association
refers to taking the material we want to remember and relating it to somet
hing we remember accurately. In memorizing a number, you might try to asso
ciate it with familiar numbers or events. Fox example, the height of Mount
Fuji in Japan - 12,389 feet - might be remembered using the following ass
ociations: 12 is the number of months in the year, and 389 is the number o
f days in a year (365) added to the number of months twice (24). The last
principle is visualization. Research has shown striking improvements in ma
ny types of memory tasks when people are asked to visualize the items to b
e remembered. In one study, subjects in one group were asked to learn some
words using imagery, while the second group used repetition to learn the
words. Those using imagery remembered 80 to 90 percent of the words, compa
red with 30 to 40 percent of the words for those who memorized by repetiti
on. Thus forming an integrated image with all the information placed in a
single mental picture can help us to preserve a memory.
是: 賦予意義、信息編組、建立聯想、直觀形象。知道支用這些方法是很有用的。
來幫助 記憶。你知道"一三五七八十臘,三十一天准不差,其餘月份三十天,只有二
月二十八"這首 順口溜幫助很多人記住了哪些月份有三十天。 "信息編組"對我們的記
好記得多。 信息編組的典型例子就是分塊記憶。 每塊記憶材料是由一些零散孤立的
信息所組成的。 例如, 要記住 4671363 這個數字,如果把它再分成三塊 467,13,
63,就更容易記住了。分類編組 是另一種方法。假如要求你記住下列生詞:男人、凳
子、狗、課桌、女人、馬、孩子、貓、 椅子。很多人會把這些按詞義相近編成下列三
個小類:男人、女人、孩子;貓、狗、馬;凳 子、椅子、課桌。不用多說,第二種分
三小類的辦法比第一種不分類的辦法更容易記住。 "建立聯想"指的是把我們要記的材
料和我們已經精確的記住的材料之間聯想起來。要 記住一個數字,你可以把這一數字
page 1
與你已經熟悉的數字或事情聯系起來。例如:日本富士山 的海拔高度是 12,389 英
尺,你可以把這一數字用下列聯想方法:一年有 12 個月,389 是 一年 365 天再加
上一年 12 個月乘上 2(24) 。 "直觀形象"是最後一種方法。研究的結果已經表明
,如果讓人們把要記憶的事物都想 象出生動的直觀形象,在完成各種不同類型的記憶
工作中,記憶都會產生驚人的效果。有一 項調查研究: 要求一組受試者使用直觀形
象法來記住一些生詞, 在此相對照的第二組受試者 只用重復法來記住這些生詞。調
查結果是,凡是能用直觀形象法記生詞的人都能記住 80%-90%,在之成鮮明對比的是
,凡是用機械重復法記生詞的人只能記住 30%-40%。這種 能形成一幅完整的形象,
把所有的信息都存放到腦海里的一幅畫面中去的方法, 有助於我們 儲存記憶材料

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