Ⅰ 「人多力量大」應該怎樣翻譯啊急!!!!
Our Chairman Mao had said "the human multi- strengths are big"
However the thing all has the pro and con, excessively many population can bring many questions.
The government department already realized this hazardous nature early, and took the effective measure to prevent the population grew excessively much.
Hoped our country may harmoniously develop under the suitable population. . .
Ⅱ 英文翻譯,人多力量大,每人幫我翻譯一段,別用翻譯工具,不通順,謝謝了,就當練習了!!!
該煉銅廠使用的銅礦中存在雜質砷。 通過熔爐的氣體排放,易發散的砷進入硫酸裝置。在該裝置內,大量二氧化硫蒸汽與之發生反應並被還原。 因此,在氣洗流程中產生了含有高濃度砷的廢水。 如支持信息(SI)中的表S1 以及圖表S1所顯示的,在廢水處理問題上,現行的HDS流程效果並不十分理想。 本次研究實驗所使用的二氧化鈦是通過在4攝氏度的條件下對硫酸鈦進行水解得到的。 實驗中二氧化鈦的反應詳情以及與其他二氧化鈦衍生物對砷的吸收效果的比較請參見SI。 BET的表面積為196平方米/克,零電荷點為5.8。
SI中的圖表S3即對砷進行處理的實驗的流程圖。 在典型的處理流程中,依次會發生三個吸收反應。 實驗中,我們取未處理的廢水和濃度為30克/升二氧化鈦的懸掛液1升置於2升的燒杯中,並用鋁箔覆蓋防止曝光對實驗結果的影響 通過氫氧化鈉和硫酸溶液,我們將懸掛液的酸鹼度調整至7。 利用機械攪拌器對懸掛液攪拌1小時後,採用孔徑0.45微米的過濾膜對其進行過濾。向所得到的過濾液中加入濃度為30克/升的二氧化鈦以進行第二、第三步吸收反應。
將之前產生的濾渣與100毫升的5M(?)氫氧化鈉混合,並使之反應一個小時即可還原之前使用過的二氧化鈦吸收劑。再通過15分鍾、轉速為8000轉/分的離心過濾即可從提取液中分離出固體二氧化鈦。 還原後的二氧化鈦吸收劑可以在廢水處理提取砷的吸收反應中再次使用。而剩下提取液將使用在之後的還原砷的反應中。
Ⅲ 人多力量大用英語怎麼說如題
Large people, large power.
Ⅳ 人多力量大翻譯成英語,要幽雅一點
Many hands make light work.
Ⅳ 我家有許多規矩用英語怎麼說 我記得好像是在七年級的書上的一句話,可是我想不起來了,人多力量大,
We have a lot of rules at my house
Ⅵ 「人多力量大」用英語怎麼說
"People are more powerful"
"People are more powerful"
Ⅶ 人多力量大,用英語應該怎麼說
People are more powerful
There is strength in numbers.
Ⅷ 人多力量大的英文怎麼說
People more power
Ⅸ 中譯英··各位英語高手們幫幫忙吧,幫我翻譯下面幾段文字吧,我始終相信人多力量大的···萬分感激··
1, constructivism learning theory basis
Constructivism is a branch of cognitive theory of cognitive development areas, the oldest of the most influential have life psychologists piaget J.P iaget) (proposed in the 1960s. He used in internal and external interaction studies from the perspective of the cognitive development of children, child is found in and around environment reciprocity process, graally construct knowledge about the external century, which makes its own cognitive structure developed. Later many psychologists and ecator, such as vigos dimitrios base (vygotsky), such as Bruner Ausubel, from the cognitive structure and the nature and development condition, the human society environment on the influence of the psychological development, and indivial initiative in constructing the important role of cognitive structure process aspects enriched and developed the constructivism theory for its concrete application, create conditions in the teaching process.
As a kind of constructivism learning theory, that knowledge is not taught, learning do not like behaviorism puts it is an exciting - reaction process, but learners in certain contexts, using the necessary study material, through interaction with the environment and others, cooperation, and the process of graal actively building information. The new information for trainees meaning of the original construction experience; on the other hand, modification or restructuring. And teacher's role is to provide the opportunities and construct knowledge motive, is significance construction helper, promoters and knowledge navigator.
1-2 constructivist teaching
Bruna think in the teaching process, the student is a positive inquirers, teacher's role is to form a kind of let students independent inquiry situation, not with a ready-made knowledge. Constructivist teaching notes the traditional teaching for students to create more management own opportunity, requests the student to the real situation in complex to complete the task. In addition, constructivism also attaches great importance to the teachers and students, between students and students social interactions. Their task through cooperation and discussion, so that students can see things in all its aspects.
1-3 constructivism learning
Constructivism is about how people understand and how to know philosophical and epistemology. The constructivism thoughts and people learning activities relate to a language acquisition and second language acquisition research field of indisputably Switzerland significant impact psychologist piaget. The Dutch university of Michigan roots, with different learning theory (reappear learning and construct learning theory and application of learning theory) learners concted experiments, the results showed that the structured learner can in three learning (surface study, the thorough study and specific learning) results best result affections. Therefore, "build configurations most with the essence of learning, learning the most favorable to the development potential." human brain
One-three-one constructiveness learning
Constructivism holds that every meaningful learning are actively constructing knowledge for learners process. In the study learners must new information and other information, associate in keep it simple information at the same time, understand complex information. Constructivism stressed that learners is not merely, passively combining display "indoctrinate" knowledge teacher, the other is based on previous cognition structure, socialist and selective perception external information, construct the meaning of things.
1-3-2 goal of learning. Guide
Constructivist learning is goal orientation, because only clearly realized his learners' learning goals and achieve the desired results, the study to just can say is successful. But the constructivist learning guidance is not the goal from outside, but by others formed imposed by the internal learning process, the self-conscious. Determined learners' In constructivism learning, learning goals on learners' learning plays the role of overall orientation. Therefore, in the dynamic in the learning process should encourage learners to establish their own learning objectives, and assess myself to achieve progress acquired ring the process.
1-3-3 context learning
Constructivism holds that learning is a close contact with the situation of independent operating activities. Situation creation is the necessary premise significance construction. The situation should be learning happens the true situation learning tasks. In this really's situation, the learners' knowledge structure and multiple memory way is to measure whether characterized learning is the key point of success. Constructivism stressed the study should focus on various situations of knowledge representation (semantics and the plot and action), and make the connection between the knowledge, memory characterization and diversified situation inter-related.
Ⅹ 翻譯成英語:1、人多力量大。2、三個臭皮匠頂上一個諸葛亮。
1. There is strength in numbers.
2. Three heads are better than one.