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『壹』 英語作文之怎樣存錢幫助一個男孩

第一次釣魚 話說,每個人生命中都會有許多第一次,而我第一次釣魚的經歷則讓我最為難忘。 那天,風和日麗,萬里無雲,我們一家,還有許多親戚朋友,一起坐車去水庫釣魚。 我們分成了幾個組,我和表弟一組。我們在一個大樹下找了一個陰涼的地方,便坐下釣魚了。我把魚餌安在魚鉤上,扔進水裡。聽大人們說,魚餌扔得越遠越好,最好扔在水庫的中間位置,因為那裡的魚兒最多。可說起來容易做起來就難了,我把吃奶的勁都用出去了,可還是扔不遠。我只好又扔了一次。嘿咻!啊?又不遠!唉~~就這么遠吧,我沒力氣了,坐在一塊平滑的石頭上,現在就等魚兒上鉤了。過了一會兒,魚竿晃了幾下,我迫不及待地一把抓起魚竿,把魚線收了上來。咦?這么沒有魚?我眼巴巴地望著魚鉤上的魚餌,不解地問表弟:「小龍,剛才魚竿明明動了,這魚竿咋么吃光呢?」表弟說:「沒準是魚兒在試探你呢!」 我不服氣。又把魚餌扔進了湖裡,我坐下來,等著魚兒上鉤。過了一會兒,魚桿晃了幾下。我想:又來這招,這次我決不上當了!我心裡暗暗為自己沒有上當而高興。又過了一會兒,旁邊的小龍提醒我說:「魚兒這時候應該上夠啦吧,收起來看看。」我把魚線收上來。咦?咋魚餌被吃光了? 哼!我就不信這個邪!我把魚餌又一次安在釣鉤上,使出全力往湖裡一扔,坐在石塊上,等著魚兒上鉤。和上次一樣,魚桿晃了幾下,我把線收了回來。果然,一隻饞嘴的小魚上鉤嘍! 這看似簡單的第一次經歷,讓我終身受益。我明白了,做什麼事都要有恆心和毅力才會獲得成功。 停電 突然停電了,周圍陷入了一片黑暗,我不知所措地慌了神,忽然想起自己過生日時買的一個杯子形的小香燭。於是我拿出來,將它點著。 盯著它那微弱的光,我突然想到,在這樣一個燈光明亮的年代,它似乎已經沒有什麼用了。我似乎從來沒有注意過蠟燭,只是過生日時將它拿來當作心願的寄託。而現在,這被我忽略已久的東西卻又重新顯得重要起來,蠟燭這微不足道的光,也在此時此刻,將我不安的心情轉為平靜。桌上的百合花被燭光將影子投在牆上,是如此清晰。一下子,我看見蠟燭在一點點減小,而在這冬日中,周圍的一切似乎被溫暖起來。我意識到,這蠟燭竟也是一個生命,也有著生命所具有的特性--愛。 蠟燭的愛不會像糖果一樣讓你甜到心底,也不會像輕爽的歌讓你忘卻痛苦,更不會像藍藍的天讓你開心得笑出聲來。它能做的,只是在黑暗中給你一線光明,在寒冷中給你一點溫暖。光明和溫暖,在有些人眼裡是微不足道的。 但我知道,它是在用它的整個生命去奉獻,去愛每一個哪怕並不在乎它的生靈。蠟燭有愛,沒有什麼可圈可點,可是你卻不能忘,當蠟燭把整個生命的愛都奉獻給你時,它什麼也沒有索取,什麼也沒有抱怨。是的,它流淚了,但那並不是悔恨的淚,不是抱怨的淚,而是走過一生無悔的淚,含笑的淚,即是它曾經給予別人,愛過別人的痕跡。 燭光依然搖曳著,牆上百合花的影子似乎更清晰了,百合花的香氣彌漫著溫馨。 來電了,燈亮了,我卻不忍將蠟燭熄滅,於是將燈關上,又只剩下燭光了,我又看到了真正的生命,真正的愛,真正的美麗。 一件小事 中午,一位喝得醉熏熏的男人晃到櫃台前,要買一雙40碼的皮鞋。 媽立刻笑容可掬地迎上前打招呼,麻利地拿了好幾雙皮鞋盡他挑選。 他選了一雙又一雙,挑了一遍又一遍,還不滿意,又叫媽幫他。酒氣熏得一旁的我差點嘔了。媽熱心地幫他選了半天,可他連謝字都沒說一個,拿著信譽卡踉蹌地走了。 一會兒,他又回來了,狠狠地把手上的皮鞋摔到櫃台里:「……給你,你賣給我的……破鞋……一隻大……一隻小」。 媽仔細地把鞋看了一遍,微笑道:「這只41碼的鞋不是在我們這兒買的……」媽指著其中一隻肯定地說。我信媽,他工作認真,從不馬虎出錯! 那人瞪圓了眼睛,晃動著信譽卡,連聲指責媽媽:「想……賴帳?屁!退貨!」湊熱鬧的人越聚越多,也都七嘴八舌地指責媽媽。 這時,一位中年婦女分開眾人,拎著一雙皮鞋到媽面前向媽道歉。那男人一把拽過中年婦女:「老娘們別瞎摻乎!今天就是玉皇大帝來了,也得退貨!」婦女急了:「他爹,你把大鎖剛買回來的皮鞋弄串了!」婦女生怕那男人再說什麼,「剩下的這雙鞋,還是一隻大,一隻小,不能穿……」圍觀的人哄地大笑起來。 「沒什麼!」媽仍笑呵呵地把櫃台里的皮鞋遞給他們。 要不是他們走的快,我真想破口大罵他一頓。我責怪媽媽: 「媽,你怎麼能就這樣算了呢?」 媽笑道:「他不是誠心的!再說,做人要有寬闊的胸懷,要學會諒解人!」 誰能理解媽媽,一位普通得不能再普通的營業員的情懷呢?

『貳』 關於是存錢還是即時享受型消費的英語作文97

When facing the choice between spending money on the long term asset or on the short term consuming, different people have different opinions e to their distinct backgrounds and experiences. Some people claim that saving some money for future use is better while others insist that it is fine justspend our money on present pleasure. Personally speaking, I prefer the latter one because considering our life goal and the present economic policy,short term consuming has more advantages.
 First of all, spending our money on present pleasure can help us living our dreaming life in a much shorter time. Here I will show an easy calculate: If I have been longing for a private car, valuing one hundred thousand yuan, and my earnings is five thousandyuan a month apart from other necessary expenses. Then I will make it in a year and eight month later, even if I don't loan any money from the bank(actually I can get a ten thousand yuan loan without any trouble ).
 But if I justspendmajority of mymoney on the long term asset, howmany years later can I afford it. Maybe five years or ten years or much longer. Maybe when I can afford it I have changed my job or retired, and I do not need a car any longer. In this way, I will never enjoy what I want when I really need it.Living in such kind of life will not make me happy. So as for me, I think spending money

『叄』 請用英文談談存錢的好處

We take a look at the two seem very reasonable theory of consumer behavior: one is the "time of peace-type", one is the "arrogant in making the type." "Arrogant in making thetype" theory that, when the situation is excellent, we will over-confidence and starting to spend money freely, and when the situation becomes difficult, we will be risk-averse indentation in the shell. "Vigilant in peace time-based" theory is that in times of prosperity, people will save money as a hedge, in deposits ring the recession will be removed so as to maintain their standard of living. "Arrogant in making thetype" of consumer behavior will aggravate the recession; "be vigilant in peace time-based" sober-minded consumers, far-sighted, they help to smooth the behavior of the change of prosperity and depression.

『肆』 你更喜歡花費還是存錢,為什麼英語作文

Nowadays, with the occurrence of new consumption way like credit card consumption and variety of financial plans and loans provided by banks and other institutions, a growing number of people have advocated using tomorrow』s money. However, as far as I am concerned, saving money is a good habit and we should keep it all the time.

『伍』 英語作文 有人喜歡存錢,有人卻喜歡提前消費 談談自己的觀點.

Some people like to save money,it may be useful in the future,because to save some money really practical.Some people like consumption,enjoy life.I don't think it's right and wrong,is all right.From indivial angle,I love money,will give you a sense of achievement,let you have the passion to work hard.

『陸』 大學生如何存錢的英語作文120詞

By saving money, people give themselves more security. They cannot predict the future; perhaps one day they will be jobless. At a time like this their savings can spare them a great deal of suffering and help to see them through the hard time. In addition, saving money allows people to build up a larger sum. They can then buy something more worthwhile than the small things they can but if they spend the money right away. For example, they may be able to buy a house with their savings. Finally, he practice of saving helps people develop the habit of setting goals and planning for their future.

『柒』 英語作文,人們對存錢的處理方法

Some people like to save money, it may be useful in the future, because to save some money really practical. Some people like consumption, enjoy life. I don't think it's right and wrong, is all right. From indivial angle, I love money, will give you a sense of achievement, let you have the passion to work hard.

『捌』 分享你在atm存錢與取錢的經驗和建議 英語作文

Automatic Teller Machine, is a both withdrawals and can save the self-service terminal, very convenient.
Following is a brief look at its use.

Ready cash.
Automatic teller machines for cash requirement is that the denomination must be more than Liucheng new RMB 100 yuan, can not have folded, does not meet the above conditions it does not recognize the renminbi, so be prepared to comply with the conditions prior to deposit RMB number of sheets.
Select the deposit method.
Select No deposit card without discount, then direct their corresponding button, otherwise if you want to insert your bank card.
Self-teller machines how to save money
Enter information.
Follow the onscreen prompts requirements, enter the card number and deposit amount, automatic deposit will prompt you to confirm, press the OK button.
Self-teller machines how to save money
Into yuan.
After confirming the coin entrance lid opens automatically, the yuan will be prepared neatly placed, as shown. Then confirm.
Self-teller machines how to save money
Successful transaction.
After put into yuan, the system will recognize the yuan, if not unqualified yuan, will display the transaction is successful, if the yuan does not meet the requirements, it will prompt you to meet the requirements of the yuan will not take away, so save money with automatic deposit machine money when the proposed prepare a few yuan, in case the machine does not recognize some affecting the transaction.

『玖』 英語作文 有人喜歡存錢,有人卻喜歡提前消費 談談自己的觀點。。。

Some people like to save money, it may be useful in the future, because to save some money really practical. Some people like consumption, enjoy life. I don't think it's right and wrong, is all right. From indivial angle, I love money, will give you a sense of achievement, let you have the passion to work hard.

『拾』 家庭需要存錢嗎,寫一篇英語作文

Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
must work to live, but many people are fortunate enough to make more money than they immediately need. What should they do with this extra income? While it is tempting for people to spend it all on things they desire, I believe it is better to save at least a portion of the extra income for the future.
By saving money, people give themselves more security. They cannot predict the future; perhaps one day they will be jobless. At a time like this their savings can spare them a great deal of suffering and help to see them through the hard time. In addition, saving money allows people to build up a larger sum. They can then buy something more worthwhile than the small things they can but if they spend the money right away. For example, they may be able to buy a house with their savings. Finally, the practice of saving helps people develop the habit of setting goals and planning for their future. In this way they are bound to lead more meaningful and successful lives.
Most people would like to enjoy their money immediately.

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