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發布時間: 2020-12-28 14:09:06

1. 用英文翻譯-"情系你我,大愛無疆"

Emotional ties to you and me, love is not the marginal.

2. 心懷蒼生 大愛無疆翻譯成英語是

Whole heart Great love without borders

3. 情系玉樹,大愛無疆這個詞語英語怎麼說

Caring the Yushu with the limitless love

Help comes from all eight points of the compass for the one place in need

4. 大愛無疆翻譯成英語

Great love is beyond boundaries.

5. 大愛無疆共建家園 翻譯成英文

家園估計是毀了,用reconstructe 好吧。Reconstruct our home with boundaryless love. boundaryless 就是沒有界限的意思。大愛無疆 共建家園,大概就這專么翻屬譯了。 endless 是無窮盡的意思,我們是無疆界。

6. "上善若水 大愛無疆"...眾親友些幫我翻譯成英文,以簡要不失主題為佳,盡量中英文對應,在此謝過

Be as tolerant as water; There is no boundary in great love.
Global Warming
The world's population tend to saturation
The natural resources will be exhausted
Protect the environment
Cherish the intelligence
and focus on the future

7. "上善若水 大愛無疆"...眾親友些幫我把宣言翻譯成英文

全球氣候變暖 Global climate is changing (climate change 和 global warming 在國際上通用)
世界人口趨向飽和 World population is approaching its crest
自然資源消之殆盡 Natural resources are running out
請版 Please
保護環境權 Protect Environment
珍愛智慧 Cherish Wisdom
關注未來 Focus on Future

上善若水 大愛無疆 the supereme benignity is as water and love is immense

8. 英語如何翻譯大愛無疆這四個字大愛無疆是什麼意思

Great love
Boundless love

9. 有一種愛叫大愛無疆的翻譯是:什麼意思

There is a love called great love

10. 「邁克爾傑克遜,你的大愛無疆」英文怎麼翻譯

Michael , your love is boundless!

我也很喜歡抄MJ!叫他 Michael ,感覺很親切,好像他就在身邊一樣……我知道他一些關心人類的曲子有black or white\heal the world\we are the world\man in the mirror\gone to soon 等等這些 好感動額~
(Michael Jackson, your boundless love 這是不完整的病句。。。Micheal Jackson's love to the world is boundless 這種說法有些生硬不太通順)

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