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發布時間: 2020-12-28 06:23:10

㈠ 一篇關於宣傳廣告的英語作文(四十詞左右)

Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China.To celebrate the imporant festival,all the clothes in our shop are on sale.You can find many nice clothes here and the prices are really low.What
are you waiting for?Come and have a look at them now.

㈡ 英語作文應聘廣告(40詞)2篇

1. Good to the last drop.滴滴香濃,意猶未盡。(麥斯威爾咖啡)
2. Obey your thirst. 服從你的渴望。(雪碧)
3. The new digital era. 數碼新時代。(索尼影碟機)
4. We lead. Others .我們領先,他人仿效。(理光復印機)
5. Impos*le made pos*le.使不可能變為可能。(佳能列印機)
6. Take time to inlge. 盡情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)
7. The relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。(凌志轎車)
8. Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.動態的詩,向我舞近。(豐田汽車)
9. Come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country.
10.To me, the past black and white, but the future is always color.
11. Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克運動鞋)
12. Ask for more. 渴望無限。(百事流行鞋)
13. The taste is great. 味道好極了。(雀巢咖啡)
14. Feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星電子)
15. Intelligence everywhere.智慧演繹,無處不在。(摩托羅拉手機)
16. The choice of a new generation.新一代的選擇。(百事可樂)
17. We integrate, you communicate.我們集大成,您超越自我。(三菱電工)
18. Take TOSHIBA, take the world.擁有東芝,擁有世界。(東芝電子)
19. Let』s make thing btter.讓我們做得更好。(飛利浦電子)
20. No business too small, no problem too big.
21.M&Ms melt in your mouth, not in your hand.(M&Ms) 只溶在口,不溶在手。(M&M巧克力)
22.Good to the last drop. (Maxwell) 滴滴香濃,意猶未盡。(麥氏咖啡)
23.Time is what you make of it. (Swatch) 天長地久。(斯沃奇手錶)
24.Make yourself heard. (Ericsson) 理解就是溝通。(愛立信)
25.Start ahead. (Rejoice) 成功之路,從頭開始。(飄柔)
26.Things go better with Coca-Cola. (Coca-Cola) 飲可口可樂,萬事如意。(可口可樂)
27.Connecting People.(Nokia) 科技以人為本。(諾基亞)
28.A diamond lasts forever. (De Bierres) 鑽石恆久遠,一顆永流傳。(第比爾斯)
29.Mosquito Bye Bye Bye. (RADAR) 蚊子殺殺殺。(雷達牌驅蟲劑)
30.A Kodak Moment. (Kodak) 就在柯達一刻。(柯達相紙/膠卷)

㈢ 寫一篇關於廣告的英語作文(60字,不能太多哦!)請按下面要求:

At present, the ad can be seen everywhere, not only to provide consumers with information, but also able to convince them to buy procts. However, the ad also gave rise to a lot of trouble.For example, interrupted the continuity of television programs; newspaper and magazine ads in a lot of space is occupied, and even worse, in order to increase sales, businesses are sometimes willing to provide false information to deceive consumers.</b>

㈣ 寫一篇關於廣告的英語作文


The existence of advertising has its special significance.It can be used to convey the plane information,brand and image,so as to attract consumption.


Advertising design is an aesthetic recreation of material culture and life style.

It beautifies the pictures by exaggeration,association,symbolism,metaphor,humor and humor,so as to meet the aesthetic needs of people's praise.


In modern commercial society,the vast majority of goods and services information is transmitted through advertising.

Print advertising accurately expresses information through words,colors and graphics,while two-dimensional advertising expresses information through sound and dynamic effects.

Only through the above various ways can goods and services be accepted and recognized by consumers.





㈤ 寫一篇關於50詞左右的宣傳廣告(英語作文)

Nowadays, more and more advertisements appear on newspapers, broadcasts,magazines as well as streets. People have different views on advertisements. Some people think advertisements can help people to have a wide choice of goods and they help consumers know the goods and businessmen better. The consumers can gain not only knowledge of goods but also artistic enjoyment. Contrary to those people, many others think advertisements are very unpleasant.Consumers are often cheated by the false advertisement on which consumers always waste a great deal of time. What is more, consumers fell annoyed to be interrupted when they are watching TV plays. So advertisements should be limited. But whether you like it or not, advertisements have become a part of our life. 廣告 現在越來越多的廣告出現在報紙、廣播、雜志甚至街頭,人們對此有不同的看法。 一些人認為廣告能拓寬人們對商品的選擇,使消費者更好地了解商品和商家。消費者不僅能夠獲得商品知識,也能得到藝術享受。 相反,另外一些人認為廣告很令人討厭。消費者經常被虛假廣告欺騙,而且人們在這些廣告上浪費了大量的時間。更有甚者,消費者覺得看電視劇時插播廣告讓人心煩。因此,廣告應當受到限制。 不管你喜不喜歡廣告,它已經成為我們生活的一部分。

㈥ 招聘廣告的英語作文怎麼寫

那個Do you like singing and danceing?應該是Do you like singing or danceing?

㈦ 寫一篇有關廣告(Advertising)的大學英語作文(120詞左右)

the Advantages and Disadvantages of Advertising.
It goes without saying that we live in a world full of advertisetment.Whenever we turn on TV,different kinds of advertisement go into our eyes.Colorful pictures,amazing sounds and beautiful girls occupy the whole screen.It's true that advertisment can do us good.It can provide us with more information,give us a good understanding of the proct.But advertisment have some shortcomings.Some of them contains unhealthy materials that is harmful to teenagers.Some is full of cheating.The advertised proct is not so good as it says.In my mind,in such a complex society, we would rather trust ourselves than the advertisement.

㈧ 關於廣告的英語作文!

In our lives,we often see advertisements everywhere.people have different views. some people think that ads can help us know the new procts faster,and also they will provide more informations about the new procts for us.we will choose things well by comparing the procts.it's very convenient for us.however,some people don't support ads.becouse there are too many ads and they may make people feel bored and unhappy.some ads can be confusing and misleading.some unsuccessful ads will lead us to buy something we don't like at all. so,when we choose things in supermarkets,we shouldn't believe all ads.make decidions by yourselves.

㈨ 關於廣告的英語作文怎麼寫

就像少兒頻道的這樣一個公益廣告:一個易拉罐被扔到了火車上,在火車上的人踢來踢去,誰也不撿起來扔到垃圾箱。最後,只剩下一個人,電視發出了這樣一個音:「8號得球。」那個人把易拉罐撿起來扔到了垃圾桶。「球進啦。」都得我哈哈大笑。 看完了這個廣告,我不禁想起了我們實際生活,實際上亂扔垃圾是帶傳染的,有一次,我在操場上玩,有個同學個了我一塊糖,同時他也把糖塞到嘴裡,糖紙往地上一扔,我本想扔進垃圾道,但我也情不自禁的往地上一扔。這樣的例子也很常見。

Now, public service announcements on television can be seen everywhere, and that more and more ad-written humor, the more thought-provoking.
Children's channels such as a public service: a cans were thrown into the train, on the train of people kicked back and forth, no one to pick up litter thrown. Finally, only one person, sent a television sound: "The ball was on the 8th." That person to pick up the cans into a trash can. "The ball into it." I had to laugh. After reading this ad, I can not help but think of our real life, in fact littering is a transmission belt, and once I play in the playground, a classmate I had a piece of candy at the same time, he also put sugar into his mouth , Tang Zhi throw the ground, I would have liked thrown into the garbage, but I can not help but throw in the ground. An example of this is very common.
"I hope that Chinese civilization and the Olympic Games." Hopes people who see the thought-provoking public service announcements could understand: civilization we can not rely on other people, we can not rely on their own, as long as everyone is a small step forward, one step would be to let the community Big step.

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