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發布時間: 2020-12-27 22:27:00

1. 無聊時可以抄的英語作文


2. 英語作文抄八遍寫一遍怎麼寫

意思是: 把這英語作文抄寫八遍之後,並自覺默寫一遍。

3. 英語作文抄八遍寫寫一遍是不是一篇作文抄八遍翻譯一遍

last weekend i went to a farm for vacation I saw a lot of cows and sheep along the way I fed chicken,rode a horse and milked cows i also learnt a lot adout farmers at last i bought some gifts for my friends all in all today was a good day
(慌張之筆,未經考慮,多多版見諒權)( •̀∀•́ )

4. 英語作文,把青椒抄肉的過程用英語寫下來


5. (抄作文也是一種不錯的人生經歷)求英語翻譯

Copying writing is also a good life experience

6. 想要一些用來抄的英語作文

只要努力你一定可以練就一手好的筆桿子(以下方法希望能夠讓你有所啟發)一、審清題意許多學生往往低估審題的作用,拿到題目後馬上落筆成文,塗鴉胡扯。在四、六級應試作文中,考生往往因閱讀部分擠占作文時間,把本來應在30分鍾內完成的作文無奈在數分鍾之內「速戰速決」。缺乏審題一環的作文質量可想而知。如99年1月的四級作文題為「don't hesitate to say 'no 」。許多考生因沒看懂中文提示:為什麼有些人在該說「不」的時候不說「不」;該說「不」時不說「不」的壞處,就倉促成文。中文提示讀起來本身就費勁,而部分考生對此一知半解,取便發揮。建議同學們寫作文前一定要認真審題。古人用「一名之立,歲月躊躇」指議事之難,我想把它用來指審題也不過分。若是四、六級考研等應試作文,一般可以這樣合理分配時間:10分鍾左右審題,列素材;20分鍾左右作文;2分鍾左右修改。因為「磨刀不誤砍柴工」嘛。二、列好提綱李麗翁雲:「唱時以精神貫穿其中,務求酷肖。」提綱便是這種「精神」。英語提綱可分為句子是提綱和題目式提綱。前者由完全的句子組成,寫時較費時,可用於平時的寫作;後者則由名詞(含動名詞、不定式短語)及修飾語組成,簡潔明了,適合於應試作文。一些學生平時作文沒有列提綱的習慣,考試時往往顧此失彼,輕描淡寫,語言迂訥纏繞,這樣嚴重損害了整篇文章的統一、連貫和銜接。還有一些同學在應試時試圖以大草稿來列提綱,這對短時間內的應試寫作來說也不現實。建議同學們在應試時先列個題目式提綱(必要時也可用中文來構思),對個別復雜的句子打一下草稿即可。三、寫好主題句是關鍵主題句是一個已進的概念。漢語寫作或許不怎麼強調,而英語文寫作(尤其是議論文和說明文)則缺它不可。沒有主題句,整個段落似一盤散沙。寫主題句時要注意:一個段落只能有一個主題句;主題句的范圍必須最大限度地縮小,具體化;盡可能選擇准確、充分、遣詞檔次高的關鍵詞概括自己的觀點和看法。如要求以「水和人類關系」確立一個主題句時,絕大多數同學只能寫出「water is important/necessary to the human being」之類的平淡句子,很少會拓寬思路去這樣寫:human civilization proves that water is indispensable to man's survival .四、遣詞要有檔次大學年級學生一般應已掌握4000左右的英文單詞,這些單詞已夠寫出《大綱》要求的作文來。然而,目前的大學英語寫作無異於小學英語寫作,一個根本原因便是詞彙匱乏、籠統。許多人好用初一、二學過的英語單詞寫作,其文章的涵蓋面和表達力度、精確度都難以保證。如形容校園美麗時除了用「beautiful」「Nice」外很難寫得出第三個詞。當代英語作文遣詞要求四個方面:准確、經濟、生動形象、多變換。中國許多古典文學作品是這方面的典範,如「龍逢斬,比干剖」(《莊子》);「六王畢,天下一」(《阿房宮》)。培根說過:writing makes an exact man,可見遣詞精確的重要了。五、文章貴在充實、創新《尤利西斯》的譯者蕭乾認為「creative works are the mainstay of a country』s literature」(創造性作品是一個國家文學的主力)。很多同學寫作時語言干癟,內容空洞。如用「No pains,no gains.。」再來談不勞無獲已不絕新鮮,倘用「two cars kissed togeher and emerged into a jammed potato。」來形容以場車禍,讀來頗感新穎。英語大概有100萬詞彙(國內學者說40—50萬),有豐富的比喻和大量的成語典故,這些都為我們寫作提供了廣泛的素材。蘇軾《次韻仲殊雪中游西湖》雲:「乞得 湯休奇絕句,始知鹽絮是陳言」,充實、創新是相對的高要求,學基礎寫作的同學暫時還不必強求。以上籠統談了如何寫好英語作文的幾個方面,那麼,大學生平時應如何准備英語寫作呢?一、學好《大學英語》,狠抓語言基本功提高寫作水平並非一朝一夕能夠奏效,同學們應著眼於平時。《大學英語·精讀》教材1—4冊選文無論從語言表達還是布局謀篇都是典範,同學們可以從中借鑒。如套用第二冊unit 2一課「Were it left to me to de

7. 「這篇作文是抄的。」用英語怎麼說。

The composition is copied

8. 英語作文(自己寫的,抄的,漢譯英不算

Which is much more significant to you when you are finding a job? Working experience or an advanced-degree? Well, I believe diverse people have different answers. As for me, I will say working experience without hesitate. Here are following reasons:
Above of all, most of jobs don』 require such a high degree which means just some few works, such as, theoretical physics, archaeology, or literature, need high academic qualification. Meanwhile, rich working experience will draw more attention. To illustrate, when you are offering a department manager post, there is a man who has already been a manager for three years but only have a master』s degree and a no-experienced person with doctor』s degree, which one would you choose? Definitely the first one for the manager doesn』t acquire a doctor』s degree if he only supervises a department but rich working experience.
Secondly, plenty experience will bring you success much earlier. For instance, Bill Gates, who was the richest man in the world and also one of the most successful merchant. What a wise choice when he decided to abandon studying so that he can gain more working experience instead of a doctor』s degree. Or Steve Paul Jobs, who discontinue his study at his age of nineteen in order to become a personnel of a computer company just like Bill Gates.
From all of these, we can see that advanced-degree is not so essential as working experience.
However, a degree is still required for most people, maybe you shouldn』t have to gain a advanced or highest degree, but that doesn』t mean nothing, maybe a bachelor』s degree, or graated from high school, that』s still necessary in this fierce-competition society.
All in all, I think rich working experience is much more important than the advanced-degree.

9. 英語作文抄8遍寫1遍怎麼寫

就是炒八次就行了 1x8=8

10. (抄作文也是一種不錯的人生經歷)求英語翻譯

Copying writing is also a good life experience

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