Ⅰ 就是如願以償。 如願以償 ( rú yuàn yǐ cháng )
【解 釋】 (1) [come out right]∶償:滿足。像所希望的那樣得到滿足。指願望一切都會實現。(2) [pay off]∶得到成功
【示 例】 範文瀾《中國通史》第三編第七章第三節:「這樣的遭遇,文士都覺得很光榮,皎然一生求名也就算是~了。」
【出 處】 ①清·李寶嘉《官場現形記》第46回:「在撫檯面前說了許多好話,後來也祥甫竟如願以償,補授臨清州缺。」② 清·吳趼人《二十年目睹之怪現狀》第一百一回:「況且他家裡人既然有心弄死他,等如願以償之後,賊虛, 怕人議論,豈有不盡力推在醫生身上之理?」 【用 法】 偏正式;作謂語、賓語、狀語、補語;含褒義
【近義詞】 稱心如意、天從人願
【反義詞】 難償所願、事與願違
【燈 謎】 竊得虎符報信陵
Ⅱ 滿滿的感恩、願2021的我們能如願以償的英語怎麼翻譯
滿滿的感恩,願2021的我們能如願以償。Full with all graceful wishes of year 2021,we may obstain all we deserve.
Ⅲ 高考的迷人之處不在於如願以償而在於陰差陽錯 用英語怎麼說
The beauty of the College Entrance Examination is not that everything as expected, but by accident.
Ⅳ 英語翻譯
Hello , Derek !
I'm glad to receive the reply from you .Your plan is wonderful ! Canada is a country full of beautiful scenery ,I feel that living there is actually a kind of enjoyment .Ha-Ha !How do you deal with your interview ? When I took the interview at that time ,I spoke my ideal with fervour and assurance ,and conveyed my good will for the future ,which let the examiners deeply realize my nice work attitude .Ha-Ha!These just are my inspiration from the books when I were faced with my own interview -- be serious when you treat the examiners' every question .Finally ,I achived what I wished to be employed by that company .
I was assigned to the police after I graated .At that time ,I knew that this was just my childhood's worship to the police ,not my goal of my life .So I quit my job after a year in spite of family's persuasion .I began to expand to business ,and made my career plan for my whole life .At the beginning ,I bacame an operator in a business firm ,then I learned stock from my elder brother .Then ,I joined the forward market to do future trades .After that……I knew you !Ha-ha!
For the holiday ,I don't prepare for the travel plan . On two-day weekends,I study in the morning ,surf the Intrnet in the afternoon usually .I'm keen on astronomy ,so sometimes I like to watch stars with a telescupe at night .Except these ,I have nothing to do.Since I am under the great working pressure ,I don't have time to find a girlfriend yet .How about you ,Derek ?The photo in the letter is mine ,if possible ,please give me a photo of you .I'll travel abroad after I 'm successful . At that time ,I may invite you to introce the scenery of Canada .
At last ,wish you a successful interview !I believe you are the best !
I'm looking forward your reply !
Love from ,
Ⅳ 希望你如願以償 英文怎麼說
May your dreams come true
Ⅵ 「恭喜你如願以償地當上了XXX」翻譯成英文
Congratulations that you have fullfilled your wish to be XXX.
Ⅶ 如願以償的意思
如願以償rú yuàn yǐ cháng
中文解釋 - 英文翻譯
Ⅷ 急求英語翻譯~~~~
The web has no boundary and is not restricted to geographic regions. The web can go beyond the limits of space and time and is accessible, 24 hours every day, to people from different countries, different racial/ethnic groups, and different age groups, providing them with information whenever they need. The website network, which combined the technologies of computers, multi-media, and the web, is characterized by a more faster, easier, and timely way of communication; Any event, regardless where and when it took place, will be sent out first hand to the public just by means of a computer and a telephone line.
The use of networks has greatly increased the speed of disseminating new information, providing people with information so that they can quickly understand what are happening around them in terms of new events, new experiences, and new issues, and help them to get rid of the uncertainty/puzzles about these new events. The dissemination of information via the networks has not only kept people up-to-date and reced the possibility of disseminating information which is outdated and may no longer be true, but also has a direct and positive impact on the promotion of cultural developments.