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發布時間: 2022-03-02 22:39:16

1. 關於英語 我認為,只有勞逸結合,才能更有利於個人的發展。(英語翻譯

Only hard work interchanging with rest can be more advantageous to the development of indivials.

2. 個人發展方向的英文怎麼說

personal development orientation

3. 種系發展和個體發展 英語怎麼說

種系發展是 species mental development
個體發展是 psychology of indivial development

4. 幫我翻譯成英語:我想在貴公司會有更多的個人發展機會,而且這里的工作對我來說更具有挑站性。

I'am sure that I will have more chances to develop myself in your company, and the work here is more challenging for me.

5. 自我經營,自負盈虧,自我完善,自我發展 英文怎麼翻譯啊

自我經營 self-management / be responsible for its own management
自負盈虧 self(sole) responsibility for its own profit and loss / be responsible for its own profit and loss
自我完善 self-improvement / be responsible for its own improvement
自我發展 self-development / be responsible for its own development

...manages the business itself, bears the sole responsibility of profit and loss, improves to the fullest itself, and develops itself.

My assumption of responsibities on the task of management, profit and loss, self-improvement and self-development....

6. 「個人發展計劃」的英文怎麼說

Before finding the right people, the only need to do is to make yourself good enough.

7. 職業發展的英文怎麼說

ally alive; we sympathize with them, enjoy with them, grieve with them; their experi

8. 個人發展方向的英文怎麼說direction似乎不妥

個人發展方向:Indivial Future Direction


It makes it hard for the Fed to do anything but stand pat till the economy's direction becomes clearer. 這讓美聯儲幾乎無計可施,在經濟發展方向明朗之前只好硬挺著。

.1994andchangedits course, perhapsfundamentally.


The conference board a major business groups publishes this measure to estimate the future direction of the economy


It is the developing direction of the electric apparatus in the21st century for intelligent contactor. 交流接觸器智慧化是21世紀電器的發展方向

Those advantages are incomparable to other heating systems and are the developmental direction for indoor heating system.


9. 「個人發展計劃」的英文怎麼說要標准些的。

Indivial Development Plan, 簡稱IDP, 外企經常用的.

10. 個人發展規劃英語

a) 近期的職業目標:近期希望達到一個什麼樣子的職業狀況,如職位、工作內容描述、行業定位等,盡可能的明確,越清晰越好,可評估性要強。

b) 期望發展的方向:自己的興趣愛好是什麼,近期期望向那些方面發展。

c) 從那些方面有待提高:為達到「近期職業目標」,根據自己的期望發展方向,在那些方面需要進一步提高,如技術、項目管理、交流溝通能力、文檔寫作等。

d) 合理化建議:主要列寫對團隊和項目的發展建議。

e) 自己當前主要工作:列寫自己當前工作的主要內容,一看這份文檔,就很明白目前做的事情,與他的期望契合度,以及有多大差距,(此內容根據需要,可舍掉)。

f) 注意:既然是規劃,不要太冗長,2頁紙即可,關鍵實現目標明確,也好評估即可。


篇 二


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