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發布時間: 2022-01-20 00:17:37

❶ 英語作文:出租房子50詞

In my room, you can see my beige wardrobe, stood next to an air-conditioner. The center of the never ending stood a pink bed, in front of my desk, but also placed a computer and audio. desk left is a bookcase, there are many small boutique on top, as well as TV and my violin is also placed on that cabinet table.This is my room.

❷ 寫一篇有關公寓(房子)出租的廣告英語,要帶翻譯的偶!

作文常用句式總結開頭 Recently, the problem of … has aroused people』s concern. 最近,…問題已引起人們的關注. Internet has been pl

❸ 怎樣租房子的英語作文

How to rent a house
Some do not know how to look for a house for rent or how to read and negotiate a rental contract . (有些人不知道如何尋找出租的房屋,也不知道如何閱讀和磋商租住合同)專I think the key is what you want , is co-tenant 's rent or own a separate , how much rent psychological price , which is equipped with facilities to the room . (我認為關鍵屬是你想找什麼樣的,是合租的還是自己單獨租,租金心理價位是多少,房間要配備哪些設施。)And the areas of the house can't be too remote, security is very important. ( 還有房子的位置不能太偏僻,安全問題很重要。)

❹ 寫一篇800詞的房屋出租的英文文章

More and more students like to live off campus rather than on campus nowadays. There have been two opposing views about living off campus. One view states that renting a house outside campus is better. Another view, in contrast to the first one, believes that it is more harm than good to live off campus. I would like to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of renting a house off campus.
The advantages could be as follows. First of all, time management is easier if living off campus, because students can make their own plan of when to get up, when to sleep, when to have meal and when to study. Students can also burn the midnight oil when the study is very busy. Secondly, students can have a free living style. They can cook for themselves in their house. They can play games, watch movies, and do whatever they want in the house, and these are not possible, or at least not convenient when living on campus. Finally, renting a house could help students learn how to live by themselves, and help them learn to control their behaviours.

❺ 要出國留學,想租房子,寫一封向房東申請租房的申請書的英語作文,90-150字!

To whom it may concern,
I am writting to you concerning your ad about an apartment you are currently renting. I found the location and quality of your property very attractive. I hope you would be interested to renting it to me. My name is XXX, I am a male/female Chinese national, who will be studying at the university in your city starting next month. I am very excited to come to your country! If you could consider me as your tenent for the next year ring my study, it would be wounderful! I am a very tidy person myself, so do not worry about your house, I will keep it as clean as new!
Best regards,
亮瞎你們老師的狗眼~! 哈哈哈 記住把XXX改成你的名字.

❻ 怎樣租房子的英語作文速度'我現在在上

The house that i'm currently living in is a rented one. I am going to rent a house. 這個詞同時可以表示租入和租出,你想表示租出的話就用被動語態好了:I've got a house to be rented.

❼ 關於租房內的英語作文

More and more students like to live off campus rather than on campus nowadays. There have been two opposing views about living off campus. One view states that renting a house outside campus is better. Another view, in contrast to the first one, believes that it is more harm than good to live off campus. I would like to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of renting a house off campus.
The advantages could be as follows. First of all, time management is easier if living off campus, because students can make their own plan of when to get up, when to sleep, when to have meal and when to study. Students can also burn the midnight oil when the study is very busy. Secondly, students can have a free living style. They can cook for themselves in their house. They can play games, watch movies, and do whatever they want in the house, and these are not possible, or at least not convenient when living on campus. Finally, renting a house could help students learn how to live by themselves, and help them learn to control their behaviours.
The disadvantages are also obvious. In the first place, it may be not safe for a student living outside the campus without the supervision or help from the staff of the university. When emergencies happen, students have no one to ask for help. In the second place, some students may not be able to control themselves very well. They may addict to computer games, or even gambling, because nobody would control them. Last but not least, it should be more expensive to rent a house and live outside the campus.
To sum up, it is hard to say living off campus is good or bad. It is reasonable to say that it depends on the characteristics of the student. If he/she can control himself/herself well enough, it may be a good idea to live off campus. Otherwise, living on campus may be a suitable way of living.
本文來自"英語匯作文網" www.yingyuhui.cn 歡迎分享本文,轉載請保留出處!

❽ 求一篇關於「合租房子」的英語作文 !


❾ 出租房子廣告英語作文

Room for Rent
A house with double Bedrooms,fully furnished with good environment.300 RMB per month!
Please contact Mr.Li if you are interseted.
Phone Number:123456
Miss Wang WANTED
A house furnished with a set furnitrue and quiet environment!
400RMB per month!
Phone Number:123456



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