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發布時間: 2020-12-27 13:27:57

⑴ 哪位高人幫我把這段翻譯成英語急!急!急!!!

Jingjing the giant panda is a憨態可掬, wherever it will bring joy. 作為中國國寶,大熊貓深得世界人民的喜愛。 As a national treasure of China, won the giant panda's favorite people in the world.

晶晶來自廣袤的森林,象徵著人與自然的和諧共存。 Jingjing from the vast forest, a symbol of harmony between man and nature co-exist. 他的頭部紋飾源自宋瓷上的蓮花瓣造型。 His head from the decoration of lotus petals on宋瓷modeling. 晶晶憨厚樂觀,充滿力量,代表奧林匹克五環中黑色的一環。 Jingjing optimistic about the simple and honest, full of strength, on behalf of the Olympic rings in the black one.

貝貝傳遞的祝福是繁榮。 Beibei is the transmission of the blessings of prosperity. 在中國傳統文化藝術中, 「魚」 和「水」 的圖案是繁榮與收獲的象徵,人們用「鯉魚跳龍門」寓意事業有成和夢想的實現,「魚」還有吉慶有餘、年年有餘的蘊涵。 In traditional Chinese culture and the arts, the "fish" and "Water" is a pictorial symbol of prosperity and harvest, people with "鯉魚跳龍門" meaning successful and the realization of dreams, "the fish" There are more than auspicious year more than the implication.

貝貝的頭部紋飾使用了中國新石器時代的魚紋圖案。 Beibei the use of head decoration of the Chinese Neolithic魚紋pattern. 貝貝溫柔純潔,是水上運動的高手,和奧林匹克五環中的藍環相互輝映。 Beibei gentle purity of water sports is a master, and the Olympic rings in the blue ring has embraced.

福娃是北京2008年第29屆奧運會吉祥物,其色彩與靈感來源於奧林匹克五環、來源於中國遼闊的山川大地、 Fuwa is the Beijing 2008 29th Olympic Games mascots, the color and inspiration from the Olympic rings, from the mountains and vast land of China,
江河湖海和人們喜愛的動物形象。 Rivers and lakes and people's favorite image of the animal. 福娃向世界各地的孩子們傳遞友誼、和平、積極進取的精神和人與自然和諧相處的美好願望。 Fuwa to children around the world pass the friendship, peace, and the entrepreneurial spirit of harmony between man and nature aspiration.

福娃是五個可愛的親密小夥伴,他們的造型融入了魚、大熊貓、奧林匹克聖火、藏羚羊以及燕子的形象。 Five lovely Fuwa is a small intimate partners, and their integration into the shape of fish, giant panda, the Olympic Flame, Tibetan Antelope and the Swallow's image.

福娃貝貝福娃晶晶福娃歡歡福娃迎迎福娃妮妮每個娃娃都有一個琅琅上口的名字:「貝貝」、「晶晶」、「歡歡」、「迎迎」和「妮妮」,在中國,疊音名字是對孩子表達喜愛的一種傳統方式。 Fuwa Jingjing貝貝福her Huanhuan Fuwa Fuwa Fuwa Yingying Nini each doll has a catchy sound of loud reading the names: "Beibei", "Jingjing", "Huanhuan", "Ying Ying "and" Nini ", in China, overlapping the sound of the name of the child to express the way a traditional favorite. 當把五個娃娃的名字連在一起,你會讀出北京對世界的盛情邀請「北京歡迎您」。 When the names of the five dolls together, you will read out in Beijing for the kind invitation of the World, "Beijing welcomes you."

福娃代表了夢想以及中國人民的渴望。 Fuwa represent the dreams and aspirations of the Chinese people. 他們的原型和頭飾蘊含著其與海洋、森林、火、大地和天空的聯系, Their prototypes and contains headdress with oceans, forests, fire, earth and sky link
其形象設計應用了中國傳統藝術的表現方式,展現了中國的燦爛文化。 Application of the image of Chinese traditional art form, to show the splendid culture of China.

將祝福帶往世界各個角落很久以來,中國就有通過符號傳遞祝福的傳統。 Will be blessing a long time taken to every corner of the world, China has adopted the traditional blessing symbol transmission. 北京奧運會吉祥物的每個娃娃都代表著一個美好的祝願:繁榮、歡樂、激情、健康與好運。 Beijing Olympic Games mascots are each doll represents a good wish: prosperity, happiness, passion, health and good luck. 娃娃們帶著北京的盛情,將祝福帶往世界各個角落,邀請各國人民共聚北京,歡慶2008奧運盛典。 Dolls are the kind with Beijing will be taken to every corner of the world wishes to invite all peoples copolymerization in Beijing, celebrating the 2008 Olympic Festival.

貝貝傳遞的祝福是繁榮。 Beibei is the transmission of the blessings of prosperity. 在中國傳統文化藝術中, 「魚」 和「水」 的圖案是繁榮與收獲的象徵,人們用「鯉魚跳龍門」寓意事業有成和夢想的實現,「魚」還有吉慶有餘、年年有餘的蘊涵。 In traditional Chinese culture and the arts, the "fish" and "Water" is a pictorial symbol of prosperity and harvest, people with "鯉魚跳龍門" meaning successful and the realization of dreams, "the fish" There are more than auspicious year more than the implication.

貝貝的頭部紋飾使用了中國新石器時代的魚紋圖案。 Beibei the use of head decoration of the Chinese Neolithic魚紋pattern. 貝貝溫柔純潔,是水上運動的高手,和奧林匹克五環中的藍環相互輝映。 Beibei gentle purity of water sports is a master, and the Olympic rings in the blue ring has embraced.

晶晶是一隻憨態可掬的大熊貓,無論走到哪裡都會帶給人們歡樂。 Jingjing the giant panda is a憨態可掬, wherever it will bring joy. 作為中國國寶,大熊貓深得世界人民的喜愛。 As a national treasure of China, won the giant panda's favorite people in the world.

晶晶來自廣袤的森林,象徵著人與自然的和諧共存。 Jingjing from the vast forest, a symbol of harmony between man and nature co-exist. 他的頭部紋飾源自宋瓷上的蓮花瓣造型。 His head from the decoration of lotus petals on宋瓷modeling. 晶晶憨厚樂觀,充滿力量,代表奧林匹克五環中黑色的一環。 Jingjing optimistic about the simple and honest, full of strength, on behalf of the Olympic rings in the black one.

歡歡是福娃中的大哥哥。 Fuwa Huanhuan is the big brother. 他是一個火娃娃,象徵奧林匹克聖火。 He is a child of fire, symbolizing the Olympic Flame. 歡歡是運動激情的化身,他將激情散播世界,傳遞更快、更高、更強的奧林匹克精神。 Huanhuan is the embodiment of sports passion, he will spread the world of passion, transmission Faster, Higher, Stronger in the Olympic spirit. 歡歡所到之處,洋溢著北京2008對世界的熱情。 Huanhuan went, Beijing 2008 was filled with enthusiasm to the world.

歡歡的頭部紋飾源自敦煌壁畫中火焰的紋樣。 Huanhuan the head from the Dunhuang mural decoration flame patterns. 他性格外向奔放,熟稔各項球類運動,代表奧林匹克五環中紅色的一環。 His outgoing personality and imaginative, familiar with all the ball games, on behalf of the Olympic rings in the red one.

迎迎是一隻機敏靈活、馳騁如飛的藏羚羊,他來自中國遼闊的西部大地,將健康的美好祝福傳向世界。 Ying-Ying is a smart and flexible, swift gallop of the Tibetan antelope, he comes from western China's vast land, the beautiful blessing of health to the world Chuan. 迎迎是青藏高原特有的保護動物藏羚羊,是綠色奧運的展現。 Ying-Ying is the protection of animals unique to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Tibetan antelope, is a display of a green Olympics.

迎迎的頭部紋飾融入了青藏高原和新疆等西部地區的裝飾風格。 Ying-Ying's head into the ornamentation, such as the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the western region of Xinjiang style. 他身手敏捷,是田徑好手,代表奧林匹克五環中黃色的一環。 His agility skill is the track and field, on behalf of the Olympic rings in the yellow one.

妮妮來自天空,是一隻展翅飛翔的燕子,其造型創意來自北京傳統的沙燕風箏。 Nini from the sky, is a flying swallow, and its creative design from Beijing Sha Yan Kite tradition. 「燕」還代表燕京(古代北京的稱謂)。 "Yan" also on behalf of Yanjing (Beijing's ancient name). 妮妮把春天和喜悅帶給人們,飛過之處播撒「祝您好運」的美好祝福。 Nini the spring and bring the joy of flying過之處sown "I wish you good luck," a beautiful blessing.

天真無邪、歡快矯捷的妮妮將在體操比賽中閃亮登場,她代表奧林匹克五環中綠色的一環 Innocent, cheerful plot of the Ni-Ni will gymnastics competition debut, she rings in the Olympic Green on behalf of one of

⑵ 英語翻譯:請我們所有的親朋好友掌聲響起來,熱烈歡迎一隊新人。攜手並肩,閃亮登場(婚禮進行曲)

Let's applause to welcome the happy couple ! Side by side , here they come !

⑶ Dancing Beijing課文翻譯

chinese seal-dancing beijing


The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games emblem @Chinese Seal, Dancing Beijing


"Dancing Beijing" is a milestone of the Olympics.


How do you like the emblem of Dancing Beijing?


The official emblem of Beijing 2008 entitled"Chinese seal-Dancing Beijing" combines the Chinese seal and the art of calligraphy with sporting features.


Polly: Please don't forget to have your boss seal it with your company's Chinese seal, and not the English one.


Mike: Yes, and I am learning about Chinese seals.是的,還學習有關中國印章的知識。

Chinese seal logo design elements, combining Dunhuang frescoes in the sky designs reflect the rich Chinese folk music culture.


Based on this view, the thesis is set to investigate the art of spatial writing by a method devised by systematic study from Chinese seal engraving.


Chinese Seal. People. Com voiced this opinion: the mascots will provide the next wave of momentum after the launch of the Olympic Emblem, "Chinese Seal".


"Yu"(means jade) combines with Chinese seal together with Chinese character 「Songyuan」to form a whole sign「Yu songyuan」, which is rich of Chinese cultural background and modernness.


treatises of Chinese seal cutting


That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature.


How pleasant it is to dine on Chinese food!


Chinese food is often served with rice or noodles.


That Asian stopped me and asked if I was Chinese.


The English language is not allied to the Chinese.


The Chinese eat with chopsticks.


The system can translate English into Chinese.


People seldom stock up on Chinese cabbage now.


"The emblem of the 2008 Olympics, rich in culture and bBed "Dancing beijing,"fully reflects the theme of the Olympic Games to be held in 2008 in beijing.





2008年北京奧運會,北京奧組委收入達到205億元,較預算增加8億元,支出將達到193.43億元,較預算略有增加,收支結余將超過10億元 。






五位福娃分別為「貝貝」、「晶晶」、「歡歡」、「迎迎」和「妮妮」,把五個福娃的名字連在一起,會讀出北京對世界的盛情邀請"北京歡迎你" 。



貝貝傳遞的祝福是繁榮。在中國傳統文化藝術中,「魚」 和 「水」的圖案是繁榮與收獲的象徵,人們用「鯉魚跳龍門」寓意事業有成和夢想的實現,「魚」還有吉慶有餘、年年有餘的蘊涵。貝貝的頭部紋飾使用了中國新石器時代的魚紋圖案,代表溫柔純潔,是水上運動的高手,代表奧林匹克五環中藍色的一環。









⑷ 一篇英語文章(帶翻譯)要寫書法比賽,急(帶題目)



Youth is not atime of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, redlips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination,a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

Youth means a tempera-mentalpredominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over thelove of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobodygrows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.

Years may wrinklethe skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear,self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spring back to st.

Whether 60 or16, there is in every human being』s heart the lure of wonder, the unfailingchildlike appetite of what』s next and the joy of the game of living. In thecenter of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as itreceives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and fromthe Infinite, so long are you young.

When the aerialsare down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice ofpessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials areup, to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80.








⑸ 高一八班全體同學誠心邀你參加由高一八班組織的元旦聯歡晚會大型活動,期待你的閃亮登場,翻譯為英文

All classmates in Senior One Class Eight sincerely invite you to the New Year party organized by Senior One Class Eight,we expect your shinning presence.

⑹ 閃亮女孩 閃亮登場 英文翻譯

a shining girl made the grandest of grand entrances

⑺ 英語翻譯 天真無邪、歡快矯捷的妮妮將在體操比賽中閃亮登場,她代表奧林匹克五環中綠色的一環.

The innocent, joyful Jiaojie Nini in the gymnastics competition in its debut, she represented the Olympic rings in the green part

⑻ 【請求日語翻譯】天空一聲巨響老子閃亮登場 即使天空沒有巨響 老子也要摸黑登場.



⑼ 李煜的《玉樓春》怎麼翻譯





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