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㈠ 一日三餐的英語作文

  • I'm XXX,I eat bread and milk in the morning,because it is very healthy.At noon I like to eat chicken,hamburgers and rice,they are so tasty.In the evening,I like to eat some fruit,I eat strawberry,banana and apple,because I don't want to get fat.This is my three meals a day diet.

㈡ 一日三餐的英語作文100詞


1、I am a middle school student. I usually have breakfast at home. My mother cooks breakfast for me everyday. I like egg and milk, but I prefer bread. I have lunch at school. I often eat beef and vegetables. I like vegetables. Because I think it is good for our health. But it isn』t delicious, so I don』t like it. As for dinner, I eat at home. My mother often cooks fish and chicken. I prefer them to berad.

2、It's important for everyone to have three meals everyday. Many people miss their breakfast because they do not have enough time -- that's totally bad for bodies. It's easy for you to get hungry if you do not have anyone of these three meals. Breakfast is important, beacuse you have not been eating anything for hours before you get up. You can not miss your lunch because you need to get energy for the rest of the day. Some people do not have dinner in order to lose weight, but they will feel hungry later but food taken at that time is harder to be digested, they will get less nutrition but a lot fat store in their body instead. That's why you need to have three meals on time everyday.

㈢ 關於一日三餐的英語作文

There are three people in my family:My father,my mother and I.My father likes eggs,noodles and apples for breakfast. My mother likes eggs,soup and milk. I Iike eating bread,milk and fruit! We usually have French fries,chicken,tomatoes,rice and porridge for lunch.We have dinner at 18:00. I like eating potapoes,soup,rice and vegetables.But my father doesn't like. He likes broccoli,rice and fruit!We don't have dessert.

We eat lots of food,because My mother think it is good for us to keep healthy

我家有三口人:爸爸、媽媽和我. 我的爸爸喜歡吃雞蛋,面條和蘋果吃早餐。我的媽媽喜歡吃雞蛋,湯喝牛奶。我喜歡吃麵包、牛奶、水果!我們通常有炸薯條、雞肉、西紅柿、大米、粥午餐我們吃晚餐下午六時正。我喜歡吃potapoes、湯、大米和蔬菜但是我的父親不喜歡。他喜歡花椰菜、大米和水果我們不要吃甜點。


㈣ 寫一篇關於我的一日三餐的英語作文(過去式)




㈤ 以一日三餐為題目,寫一篇英語作文.(帶翻譯)(不少於5句話)

這就是我的一日三餐: I eat bread and milk in the morning.Then go to school.Come back at noon to eat the noodles.Come back at night to eat is a big chicken.This is my three meals a day

㈥ 英語作文一日三餐不少於5句

一日三餐(Three meals a day)
Hello, everyone! I don』t like sports, but I like eating very much. I eat a lot food every day. For breakfast, I like milk, eggs and bread a lot . For lunch, I like French fries, chicken, hamburgers and apples. For dinnerr, I like fruits, vegetables and rice.


㈦ 英語作文我父母的一日三餐開頭要翻譯

I am a middle school student.I usually have breakfast at home.My mother cooks breakfast for me everyday.I like egg and milk,but I prefer bread.I have lunch at school.I often eat beef and vegetables.I like vegetables.Because I think it is good for our health.Although it isn』t delicious,I like it.As for dinner,I eat at home.My mother often cooks fish and chicken.I prefer them to beef.我是一名中學生,我常常在家吃早餐,我媽媽每天都為我做早餐,我喜歡吃雞蛋和牛奶,更喜歡吃麵包,我的午飯在學校吃,常常吃牛肉和蔬菜,我喜歡吃蔬菜因為我覺得多吃蔬菜有益健康,所以盡管蔬菜不好吃,我仍然喜歡吃.晚飯我一般在家裡吃,我媽媽常常做魚和雞肉,與牛肉相比我更喜歡吃魚肉和雞肉

㈧ 英語作文我的一日三餐《我的一日三餐》45字

Usually I have my breakfast at 6 o'clock in the morning. I like to eat bread and egg.
I have my lunch at school. Meat is my favorite food.
And I have supper at 8 o'clock in the evening at home.
Food is good for our health and make us strong.
So let's eat and enjoy our dinner.

㈨ 用英語作文描述你家的一日三餐

Seven in the morning, I woke up to eat breakfast, wow, really rich, with bread and milk, cake or anything waiting for me, enough to eat after I go to school. At noon, I ate Youlin eggplant, chicken wings, Chinese cabbage, tomato, and a bowl of white rice, and I enjoyed it. Home in the evening, my mother made foreign fast food meal, steak, and I am happy not to eat a little left, my mother's cooking and the chef is as good. My three meals a day is very rich, I love to eat rice every day, because it would amaze me。

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