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發布時間: 2022-01-07 07:08:42

⑴ 英語翻譯(不要在線翻譯)

You greatly, our company is introcing a new proct, pocket UV sterilizer, is anti-UV devices. Because the prevalence of swine flu, which can come in handy thing is, so let us write an English language e-mail to brag about a terrible H1NI more to brag about our procts better and in order to attract customers. The following are the Chinese to introce our procts:

The use of portable UV sterilizer with a sterilization effect and is harmless to human body the highest of the high-frequency C-band ultraviolet (UVC) technology, which can completely kill disease-causing bacteria and viruses. Include: Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, and Bacillus subtilis var body mycophenolate source, hepatitis, influenza and other viruses, only a few seconds, the performance of today's portable surface disinfection apparatus. proct by the provincial Center for Disease Control and detection showed that the killing rate of bacteria in more than 99.9%. can tableware, personal goods, public goods, children's toys, computer keyboard and mouse, cash registers, car, drinking water, toothbrushes, telephones, door handles and many other items of surface sterilized also has the function of identifying counterfeit banknotes.

⑵ 枯草芽孢桿菌英文怎麼寫

[詞典] Bacillus subtilis;
Decomposition of low-grade rock phosphate with three strains of Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas sp.

⑶ 氣喘吁吁 用英語怎麼說

氣喘吁吁1.breathless; out of puff 2.to pant; to puff
聞雞起舞 Rise to exercise on hearing the cock crows in the morning

⑷ 求英文翻譯下面的段落

Evil flowers smile cunningly
Sky opens big nasty mouth
Shedding fresh saliva
Thunders smack the ground
Town chills with riot
污流漫溢 放肆
Polluted water flows and slops, gone wild!
瘋雨墜地 放肆
Insane rain squishes the ground, gone wild!

Obscene road seems like tongue
Together with dirty face of sunflower
Wind blows with spikes of roses,blowing it up
Sunlight transmitted in the air with laziness
Blacktop crawls like a worm
尾氣散亂 美麗
Omission gas disgusts, beautiful!
枯草浪漫 美麗
Romantic Self-Heal,beautiful!

Scales lift themselves up in plain
Inflation of body e to intense dilatation
Smelly neon lamp lighting it up
Blood flows on chapped face
Greedily absorbs dirty gas
燈火通明 抽離
Lights everywhere, separate!
百獸爭鳴 抽離
Beasts barks everywhere,separated!


⑸ 昨天當我氣喘吁吁到家時,女兒已經睡著半個小時了 英文翻譯 已經睡著這是關鍵啊,我不會翻譯

Yesterday when I got home pantingly,my daughter had already slept for half an hour.

⑹ 翻譯:陽光下的枯草怎麼說(英文和日文都要)

英語:The dried grass under(/ in) the sunshine.

⑺ 英語翻譯

Pick to: 【 objective 】 of three common microbes for regular physiological and biochemical reaction identification. 【 methods 】 through the hydrolysis of starch sugar fermentation test, test, methyl red test and v-general test of three common microbes under physiological and biochemical reaction determination. 【 results 】 the hydrolysis of starch test results is bacillus subtilis can proce amylase; Sugar fermentation tests prove escherichia coli and ordinary proteus and proces acid and gas and bacillus subtilis in a small amount of organic acid; Methyl red test prove escherichia coli and bacillus subtilis and ordinary proteus positive; V-general test results is bacillus subtilis and ordinary proteus reaction was positive. 【 conclusion 】 the hydrolysis of starch sugar fermentation test, test, methyl red test and v-general test can never tongfang face to identify common strains.

Keywords: microbial; Appraisal; Physiological and biochemical reaction

⑻ 英文翻譯

這是明確指出,水葉提取物具有的重要一 oblongifolia對革蘭氏陽性,革蘭陰性和真菌的抗菌活性物種。分數AP2是稍微對枯草芽孢桿菌和A.煙,但分數活躍(AP3)被發現高度對枯草芽孢桿菌生產和A.抑制明確區積極尼日如表3所示。此外,分數AP4發現抗細菌活性中度如明細表Kl。肺炎鏈球菌,金黃色葡萄球菌,枯草桿菌,包括黑麴黴,煙麴黴和A. fla6us真菌。 AP1的分數並沒有顯示任何針對細菌和真菌活性。大腸桿菌,吉隆坡。產氣和青黴被發現無效對水提取物以及一 oblongifolia所有分數葉子。的抗菌作用,因為軍事工業表現在連續稀釋液的方法,大多數的生物檢測並不受抑制濃度高達100毫克/毫升與AP1和AP2結構的一小部分。對微生物生長的抑制是最具有分數和枯草芽孢桿菌的一 oblongifolia AP3黑麴黴明顯葉子。不過,分數AP4表現出軟弱,但溫和的抗菌抗真菌活性。這一觀察提供了有力的環境證據顯示,抗真菌蛋白小/肽在植物發揮了重要作用抗菌防禦系統。

⑼ 草的英語 怎麼寫

草 [cǎo]
grass manuscript straw rough draft (of a document) careless hasty
thintial herbage wort mushroom saxifrage graminaceous herb herba

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