1. 還剩下多少的英文怎麼說
how much more?
2. 剩下的20元錢用英語怎麼說
3. 你還剩多少錢 英語翻譯
1 你還剩多少錢?( 地道,常用的表達)
How much money left?
2 我只剩下50 元了,買不起那個東西
Only 50 yuan left,Not enough to but it.
3 他最近這幾個月版,心權情很不好。 我建議他出去旅行散散心
He is not good those months.I suggested him to have a trave.
4 你打算去哪裡旅行散心?瑞士怎樣?
Where would you like to go?How about Switzerland.
5 你想去 旅行幾天呢? 我想去旅行1個月,好好靜一靜
How long would you like to go there? About 1 month for realx.
6 你想去 蘇州旅行多久? 我想去蘇州旅行3天,時間足夠了。
How long would you like to trave in suzhou.About 3days ,I think that 's enough.
4. 剩下的錢 英語怎麼說
the remaining money
the money that remains
5. 如果我還有剩下的錢 翻譯成英文
If I have money left ...
6. 還剩下多少錢,英語翻譯
1 你還剩下多少錢復?
2 你還剩下幾制次機會?
3 我只剩下50 元了
how much money do you have left ?
how manyopportunities do you left ?
i only have 50 Yuan.
i only get the last chance.
how much time do we have left ?
我可以保證准確 ! 下面的回答我就覺得不正確 應該是翻譯機翻譯的吧!
1 how much money have you left?
A few opportunities to 2 do you have left? 這句就有問題 我們還剩下多少機會 怎麼會有2 這個數字 都變成 你還剩多少,少數的機會到2 ???
3 I only 50 yuan.
4. I only have one last chance.
5. How much time do we have left?
7. 錢剩的不多了用英語怎麼說
There is little money left.
8. 英語翻譯1你還剩下多少錢
How much money did you leave?